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Everything posted by Chook

  1. On the positive side for the TV watchers, we have probably the best commentary line-up possible right now: Hudson, Dunstall, Riewoldt None of them commentating their own team - amazing!
  2. Only Huddo would be trusted to reliably articulate the Narrm name without forgetting.
  3. Most long-sleeves ever for Narrm in a single game one way or another.
  4. The whitest man in the world getting in on the gift exchange due to his 150th game is a little funny!
  5. In the immortal words of max... "Um…yeah it's good."
  6. Viney Brayshaw Petracca Pickett Oliver Jordon
  7. He has to roll the player as he's tackling him, or let go and concede that he can't tackle him safely. A strong enough player can hold the falling player in the tackle also. I'm in the "accidents happen in footy" camp, but that was avoidable.
  8. What a steal and finish by Kossie Pickett.
  9. Viney has been absolutely sublime today in all aspects.
  10. I reckon the Eagles are playing all right. Some of you just reckon smashings are all the result of one side. The other has to roll over too, and this one hasn't.
  11. Petracca needs to completely revamp his set shot routine.
  12. Kellie Underwood described Sparrow as being "concussed" by the hit he sustained early in the game. He's out there now. There's inaccurate and then there's just plain irresponsible. Don't describe a player as being concussed without a shred of evidence that he is.
  13. Petracca's blind kick into the 50 isn't good enough there.
  14. Just punch it through Dogga. Steven May giving him what-for about that. EDIT - or just let it go through! And he's learned and is now running away from the defensive 50 like Cale Morton runs away from Brendon Lade.
  15. Speak for yourself. I'm having fun.
  16. Jackson's ruckwork and spread is absolutely mental.
  17. There he is. There's my man Brown. Jackson's audition is going nicely… what a stupid comment from Kellie.
  18. Brown playing poorly so far. I was hoping he'd be able to get on the end of a bunch of easy ones and kick a bag.
  19. Currently on track for 208-12 victory. 196...
  20. Kellie talking about Naitanui's running patterns. What running patterns? Bloke looks like a house and a lazy house at that.
  21. I'd send McDonald to tag McGovern as a defensive forward.
  22. S'pose he shouldn't have kicked that goal either?
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