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Its Time for Another

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Everything posted by Its Time for Another

  1. Given Kynan Brown is likely to come in as a FS did Lamb accidentally telegraph that we wont' have 6 & 11 by draft night just something higher.
  2. Had much worse seasons at the Dogs too like 2022.
  3. Stephen Sylvani was just on Trade Radio and said they hadn't even spoken to Melbourne about Billings. So who knows. SOS would be the last person I'd trust on anything. Based on the Vibe. Nothing else.
  4. Peter Moore Demons Brownlow Medalist Stephen Icke Laurie Fowler Danny Hughes from memory came from Crows. Could be wrong. Peter Rhode
  5. Jake Melksham Bernie Vince a 20's pick won a B&F. Vardy Stephen Powell did more than alright To name just a few
  6. Burgess was apparently talking about his hip pocket not his hip. Breakdown in communication.
  7. Hmmmm a difference of opinion between he and fitness staff. We have no idea what that's about but that of course is the guru Darren Burgess. I know who I'd be respecting in that dispute and its not the player. Clarry had a well documented dispute with our fitness head as well.
  8. There are some things the AFL are doing currently that are travesties. Chief among them is the shredded soft cap. There is absolutely no reason not to have reinstated it to pre Covid levels. Coaches have to be the hardest working people in the AFL with massive workloads at the best of times. To not have reinstated the soft cap levels is an absolute shocker. We should be in a position to appoint a midfield coach as well as an Yze overall senior assistant role and more. Yze was one of the highest paid assistants in the industry so $$ shouldn't be an issue in going after whoever we want for his replacement but it still leaves a skeleton coaching dept compared to pre covid.
  9. Wasted many many undergrad hours and brain cells at Naughtons. Didn't do us any good in that era. Mind you Vinnie Cattogio came and coached us for a couple of seasons before joining the mighty Red and the Blue.
  10. I had a look at these highlights and the previous highlights on this thread posted from another Rangers game. Almost every shot on goal missed in both those games. Can't see the elite kick everyone's talking about that overcomes his lack of height. I wouldn't be giving up a top 10 pick for this kid. His skills on those highlights are much worse than Kossies.
  11. Unfortunately still a good and accurate story even with the correct facts. Nothing wrong with the accurate story of Cable, Greig, Schimmelbusch & Alves delivering the ball to Wade. Not to mention the Galloping Gasometer.
  12. Get your point totally. But Wade retired in '75 and Krakouers started in '82.
  13. Come on Andy stop teasing us. Who was the once in 47 years ? Please don't say Diamond Jim, Fabulous Phil, Brownlow Temps.
  14. I find him a confusing onballer. He does this thing when he gets the ball. He kicks it to teammates so they mark it. Haven't seen that before. Not at MFC anyway.
  15. Know what you mean. But he kicked 4 a couple of weeks ago. I'd give him a go rather than never giving him a go and never knowing. Especially as there was nothing to lose at various stages.
  16. Fritsch and Hunt grew something like a foot around this age. Charlie Curnow was 190cm in his draft year and now 193 or 194cm. Come on Little fella eat your greens. There's a good 10cms crying out for you.
  17. I seem to be on my pat malone on this but the treatment of Schache this year has been one of the season's mysteries for me. He was never given a chance. He is exactly the type of player we have needed at various stages during the season but was never really given a chance. I would have at least given him a couple of decent games so he could settle in to the system a bit and see if he could deliver. He was brought on for 10 minutes as the sub a few rounds ago and then the final was an utter debacle. How could he not have been worth a try compared to T Mac. There was nothing to lose. Obviously they don't rate him but at least give the guy a go, especially in the circumstances this season. I'd hate to get treated that way by my Boss in a job and stay happy and focused.
  18. I don't know much, especially according to my son, but one thing I do know reliably is not to listen to a single thing you hear on Perth Radio. Veracity = 0
  19. I get the feeling the comparison here should be between Spargo and the incoming McAdam not Chandler.
  20. If Smith hadn't have helped him up he may have been down long enough to force their hand to take him off to do the concussion test. This would have made a significant difference in the last couple of minutes. I couldn't believe neither Clarry or Vines notified the Ump that Cripps was bleeding. This is an absolute no brainer and no issue around sportsmanship as far as I'm concerned. Is done all the time in games. It would have forced him off the ground at a critical stage of the game. It was a no brainer and a bad miss.
  21. @WheeloRatings could we get the top 5 deliverers of the ball i50 and how many of their kicks were retained and possibly compare this to say the top 10 in the league. I think it was last season at some stage there was a stat that was something like Trac had 19 i50's at that stage and either 1 or none were retained and Clarry had 21 and 2 were retained. It doesn't appear to have got any better this season.
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