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Posts posted by Tricky

  1. My understanding is that he has had 2 weeks training alone outside the (rehab) group, presumably as part of his punishment. Also there was talk of a fine, which has presumably happened, but not been made public.

    Thanks, so IMO should be free to play if he is fit / uninjured and earns his spot. I really look forward to that!

  2. That being said, I disagree with C & B in that Jurrah should be able to play when he is fit. Innocent until proven guilty. It is not the MFC's place to impose bans when the law is taking its course.

    Agree re: the criminal case, however there was the matter of the alcohol - what ever happened with that? Would any punishment be applied "once fit" or is it a case of not playing anyway so leave it at that?

  3. The night was for the Foundation Heroes and Elite player sponsors, the cost was $195 per head but the Elite Player sponsors, I understand, were admitted free of charge. This is going to take the place of the Season Launch an event the club has run before.

    I have been to a few nights like this before but it was just ordinary and there was not much happening, plus the food was terrible.

    Premium members got invitations also

  4. Gee there's some bizarre self-loathing commentary here.

    A blazer is a fantastic idea for the club and I reckon a supporters version should be made as well in bright colours for those of us who are too old or unable (MCC Members) to wear a guernsey.

    Let them call us the bloody toffs if they want, who cares? Let's don some boater hats as well whilst we're at it, get a whole army of us together in full regalia! Think about it! Absolutely fantastic I reckon!

    A blazer is a pretty hip and fashionable item at the moment and has a heritage element we can exploit extremely well.

    Supporters need to stop being paranoid and ashamed about being perceived as affluent or posh or well heeled, it's ridiculous!

    We live in one of the richest countries in the world!

    Is anyone embarrassed about that?

    Personally I don't think there's much to gain from pushing that old stereotype.

    That said tho, I'm not against the blazer - so long as we are a bunch of tough-ass bastards on the field.

    • Like 1
  5. My point is that it is so simple to be negative on people trying to make a difference in the world.

    There are always going to be problems to solve wherever you go, wherever you look.

    Our culture is so cynical and to have a negative attitude towards charities that are aiming to make a difference in the world serves no purpose.

    If you plan on being negative towards a good cause, back it up by doing something yourself, or take it over to make it better.

    Its the equivalent of criticising the US people for donating to our Flood Appeal last year, when they have people devastated by cyclone Yasi.

    OK - thanks for clarifying. I didn't get the connection to Chook's comments re other charities.

  6. The club allowed him to go back to a civil war where he is a main player without any supervision\minder, their negligence is mind boggling.

    To get rid of Ian Flack was a disgrace and they are now paying for it.

    We have now lost one the most naturally gifted talents the club has seen. He won't come back from this, no one could.

    He should of been better protected instead of neglected, a bit too late to come to the rescue now MFC.

    Are you really in a position to make such judgements?


    Jurrah had returned to central Australia to be with his partner, Shijara, whose sister died suddenly last week. He spent time in her township of Hermannsburg, and the Demons were expecting him to return to Melbourne tomorrow."

    See the age article.

  7. quoted for being the most sane poster so far......here here


    One thing I will assume is he will be suspended, No question. Colin Sylvia, Sammy Blease both suspended for minor indescretions. All this rubbish about tribal law and community means nothing. He is a MFC employee and is expected to act like one. Getting held by police is more than enough for Melbourne to suspend him indefinately if not worse. I massive [censored] in the face by a player afforded so much.

    What crap. Assume anything at this stage and you're a fool. Way to support our own.

    • Like 1
  8. They're not watching the NAB cup, it's not even on FTA...

    I agree that people wait to see what we will be like in 2012, but that is for the early rounds of the actual season.

    Some will be watching. If they get excited its seems logical they would be more inclined to sign up.

  9. hey all - first post!

    I'm not sure what he big deal is here. He's out of contract at the end of the year, and we're making an offer. There's nothing Shifty going on here.

    One thing I'd like to see is pendles come to melbourne. Now THAT would [censored] Eddie off. :D

    Nice first post. Ditto...

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