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Posts posted by Tricky

  1. Agree, Not sure why we go on and on about Scully signing.

    We put our best offer forward and if that is not good enough to keep him so be it.

    He is after all one player.

    JC would not improve us at present

    Good I swore I was not going onto Scully threads again.

    I hear he's good in the wet ;)

  2. Full credit to Stef Martin. It's a sad reflection on where we are at with Stef in 3rd place.

    How Aaron Davey has managed 8 votes this year is astounding.

    He was good in our two landslide wins.

  3. Agree, we have just left Base Camp for the trek up the mountain. But we've forgotten the toilet paper supplies and Davey noted this, so he has just quickly gone back to stock up for the trek ahead.

    A good thing too cause I think we had a really dodgy vindaloo the night before we left.

  4. Mate, useful to get your facts right!

    Newton isn't more youth. Bate isn't more youth. MacDonald isn't more youth. Rivers isn't more youth. Neither is Warnock. We probably had our oldest side out there that we have had for a very long time.

    We weren't held back on the weekend by our youth. We were held back by injuries, lack of depth, poor leadership and some senior blokes who have been retained but cannot deliver and are not part of our future.

    And yet were, on avg, 2 yrs younger, and 40 games less experienced than St Kilda. They ARE the facts

  5. Yeah you're right, what were we thinking when we expected some improvement after 3 years of rebuilding...

    Ok I'm wrong then, there will be no improvement or development to come out of our young group this year. Season over. :rolleyes:

  6. *BUMP*

    ...and I would still be interested to know other thoughts....working a real treat ~!

    No personal experience; I'm not sure about it from the varying reports...

    Mick Malthouse made some interesting comments:

    “I hate it. I think it’s degrading,” he said.

    “It depends on each club, and I’m not for a moment saying the Bulldogs have got it right, wrong or indifferent because I don’t know their system. All I’m saying is when I first arrived at Collingwood, a certain young bloke who wasn’t mentally really strong was out in the middle and I let those groups go because there’s no use me joining them...and what I saw, to me, was appalling.

    “Some will respond. They will stand up and they’ll be strong and they’ll come away thinking, ‘I can do this’. But it’s not going to make everyone strong. It’s going to make some players actually weaker. And for all intents and purposes you may well lose that player, totally. That’s not the system.”

    Fab or Fad

    According to the LT website the following clubs use their service:

    Geelong Football Club

    Western Bulldogs

    Melbourne Football Club

    Sydney Swans

    Adelaide Crows

    Hawthorn Football Club

    Richmond Football Club

    Essendon Football Club

    I think Ray McLean has several books if you are interested HT!

  7. Excuses excuses excuses. That is football. Teams with substance rise above adversity

    When did we become a team with substance?

    Additional stats in the context of today's game...

    Average Attributes

    St Kilda Attribute Melbourne

    186.7cm Height 186.4cm

    85.9kg Weight 85.3kg

    25yr 7mth Age 23yr 8mth

    104.2 Games 61.1

    Total Players By Games

    St Kilda Games Melbourne

    5 Less than 50 11

    7 50 to 99 6

    3 100 to 149 4

    7 150 or more 1

    Clearly it does not explain the lack of leadership and form from players like Davey, but to ignore them completely is irrational.

  8. Echo that.

    Our kids were good.

    Gysberts is a B grade player right now, at 19.

    He will be good...

    And Watts is showing more and more.

    Our kids are getting there.

    It's the Daniher leftovers that are not doing much...

    +1 what you said about what he said plus the bits you added.

  9. IMO any player at AFL level should understand what is required of them. If the club need to bring in a set of rules to further teach them what they should allready know then we're a LONG way away from being 1/2 decent

    I think you'll find that this kind of concept exists at all the clubs.

    The question (as HT & dc have correctly identified) is: how can the message be most successfully ingrained within the group to create the resolute "culture" that is required.

  10. Hahaha great comment Rogue.

    Not sure if serious, but I'm not sure that it matters - still made me laugh.

    In regards to upgrading Evans permanently for next year, it is becoming tight with only Newton and MacDonald players I see as close to the chop.

    Although, none of the current rules may matter, as my understanding is that the Players Association is pushing for the abolishment of the rookie list, with clubs just having that many extra senior spots. The pay for the rookies is seen as unfairly low.

    The idea is to have the one national draft and it just goes longer, with each team getting more picks.

    Can't remember where I read or heard it, but that's my recollection.

    That's right Artie.

    AFLPA push to axe rookie list

  11. And also man didnt actually walk on the moon - it was created in a studio in Hollywood

    And 7/11 was perpetrated by zionists as there were phone calls to every Jewish person who worked in the twin towers telling them not to go to work. Not one Jewish person died in the towers collapse.

    And Elvis Presley is not really dead but living on a tropical Island with Michael Jackson as his toyboy

    Your point ?

    Ahhh the old convenience store conspiracy ;)

  12. FWIW i brough a jumper and had the #31 put on it the day after his press conference. Although he didnt put the situation to bed he did enough to get me pumped about his future in red/blue. If he doesnt sign then i'll just have to say i got #31 on my jumper becasue i was a big paul wheetley fan!


    Or the great RB!

  13. It also leaves the door open to an increase in value. Smart.

    Playing it smart all round. Just a pity that damn knee is holding him back.

    got a concession on the popcorn and beer ?? lol

    It's great value ;)

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