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Posts posted by Neita3000

  1. Asked Matt about Tom swift and he replyed with "There is a real chance Swift could get to Melbourne at No.17 now.". For all you swift fans like me, i hope he falls to our pick and we take him :).

    Also have to mention a big thanks to Burgo for all the effort he puts into all this for all the fans, really appreciate it.

    Ha just read that on the website Chief Demon, great work.

    I wonder what he means by "now"?

    I've read I think on this forum that Swift and Morton are best friends? Any truth to that?

  2. There will be one or two players who haven't been mentioned who will definetly be taken in the first round this year. Last year it was Robbie Tarrant, the year before our very own James Frawley. Matt Burgatron's phantom draft which will come out next thursday is generally petty accurate, his writeups are excellent aswell.

    I personally can see Sidebottom falling to 17. Would love to take him there even though he is a little one paced and doesn't neccesarrily add to a need, he would just be too good to pass up.

  3. No matter what level football is played at predominantly it is a sport based around passion. People are involved in footy cause they love it whether it be coaching, playing or umpiring. Clearly in a professional institution like the AFL there is going to be some transition between players and coaching staff for one reason or another, whilst any valued player leaving a club is disenheartening if it is for reasons like seeking better oppurtunity's or returing home it is somewhat understanding. A player leaving for no other reason than money is in my books (and it seems Dean's) purely disgracefull. I can't believe some people are trying to stick up for Chris and condemn Dean's actions. I look forward to Moloney or Jones attempting to knock his block off when we face Carlton in 09.

  4. I thought his interview was great.

    Finally, we have someone at the club that answers the tough questions!!

    Unfortunately, I believe that we will take Naitanui at one!!!

    I think the MFC think we need him to get bums on seats!!

    You all know my thoughts on this ...

    Did anyone else get that impression?

    Goose I think your just paranoid about picking up Natanui.

    Like you I'd prefer Watts but if we were to pick Natanui I would not have a problem at all. The kid is an excitement machine

  5. again, i am fairly certain we will take watts from what i have heard

    but i can think of plenty of negatives in doing this

    -i know about 26/27 people that have played against him at some stage and they laugh when i comment about jack watts being a superstar and a lot of them dont think he is all that special

    -he has had a couple of games that have really turned people off him, apparantly in an APS/AGS game...

    -i think some people here think he is the next buddy, i dont think this will happen

    i hope we take him, but i dont expect him to be doing much at all at the age of 21 and i wont be tooo upset if we dont take him

    however, most of my draft predictions are wrong so take of it what u want

    What grade was that?

    I mean the kid won the Larke Medal playing against the best kids at the same age as him.

  6. Honestly, I'll be happy no matter who we take.

    Its pretty naive for any of us on here to think that we can make a better educated decision than the clubs recruiting & coaching staff.

    Getting torn up about it is pointless & foolish.

    Not to say I haven't already gone through all of this...

    You're right, in reality the top 3 you could all make a good case for going number 1.

    As optimistic as I am about next season I think we will struggle and again will be close to the bottom of the ladder. Perhaps our coaching staff will make a blunt assesement and realise that they may very well be in a position to take the dream duo of Butcher and Scully next year.

    What would you rather have?

    a)Natanui, Butcher and Scully


    b)Watts, Butcher and Scully?

    Hmm I'd still think I'd take option 2 but option 1 is awfully tempting.

  7. mate i wish it wasnt a reliable source.......... i really do!!!

    and it is this that gives me a sick feeling.........

    i dont understand our club and im losing so much faith

    haha goose. come on mate.

    I've got a sneaking suspicion we'll go for Natanui aswell. Whilst I'd prefer Watts, I can certainly see why we would take Natanui.

  8. It won't be the last time, there will be plenty more to follow. People change jobs or take similar jobs at other work places, footy is no different.

    I understand where you are coming from HT but I would like to believe that footy first and foremost is a sport based around passion rather than primarily a workplace.

  9. Certainly is a glowing endorsement.

    There has been some queries on his physical presence on the footy field. It must be remembered that Lance Franklin wasn't considered the most phsycially itimidating player on the footy field either, however what he did have going for him was an extreme amount of confidence. Look at him now he is one of the most itimidating players in the AFL because of the aura that sorrounds him, he's bloody good and he knows it. From all reports it sounds like Jack is a very confident young man, there certainly are some similarities.

  10. We did. No takers.

    Is Carroll still actually on the 2009 list?

    Do remember Nudge reporting he was on the market.

    Anyway still a poor effort on his behalf.

    Yes, Carroll is still on the list. Don't worry though, there's a few list lodgements to go.

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