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Everything posted by ding

  1. The only position for Oscar is CHB. He doesnt have the agility to play and further forward than that, and any closer to (oppo) goal makes his mistakes more costly. Unless he can improve his manoeuvrability out of sight, its about the only place he can play. Having said that, he still looks like our best option in that role for the time being.
  2. Most of the list are reported to be in ripping nick.... it would be absolutely stupid to have them all outside today spewing their guts up from smoke inhalation. An outside session today could set us back a week or 3 in our prep. Eminently sensible decision by the club.
  3. Just need Lever to do a Knee now. *Runs for cover.
  4. Not sure why anyone would be against the idea, particularly now that that the AFL are tipping in some serious coin of their own. I have no first-hand knowledge of what its like to go through something like these fires, but the human cost must be [censored] enormous. Add to that how i feel every time i see TV reports of Koalas burnt to a crisp..... I cant stand seeing the poor animals suffer like that. (Some will be surprised to hear that i DO have feelings) i cant wait for this to happen, and hope it raises a fortune. Just this once, i wont be worried about MFC players being injured. Surely this is much, much bigger than selfish worries of that sort. I tip my hat to the AFL. Have a heart guys.
  5. Not sure many people actually believed that Doctors had miraculously discovered the cause of his problems and it could now be managed. Might also add to the caution needed about Bennell before anyone gets too excited about his prospects. Hope both make it back to their best for us, but the chances must be extremely slim.
  6. Started the party early eh Fence? Happy new year everyone. One year closer to our next flag.....................................................................
  7. If we are rating our top 50 from the last decade, its a fair chance there will be some ordinary wins amongst them. Its not like we had to dismiss many as not worthy of being in the top 50.......... Hope the next decade has far more to choose from, including a couple of flags.
  8. Me. I emailed. Will renew when i could be [censored],
  9. Never thought you meant it as a dare, and your post did not come across as anything other than genuine. I was just explaining why it wouldnt be worth my time. Merry Christmas
  10. It would cost me $500 to go to the AGM. Simply not worth the sacrifice to ask a question , especially when the pre-prepared answer would probably be spin and waffle. Reckon i will just see what the future brings. Regardless, the revenue will be sorely missed by a club that already relies too heavily on handouts. Now if, for some reason, the AFL made its future financial support of a home base contingent on us dumping pokies, i would have put a sledgehammer through the things myself. Pokies are bloody horrible and i always shake my head when i see the local Grannies blowing their pension on the damn things, but as long a the AFL takes money from gambling "Partnerships" we should have little hesitation making a quid the same way.
  11. Just as interesting that Harley Bennell texted Goodwin about Kossy after we took him. Another sign that he has invested in the club. Hearting Harley already.
  12. Im just holding my breath waiting for the rule change that says "All alleged acts will be treated equally by the MRO and AFL Tribunal; regardless of player profile and/or impact on finals matches"
  13. Broocy wil be utterly devastated.
  14. Nope, mining is increasing every single day. China and a rising India will see to it that mining of all sorts will survive LONG into the future. Synthetic technology will still requires all sorts of exotic things to be dug up as nothing can be made without involvement of things that came from the ground.. Unless you want the world living like cave-dwelling hunter-gatherers, mining stays well into the future.
  15. I still havent heard a compelling reason for us to have sold them (or not renewed, whatever it was) in the first place. Huge revenue stream gone. Replaced with what? Thats another $Mil or so a year we have to go cap in hand to find. If the club has to hit the phones begging again to stitch up a self inflicted wound, thats gonna be a very very hard sell. Cant pay your creditors with "feelings" or whatever it is we gain from dropping pokies.
  16. Aint no way mining is going to die. Modern society would collapse without it. Can you imagine a world without electronics of any kind..... at all? Everything we touch is reliant on the mining industry in some way. If you said "coal mining", maybe you would have a point, but many other forms of mining will continue long into the future.
  17. This is very welcome news, especially for those who might have doubted his dedication. He may not play a game for us, but it seems he is not going to die wondering. Onya bloke.
  18. So important to our chances next year this bloke. 6 kegs dropped is a fair effort. Cant question his pre-season commitment. Injury free he is capable of a HUGE year. *fingers toes and eyes crossed he stay fit all season.
  19. Nev is a quality human. Kozzy is a lucky young man to have an uncle like Nev.
  20. Nah i factored in a team or 2 having to use multiple second rounders to match academy bids
  21. Hope either will be available with our first pick next year #36
  22. If we only finish 12th next year i will eat my hat. Put that list right next to the one showing games lost to injury and see how it looks. Piffle.
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