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Everything posted by YearOfTheDees

  1. I don't know why but I have a feeling Gus has an agreement with his family and girlfriend to give the game away if he is hurt " concussion" again. It's one of the first things that when though my mind on Friday. I hope I'm wrong but I remember how long it took for him to get over the last one. And I really hope the team just has a " do it for Gus" attitude next week and the rest of the finals.
  2. Surprised by the opening odds quote for this game, expected a 50/50 $1.90 each opening. I do how ever expect us the belt them, just hope I'm right.
  3. Showed no remorse when it happened and none since. Just tried to save his own skin post match.
  4. Both games should have gone the other way but in both cases only have themselves to blame.
  5. Just imagine the crowd size if all the Carlton supporters had not burnt their memberships mid-season.
  6. That Umps on the drug that killed River Phoenix
  7. Excepting us to win big next week. and I mean real big.
  8. I hope I'm not wrong but I believe that all they have got.
  9. This holding a player down after a mark has to stop. Been used a lot against us lately.
  10. Course not. thats why the goal Ump should only say it's gone though check if it was touched.
  11. Or maybe not even the one final. I would rather play the Blues next week.
  12. I think Carlton will only have the one final in them. If we win next week the will mean a Thursday then Friday and Then a Saturday game. And hopefully another Saturday game to round it off.
  13. Interesting to see if Melbourne fight Roos charge. I'd say he got off light and let it ride.
  14. All Christian has to do is say hit him with the left shoulder and it will get thrown out.
  15. Do they really hold back the finding so Seven can have them on the news first.
  16. I'm hoping he gets two weeks and misses the first game next year.
  17. We won't have Braysure and Roo must be in doubt at the moment. Can't play Mac and BBB together so it has to be Grundy. Maybe Jordan comes in. We don't seem to have a lot we can pick from at the moment. If Grundy and Jordan play that two guys we all believe are gone at seasons end. Thats just the two we have to make " most likely have to make". Maybe Tomlinson but I cannot think of anyone from left field I want to see in the team.
  18. I was amazed the Fritsch was allowed to take the kick at goal while Braysure was unconscious on the ground. Guess if it had been a point or out on the full they would have stopped the game.
  19. The AFL is a mess at the moment. I am finding it harder and harder to watch every week. Maynard should get minimum three week but I will not be surprised if it does not even get sited.
  20. I reckon Carlton might have one final in them where as the Swans could get on a roll.
  21. Not a lot of difference between what he did and what Kossie was rubbed out for.
  22. I agree Collingwood came out in the first quarter trying to hurt or take out a Demon or two. The Umpires should have cut it down at the first bounce when Cox put the knees into Gawn.
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