Sam Edmund reporting that Harmes asked to look around for more midfield minutes, and while Melb was happy for him to do that have since said over last weekend its not happening.
We have enough open list spots already. If we delist Melky and Hibberd we are replacing them with picks 50 and 70 on 2 year contracts. Keeping them on minimum 1 year contracts as depth allows them to be delisted this time next year while pick 50 and 70 doesn't allow this option.
Thomo gets a game before Corr and most likely Logue. Theres a reason Louge wa splayed as a defensive fwd
All players would strap ankless for every game and training session
if you want to prevent it you strap your ankles
I dont agree with this thinking. You cant get the 3 2 and 1 vote. Somebody has to get the other votes. Did it stop Cotchin/Martin, Ablett/Bartel or Voss/Black/Aker all winning it from the same teams.
The better options are just down the road from Port oval. Plenty of room for two ovals and training/admin building. The option on the left is currenlty Melb grammer so a partnership $$ would be an option.