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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. Hope this is not true, but a guy at work today told me that he heard from a Doctor that Clark's injury is far worse than we are being told and that Trengove had surgery on his broken foot a week ago.
  2. Aren't people who use twitter twits?
  3. I think he also won the Stawell Gift. I find him ok.
  4. So Brock didn't play against them in their 11 loss run or if not, see, hear or read anything about them in that period. Therefore unlike any other AFL football follower, let alone player, he would not have known what Carlton was doing during that 3 months. Even "blind Freddie " knew what they were doing and it was discussed in the media as well. Wasn't their something called the "Kreuzer Cup"?
  5. Gawn on the long term injury list again. Anyone else getting worried about big Maxie ever being fit to play?
  6. Can we get over the slip by AD on when we responded, it is irrelevant to the real issue.
  7. Australia certainly can be tough at times, cyclones, floods, droughts, bushfires and now tornadoes. Still we are the lucky country. All the best to the people suffering at the moment and I mean the weather victims, not Melbourne supporters.
  8. Why? All she will do is tell whoever challenges her to "not be ridiculous." That is her "modus operandi" everytime she is challenged and especially when shown she was wrong.
  9. Glad to be back with my fellow banana lovers.
  10. Back in Melbourne after going through Cyclone Oswald at Gold Coast. It was really scary. Lucky to get a flight out of Brisbane today.
  11. They have stopped.
  12. I thought it was Viagra.
  13. I have become a tissue man, ever since I realised that with hankies you carry all your germs and nasal discharge around with you in your pocket. Yuk!
  14. Have just dribbled all over my IPad.
  15. What, you are suggesting we told players to lose. I know we wouldn't do that. I would support the banning of any Coach who told players to lose.
  16. What, tell the players to lose, why would anyone do that?
  17. And now for some really good news, I return on Monday. Hope to get down to my first training run for this season and give a report. Looking forward to seeing the new boys and also the physical development in some of the younger members like Taggert and Tynan etc. Last night out for dinner with WJ and the wives and ran into Guy McKenna and about 10 of the Suns. Must say I didn't recognise any of them. Think they were some of the newer ones. When we finished I noticed Guy in a corner with the boys having a meeting. Guy is a lot smaller than I imagined, he seems about my height 175 cms and that seems wrong, anyway when I stood next to him we seemed the same height. He was a great player for the Eagles and he probably needs some success this year to continue as Coach, one would think.
  18. GWS have a new Vice Captain but I won't mention him.
  19. I have already booked a seat at the post premiership party for the MFC 2013 flag.
  20. Had half a banana for breakfast. I am however a glass half full type of guy, so it was good. Any news stories convicting us today?
  21. I wouldn't, mind a diversion.
  22. I hope every Demon on 99 games gets his 100th. Lynden will in his first game this year. He is versatile and worth his place on the list.
  23. Not in the slightest. I am always gratified when someone feels happy reading or contributing to this thread.
  24. I would agree with most of that.
  25. How about the 100's meetings he attended all over Victoria, both public and private to solicit Foundation Heroes. Pretty successful I heard. Suppose that counts for nothing as you clearly despise him, maybe because he took your position on the Board. I say maybe as I don't know who you really are, I am just making a wild guess based on your posts. Am I now to be the next poster attacked? PS I can't say emphatically that Don is the best Board member in the club's history but he is clearly not the worst; I had the honour of sharing a Board role with the person who owns that title. His sole contribution was to get the beer from the cupboard at the end of meetings, he did absolutely nothing and I mean nothing else. His Chairman was a drunken self obsessed fool who was prepared to destroy the club rather than lose an election. We have had some great Directors.
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