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Everything posted by demosaw

  1. We ran out of Gus. Still sad about this.
  2. Thanks @Demonland and podcast team. Binman on half speed sounded disturbingly like Mark Robinson.
  3. Nah, Gawny has said he wants to finish up with a donut on bounces.
  4. It wasn’t your wife saying ‘ET phone home’?
  5. Hope to CU in the NT MaClure
  6. 1 0 X std_logic_1164 is how it really works in the digital world
  7. Thanks @Demonland did you mean the other JB here?
  8. Yeah that is low. Hands off our Clarry.
  9. Kane could play footy hard and gave it everything, output was outstanding for limited skills. He has original (and often wacky) thoughts and adds colour. He does a lot for charity with endurance runs etc. On the negative he plays to the SA crowd and does make stuff up that he wishes was true. Maclure is manure though. Cannot listen to him or care what happens to him.
  10. We should ‘rock and roll’ with this segment, the music should be ‘It's bin a long time, bin a long time Bin a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time….’
  11. Agree, I thought Lever took a bit more care with the ball. Was creative without being overly risky.
  12. Ed - did his job
  13. thommo could have shot the photos of Goody and Spargypants that Bill is now ransoming? 🤷
  14. Right next to spare head 1?
  15. That’s too optimistic for some D/L’s as it still has us in the league.
  16. On the way to the snow ❄️ ⛄️ 🙀
  17. Will spaz be RFA in 2026?
  18. 1/2 an hour and 20 yrs behind
  19. Not unless the game is ‘statues’
  20. Yes we ‘crossed the Jordan’
  21. Or worse, joins the mormons and stays!
  22. Agnus ironically is the sacrificial lamb….
  23. Thanks Gus. We’ll always have 2021 🏆
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