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Everything posted by Demonstone

  1. "Ape" has never been much of an insult to a white person as it has no particular context. I wouldn't care if you called me that. Calling a black person "ape" or "monkey" is another way of perpetuating the myth that black people are sub-human and inferior and is considered highly insulting and deeply hurtful. Throwing bananas at/towards black footballers is another symptom of this attitude. That is my understanding of the difference.
  2. Lost me at "Pint-Gate". What lazy, cliched, poor journalism - although it IS the Herald-Scum so no real surprise there.
  3. That footage of Munro and his dog is hilarious. It's time the AFL held a "Dog Appreciation Round". Players would have to run on all fours with boots on both feet and hands and could only pick up the loose ball in their mouth. When an interchange is required, forget the board with numbers and just give a 'come here' whistle. At the breaks, the Coach could pat the ones that played well and growl at the ones who didn't.
  4. That imaginary spear could have had someone's imaginary eye out, you know.
  5. Ah yes, "Lefty", the natural stablemate of "PC", "Virtue Signalling" and "SJW". You've completed the quaddy! I stand by my comments and I stand by Adam Goodes.
  6. This stupid question has already been addressed on page one of this thread. You should probably read it.
  7. I'm a little surprised that nobody has gone with the "PC" accusation earlier as it seems to be a coverall criticism. "Political Correctness" is best defined as a hackneyed, cliched term of uncertain meaning trotted out in a kneejerk manner by those of low intelligence and limited education when confronted with anything about the modern world that they just don't understand.
  8. Q: What happens if you insert human DNA into a goat? A: You get banned from the petting zoo.
  9. No, he was booed because he was a blackfella that had an opinion and spoke up about the disgraceful treatment his people had and still do endure from the less enlightened members of society. Those people objected to an "uppity black who didn't know his place". Anyone suggesting it wasn't racially based because other Aborigines weren't booed is missing the point entirely. As if you have to abuse every member of a minority group before it's considered racist behaviour. FFS. When the docos go to air, it's a safe bet that those would benefit most and learn something from watching them will be the least likely to even tune in.
  10. I wondered how long it would be before a knuckle dragger brought up this red herring. If that is a reason for sustained booing, why didn't other "floppers" (eg. Matthew Lloyd) cop it? Further, if it were the real reason, why did he not get booed for all of his career?
  11. You could buy fairy floss at the Melbourne Show much, much cheaper.
  12. But, but ... all the experts on here told me he was going to Collingwood, for certain.
  13. Don't worry Soupy, it happens to us all and I don't exempt myself from that. Q: What's the most common pick-up line in the Alzheimer's Disco? A: "Do I come here often?"
  14. Your memory is playing tricks, mate. They didn't play against each other - Biff retired three years before Duckworth debuted.
  15. Melbourne Bitter seems most appropriate at the moment.
  16. Funny how Inelegant always bobs up at the same time as Basher, liking each other's posts etc. Makes you wonder if it's the same troll with multiple aliases. Back under the bridge you go ... IGNORE LIST!
  17. Nah, think I'll just add you to the other nuffies on my 'ignore' list. There's a few of you. (Replying to Basher)
  18. OP should change his name to "Melbourne Basher" - that's all he ever does.
  19. I'm not doing anything with my back paddock at the moment. Granted, it would need developing and it's four to five hours drive from Melbourne, but you've got to start somewhere.
  20. Makes me wonder if the word he used rhymed with 'maggot'. Otherwise, the banning beggars belief.
  21. I'll take that bet. How much would you like to put on it? Or are you just all mouth and no trousers?
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