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Posts posted by Tricky

  1. Interesting observation.

    Mick Malthouse is following 5 MFC player/staff on Twitter and NIL opposition. Maybe the talks have begun!!! :lol:

    Think you are seeing a list of people you are following who are also following Mick.

  2. No way. This would be contrary to the hard work we put in bottoming out. Our focus should be on maturing our potential not chasing NQRs in their late 20's

    Strauss, Jetta and maric have no trade currency. If they are no good and dont work then we get rid of them. We want players who will be players when our young core quality mature and blossom. We only add the right older bodies when we are close to challenging. That is 2 to 3 years away. We consider then when we know what we want at that time


    Edit: not just the bold bit - I just particularly liked that sentence

  3. Even if there is something to this "sequence of intensity" all it really says is that our preparation is lazy and inadequate.

    If I'm wrong and it is unavoidable, at least we have less chance of being completely reamed by the bummers rnd 11.

  4. A valid question... but McLardy is co-appointee here so if health was the worry he (DMcL) would surely have stepped in to start proceedings ?

    The club states that DMcL's role in the co-app. is "administrative" - whatever that means...

  5. want to buy a bridge ??

    That is pure spin and damage control.To beleiee otherwise is foolhardy and youre welcome to do so.

    I wont argue at what point the actual appointment was made. Though that in itself to me make me even more curious that had it been made the other day. Someone had an inkling that all was not right. My impression is that with the pending release of the Andrews report maybe they didnt want to upset anyone too early. Maybe they second guessed the take that the media would have of it and thought to go slowly slowly. That was...until Bad Thursday and Fallout Friday !! Then their hand was forced.

    There is , to me, obviously a lot more going on about all this than we're ever likely to know for some time. A wheel has fallen of the footy depts wagon. Quite possibly the Board thought all things being equal they could push the new role into place with all parties' cogs meshing into place without to much jarring. Then it all threw a hissy fit. Something gave.

    The Andrews report , by all accounts, and this hasnt been refuted anywhere to my knowledge , identifies the football dept as the only real unknown. It was this notion that prompted the board to re-establish the football directorship ( and why this was allowed to go fallow is anyones') and use this conduit to better understand the current state of machinations within the boiler -room.

    Timelines are interesting and forensics use them to establish the bonefide of events as opposed to their appearance.

    Why was the GO button only pushed AFTER the most recent board meeting.. why werent Stynes/Mclardy installed into operational mode prior to this... what bus were they waiting for ? ( the same one Baileys looks to be awaiting by all accounts !! )

    Looks like , sounds like, walks like .......:unsure:

    I wonder if the bus was JS' health. This was one factor in the timeline that was out of anyones control...

    I find it hard to believe this as reactionary as it may appear - naive maybe

  6. They obviously didn't get the story right, BB.

    The Age, in my view, wrote it to elicit the response it got and removed important details like the fact the decision was made before the season started.

    With that said, I still believe it is Jim's desire to mould the FD after this season.

    It would appear to be the case...

    MFC Clarification on Stynes' Role

    MELBOURNE has clarified president Jim Stynes’ role with its football department, after comments made in The Age on Thursday.
  7. FWIW i believe there will be 2 changes

    In: Bate, Maric

    Out: Morton, Dunn

    Newton was ordinary on the weekend.

    Petterd didn't set the world on fire either and if i was a betting man i would suggest he's been sent back to Casey to work on a particular area of his game- when he gets that right he will be back.

    McDonald still has sloppy ball use and barring an injury i can't see him forcing his way back in.

    Warnock is stiff and must be close, it is also possible that melbourne do a bulldogs and bring in Warnock for Frawley to get some form at Casey.

    Agree with all of this other than I rate McDonald higher than this, he is showing form at the moment.

  8. if one was at all skeptical you might wonder as to exactly the nature of Stynes firm hand !!

    I for one wil be intrigued to see if not only the fervour of our players increases but if the nature and style of game might not shift...maybe just a tad :unsure:

    Intriguing indeed.

  9. Back to the point, my initial thread should not have been locked. The moderator who locked it should put their hand up.

    It was QueenC and having trawled thru the majority of this garbage I applaud her judgement....

    Although I wouldn't have learned that your MLK quote was in fact a hoax, nor had the pleasure of RangeRover's classic line re: Jones' twitter (seriously, thinking that would make a great signature)

    Lighten up MM - Yew!

  10. It is worth keeping at least in the immediate future purely for the Land Value, which will keep increasing...but let us all work out a way to get the Bentleigh club working as a venue that supporters want to use regularly.

    The Few times i have been in there, apart from the room upstairs with the Game on the Big Screen, you can seriously count the number of patrons in there on 10 fingers.

    If we are going to own it, let's get some solid use out of it. (After an M.C.G. game, i would happily go down there if i knew the Game was to be replayed. With a few Beers watching the Game on the Box with Commentary is completely different to being in the crowd.)

    That is just one example of some patronage.

    How many people use it during the week apart from those who live next door???

    Lets face it, the location is great for residential purposes, but it plain sucks for a club.

    As Diesel said, IF it is to go ahead, the focus should be on finding the new site, relocating and getting the new venue profitable (perhaps with some of the initiatives you mention)

    The key problem here is the location: (from the discussion paper)

    Gaming machines are presently under-utilised – The

    Bentleigh Club holds 10% of the GME‟s in the Glen Eira

    Local Government Area (“LGA”), however only generate

    4% of the gaming revenue.

    • This under-utilisation has a flow on effect to Food &

    Beverage income.

    • The Rosstown Hotel and the Boundary Taverner are

    venues that have greater revenue share compared with

    the number of machines they hold – they are both

    located on intersections of major roads surrounded by

    other retail businesses, enabling generation of greater

    casual patronage.

    • Conversely, venues that are also under-utilised, such as

    Alma Sports Club, South Oakleigh Sports Club and

    Caulfield RSL, are also located in residential areas with no

    surrounding retail trade.

    • Location appears to be the key factor in this venue‟s

    performance – this view is supported by CMS

  11. Herald suns article today states this plus Scully, out top 4 for tackles last year jordie, mcdonald, moloney and scully, only one has played this season.... effectively costing us 15+ tackles a game, when players like jones and sylvia dont tackle.....

    Interestingly, Sylvia's tackle count was equal highest (7) on Thur night.

    According to prowess sports he averages 6.2 and has laid 32 in 2011.

    On tackling though, I am constantly frustrated with what can only be referred to as our half-assed tackling.

    I keep telling myself that this will improve as our kids gets bigger, but this one-handed, token crap that we see every week needs addressing now.

    I suppose that's what DB is referring to with back to basics...

  12. Fair Bump.

    Judd may poke at the ball at times when kicking but he is a generational superstar. His ability to impact and influence a game off his own effort is outstanding. Thats not to take anything away from Ablett who is one of the best of his era. But Judd is like having 4 extra players when he is on. And he is the first tagged by a mile at CFC. At Geelong, Ablett is the best of great midfield of Bartel, Chapman, Corey and Selwood.

    By many posters assessment, Judd was a shadow of his past WCE era in 2010 and still won the B'low. How good is he?

    Judd - and can't add anymore to this.

    How good was he Friday night.

  13. Will be there with bells on,

    People all want the best for the club well turn up and put it thru the gates, the only way we will land a "BIG FISH" is if we turn a big profit this year, yes the debt is gone but that is alot due to demolition and donation.... if crowds drop so will MFC bottom line.

    The better the crowds for the rest of the year the better placed MFC will be in the future, regardless of coaches and results, we can drive the clubs off field position

    exactly right - what is the crowd required to break even for a home game at the G again?? ~20K?

    turn up, with or without a sign, whatever. turn up!

  14. While I agree that we should continue to support the club and back them through the ups and downs, it is hardly accurate to label some (justifiably) annoyed and angry supporters as 'giving up' when it has been 10 years since we last played in a GF and 47 since we actually won a premiership.

    Melbourne will come out firing this week I think, and show that world what they are capable of. It's whether they can continue with it that is the concern.

    We are all justifiably annoyed - but support shouldn't be conditional on success; that's fairweather crap.

  15. We disagree often but you are totally CORRECT here. We should all come this weekend and be positive and be as one. This is a very critical time for us and we need to be shown as supporters.

    Club before negativity.

    In someways our players mirrors the passion of our supporters. Give up to easily.

    I'm with these two...(very well said by both)

  16. I've got this crazy idea, I may have mentioned it once or twice since round 1, 2007 but I might say it again.

    Play the forwards in the forward line. I loved watching Moloney run through the middle with the ball only to find not a single teammate to kick it to. It takes me back to the good old days with Daniher.

    While we are at it, play man-on-on. Stuff all this zone rubbish, simple football.

    Add me to the crazy list. We were loose as a goose on Thursday night - complete chaos.

  17. My Football Club Effing Sucks - DA called it MFCMCS, but it's not specific to the MFC, all clubs have these types of supporters. These are the people that believe that everything and anything is wrong with the club and if there's nothing real to criticise, they just make stuff up.

    This one applies to all the people who were having a moan about our 90 point win against GC.

    FS= Fantasy Syndrome i.e. our coach is the greatest, our FD always right, our new recruit will win multiple brownlows etc


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