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Everything posted by Deeoldfart

  1. My initial response was FMD ……. but I took a deep breath and reflected on last weekend. It was perhaps the best game of footy for the season, huge stakes between two top teams, enormous pressure and some important breaks went against us. We lost by only a few points, with lots of upside to the level we know that we can play at (eg. goal kicking and delivery to our forwards). I’m okay with no changes in those circumstances.
  2. Another great poddy guys. Currently spending a few days at a remote cabin in the Snowy Mountains (with very dodgy Internet coverage) so couldn’t tune in on Monday. Went for a drive yesterday until I found the Net, and the poddy kept me company on an enjoyable bush walk through the high country. It restored my soul, and faith in the Dees for at least another week. Thanks!
  3. A question on behalf of our coaching staff: Could the panel please dissect our forward-half woes, and advise how to address them quickly and easily. Time is running out! Thanks.
  4. 6. Oliver 5. Brayshaw 4. Petracca 3. Gawn 2. Viney 1. Salem
  5. To quote a headline from the back page of the Herald Sun (circa early 1960s) that has stuck with me over the years: "Today's Magpies are Tomorrow's Feather Dusters".
  6. Spring is in the air, we are ‘on song’ and face Collingwood in a ‘blockbuster’ at the ‘G’. How good is that? Shades of the 1950s and 60s for my generation of Dees supporters. Our team defence will suffocate the life out of their game plan, and reduce the noise of their fans to a whimper by early in the last quarter. The ‘magpie army’ will look like a multitude of black and white ants as they trail out of the ground post siren, while the ‘G’ reverberates to the throng of the Grand Old Flag. Dees by a comfortable 8 goals.
  7. ‘Steady as she goes’ after last week’s outstanding win. Very comfortable with that!
  8. Well I love it! If C’wood rely on that for motivation, they are no bloody hope!
  9. Was definitely eased out the door if you can believe the crew On the Couch. Maybe they need the $s to help fund the splurge on Dogga
  10. At 0830 last night, I was sure the Collingwood game would be the hardest of our three leading up to finals; by 10:00pm I was convinced that we’d beat them by 10 goals. 😄 🫠. Compelling listening as always! Thanks team.
  11. All eyes on JVR at Casey this arvo.
  12. 6. Viney 5. Petracca 4. Brayshaw 3. Fritsch 2. Langdon 1. Petty
  13. There is no denying that tonight’s game is a litmus test for both teams. We all know that the colours that apply to the original ‘litmus test’, from which the modern term is derived, were red and blue. This thesis provides conclusive evidence of a Demon win. The final margin is harder to prove scientifically, but I’m suggesting 20 points.
  14. 100% agree 3183 ....... and this was borne out by Kade Chandler, who in his interview today, used words like, "today was one of the most intense training sessions I've ever been part of ......"
  15. Articles about Chandler on the MFC site suggest to me that he'll be a starter in Perth. His quality game for Casey in the wet last weekend, adds weight to this, I reckon.
  16. I won’ be getting into a slanging match over this @george_on_the_outer, but the “WE” you emphasised above, were members of the Constitutional Review Working Group (CRWG) and not the MFC Board. What else do you expect them to call themselves (?), or are you questioning the independence of the review (?) If participants in last night’s meeting didn’t like or understand the responses from the CRWG, or had further questions, there was opportunity at the end of the meeting to seek clarification, ask additional questions, or express concerns. Very few took up that option, unless you are suggesting that the Working Group were ‘selective’ and only addressed the issues that were palatable them. I sincerely hope that wasn’t the case. The CRWG spent months consulting with members in arriving at the recommendations, but I take your point about “tick the box you approve of” would have been a different, and possibly even better way of garnering a wider cross section of members’ views. I imagine ‘cost’ might have been a consideration here, and perhaps also concerns about potential ‘donkey’ votes. In any event, I hope that a large % of Members who had a genuine interest in the topic, would have joined the meeting last night. Yes, I’m gullible and maybe a little too easily satisfied, but I don’t believe that the outcome of the meeting was a fait accompli.
  17. I had one question which only arose on the night. I lodged it, and it was answered completely and to my satisfaction. Genuine consultation, and well done Melbourne Football club!
  18. I’m with you Megatron, and I get the same ‘gut feel’ from Goody’s presser this morning.
  19. Very simplistic assessment by Stokes imo.
  20. Fantastic as always guys. Thanks! All eyes will be on @binman from now on 😀😃
  21. Looking forward to the poddy, as always! if you can fit it in, I’d love to hear the views of the panel on whether the Jackson / Brayshaw contract issues are / are not impacting on team performance. Thank you!
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