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Everything posted by ding

  1. 9-12 would certainly be an improvement on our current position. No doubt. We finished last year 4th. The club are supposed to improve on THAT result. 9-12 is not the kind of "improvement" we need. It will still be a gigantic failure with our list.
  2. No government will throw money at losers, especially losers who are perceived as silvertails.
  3. Winning on and off the field. So much winning. Im tired of our club winning so much. All we do is win win win. Winners.
  4. So the facilities at which Collingwood train are in for yet another multi-million dollar upgrade. Meanwhile we are still homeless. Any news at all? Anyone? Bueller? Fry? Bueller?
  5. Haha thats funny. I deleted the MFC website from my Chrome shortcuts so i wouldn't be tempted to read/hear the absolute garbage the club comes up with after losing. This just tells me i made the correct decision. We came out of the game with a lower percentage than we started with, and it was already one of the lowest in the league. Improvement, Melbourne style. Comedic gold
  6. Most over-rated player in the AFL. I have said this for 18 months.
  7. Haha sine 1910 we have not scored less than 40 points against RFC. MFC 2019 setting new standards !!!
  8. And in the space of a few minutes, they are now double our score. Awesome stuff MFC.
  9. And with that goal, its season over for the Dees. 2020 Pre-season might as well start tomorrow.
  10. Haha, exact;y. Only 3 straight kicks in it, and we are effectively beaten already.
  11. I can see the Tiggers blowing this out in the last. Shame as they dont deserve a percentage booster.
  12. I will....... believe that match-fixing is alive and well.
  13. Bit early to be on the juice isnt it Wise?
  14. Look away now kids.... DEE-STROY-ATION coming up.
  15. I have the next 2 days off but would prefer to sit in front of the mirror and slowly insert toothpicks into my eyes than watch what promises to be a mauling live. In fact i will be doing my best to avoid watching on TV as well. Maybe the odd score-check until the game is obviously done and dusted just to save my family from my foul mood. Cant believe how quickly the team has turned my confidence into utter despair.
  16. I would bloody well hope so. Goodwin has never struck me as the type of inspirational coach who can pluck clever words out of thin air to "Gee" his team up. My opinion is based on nothing more than what I have seen during his many media interviews. Boring, monotone, cliche-laden and repetitive is how he comes across in the media. I feel less informed every time I watch one of his interviews. Out of range of the media microphones, i hope he is a very different beast.
  17. Yep, until its mathematically impossible, i will continue to believe its possible..... because it is. Probable though...... im not so confident atm. Our high press is killing us as we just dont have the fitness and legspeed to do it effectively. Something major has to change in the next 2 weeks or we are done.
  18. Anyone can ask sensible questions. Its just the sensible ANSWERS that require following another club.,
  19. Your second team is Essendon. Broocy said so.
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