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Posts posted by Tricky

  1. yes thanks for that

    that's the bit that made my heart sink as it clearly leaves the door wide open

    Yeah and that presser wasn't ever going to tell us anything else.

    I'm not buying any predetermined outcome on this either way.

    Let the unbridled speculation continue!

  2. why ?? lol

    some seem overly blind here.

    He only has to take the stance that he doesnt talk to anyone. per se. He is of course entitled to talk to his management..as thats perfectly accepptable ..Thats what you do.

    VelSports will be in the course of many players talking to GWS ( and others )

    An outcome could be Vels knowing what terms Scully is looking for could come at him at some point with a ...Here look at his..liike ? sign here..

    At that point Scully could turn aroiund to th eclub with a "well its like this "

    At what point up til then has he lied or been at all dishonest ?? None

    Its entirely possible that the first th eclub really knows of any outcome is when its passed into the " past"

    Now that may not be the way Scully operates at al. But it could be the way Velocity does. Scully seems very happy to leave it to them.

    Anyone here know or comprehend the notion of "plausible deniability ' ??

    Hypothesis of course....none of this ever happens....never never never :unsure: nupp !!

    beat by THAT much

  3. What do you mean "its like this " if he tells them he's already signed or about to sign ( with GWS) the he's blatantly lied !


    Because he stated in March that he hadn't been approached yet?

    He also stated:

    "Well if the time did come and it hasn't ... I mean I'd have to look into it and I'll leave all that stuff to my management and the club to sort out"

    Fair enough if it turns out any of this was untrue at the time, but otherwise, no need to cast aspersions on his character.

  4. I agree. I'd say he's in the VFL to rehabilitate - that word gets used all the time to describe injured players, but I think describes what's happening with him as well. Once he's "better" he'll be back in the seniors and probably better than he's ever been.

    Haven't you heard, he's "languishing in the reserves"...

    Wow Jon Ralph, quality journalism.

    I suppose by languishing he means being named in the best, with 28 touches & 5 tackles, pleasing the coach with his attitude.

    Morton will and should stay.

  5. to me that's what he was explicitly stating not even in a veiled way

    he's saying that everyone gets instructions from the coach, and if blokes dont follow them the system doesn't work. He is saying he is guilty of this, deserved to be dropped, and now he is learning it. I say good on him for writing that it is a ballsy thing to do and interesting that the club posts it on the same day the HS has a slagpiece on him getting dropped and leaving the club, what garbage.

    can't believe nobody else has raised the bit about Barty being one of the most rated footballers at the club, he gets absolutely no rating on this site


    Nice work Cale.

  6. No, I'm here.

    Just watched the finale of Chuck (you don't know it, it's ok, but it's a good show!).

    Anyway, the Dees.

    We suck but we're better than we were last year. That gets lost on those that think 2010 was all party pies and Sydney floggings...

    Although, Jamar, Grimes, Trengove, Bail, and Garland have been in our top ten players this year...

    We will see the resolve of our 'senior' players in the next month.

    And that is valuable - 2011 was never going to be anything other than a middling (or competitive) year and we are more or less (leaning heavily on the less) lived up to that inspiring promise.

    We have the cattle - but they are babies (or injured - McK and TS) and they are not helped by their more experienced 'leaders.'

    Just a hunch but I reckon DC was hoping you would pass comment on the Egyptians being in agreement with OD's mother...

  7. For those who don't follow Stats Incredible - Wins and Losses

    In the case of the Demons, the difference between wins and losses has been stark so far this year. But there are several statistical indicators which certainly suggest things are looking up for the Demons.

    One significant figure is the percentage of scores per inside 50. Melbourne ranks number one in the competition at scoring once inside 50, with a 53.7 per cent success rate.

    In recent seasons this area has been a huge challenge for the side - in 2008 and 2009 the Demons were ranked 16th, while in 2010 they jumped to 10th.

    There are several theories behind this significant jump - a more stable forward line this year, improved kicking efficiency going inside 50, an increase in centre clearances and the ability to cause better, more ‘pure’ turnovers further up the ground.

    Whichever way you look at it, this is a definite sign of improvement.

  8. Howe is a bit Robertson-esque but with the bonus of real and genuine second efforts. Theres a trend currently away from the FF necessarily being some limited beanpole. Wha tHowe lacks ( slightly ) in staure he certainly makes up for in vertical proess. Heres someone who really can present and make the grabs stick. Im inclined to feel hed add quite another dimension to our attck thats sorely missing currently. He too , like Watts and Jurrah can easily move upfield when required. These three could be the makings of a very lethal and highly mobile forward group..

    So glad you put the second part of that sentence in.

  9. I wasn't quoting from any article....Just responding to what was written in the opening post.

    Fair enuff.

    ok..it was ovious the ref was "Morton was dropped after the West Coast game and told to work on elements of his game.

    But last week he was taken to task by Casey coach Brad Gotch over his motivation."

    Still it is an interesting choice of word - wonder if it was a direct quote from Gotch.

    The Rnd 7 player review from Gotch certainly mentions Cale needing to be more physical - which I think many would agree with.

  10. If I saw Tapscott tackling someone like he was tackled I would be expecting it to be holding the ball. If you have one hand free with the ball then its expected he should at least try to kick it. There are worse decisions being made.

    Interesting point, personally I don't think he had time - hence no PO.

    My understanding is that PO occurs before the tackle, not during.

    Quote from Gieschen "Certainly didn't have prior opportunity"

    Agree you don't have to look far to see worse decisions.

  11. AFL 'What's your decision video

    About half way through this clip, Jeff Gieschen tries to explain why Tapscott was correctly penalised for Holding the Ball, despite not having prior opportunity. It's quite laughable.

    (almost as laughable as the Brad Green example directly after, where he highlights an incorrect disposal by our player. Yes it was obviously incorrect disposal, but I reckon we tackled North guys about 6-10 times during the 1st half on Saturday, all of which resulted in the player dropping the ball - and often with prior opportunity - yet no decision was taken).

    Gieschen's explanation that they are encouraging players to dispose of the ball 'any way they can' in an effort to keep the play moving, proves to me that the AFL have lost the plot once again when it comes to this rule.

    Yes laughable. No prior opportunity, not holding the ball - anything else is open to interpretation and will result in inconsistency.

    If players are encouraged to stand up in the tackle (a la the Didak example) then I believe that the tackling player is left with little choice but to try and bring the player to the ground (a la Dangermouse - Trengove).

    Please stop f*&%!ing around with the game!

  12. I'm tipping you should smash your rose glasses!

    Just joking, but like your confidence.

    Wish I could share it.


    I will be happy with 4 Qtr's of effort given the circumstances.

  13. This attitude is the one that puzzles and annoys me.

    "Turn this around"? From what??

    You make it sound like we were a much better side and we've progressively gotten worse.

    This is a misnomer.

    Last year we had performances, just like the Adelaide win, but supporters have gotten ahead of themselves, thinking we are more developed than we are.

    There's even a perception that we have "gone backwards"!

    At some point you need to sit back and realise you overestimated how far along the curve we were.

    Yeah, we're sick of waiting, but that doesn't mean it is possible or reasonable to expect us to be ahead of where we are right now.

    It's all about time to develop the kids' bodies, and games to develop their minds.

    I think we should be able to agree that the mature players won't take us much further than where we are now.

    Could not agree more Artie.

    Just so I'm clear - does this make me an apologist? Sorry for needing to ask ;)

  14. Look Bob, it's easy for you to come up with some statistically based analysis like this but if you trawl through statistics long enough you're bound to find correlations between things like ladder positions and stats. Hell, I've always thought that wins/losses were a good guide!!

    But personally I'm sick of factually bases reasons. Why shouldn't young kids who weigh 8 kgs less than older mature players not be able to compete and win things like, well, the ball for instance? Why shouldn't young players who have had 3 or 4 less preseasons and 60 odd less games to develop their skills be as efficient with the ball and as calm under pressure????

    Look for all the reasons and logic that explain performance you like, but come the weekend if we lose they are all just excuses. Yes, apologists excuses. You know it, I know it and Artie know's it.

    Get a grip son, it's not players that win and lose matches it's everyone else. Until you realise that we're not going anywhere.

    Great post. Now, back to the sacking threads...

  15. I think the continual criticism of Jones on this site is pathetic. He is one guy, in particular this year, that has actually played consistent footy, and is showing some form of leadership when most are crying out for it. Last year he (and Moloney to some degree) started to try and make the players gel off-field, especially the younger guys, so I have great respect for Nathan.

    Nathan will never be a superstar, and to be honest, we don't need him to be. He has generally been a reliable performer and plays to his strengths well. He has also played some 90% of games possible since his debut, which to me shows that he obviously does the job required of him more often than not (althought the Jones-bashers will say he has played so many becuase we have had no depth).

    Well done Nathan.


    Nicely put.

  16. im not one for social media...not my scene...but can see that this is th esort of thing that might appeal across the board with supporters of many and all clubs.

    Getting this sort of campaign to go viral might well give it some legs.

    He says racking up his 8,555th post ;)

  17. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/113749/default.aspx

    Amazing the AFL allowed this to be posted on the site

    Good stuff.

    Nice conclusion:

    I want to plead with our administrators, legislators, and adjudicators to guard against this devolution of the game, so that when I one day take my grandson to his first game at the MCG, I am not taking him to witness some bizarre use of the Sherrin in a giant super-sanitised game of lawn bowls.
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