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Everything posted by Chook

  1. He's been bagging Morton all night, and only after about 10 consistently negative posts about me and Morton, I finally got fed up with him. I reckon I've tried to convince stuie with facts tonight, but I am annoyed at his constant criticism of Morton. Criticism of Morton is fine, but how can he claim he doesn't have an agenda when he hasn't criticised any other players?
  2. I haven't seen you mention the errors of our mids which have stopped us going inside 50. You underestimated Morton's outside ability to get the ball inside 50 (where we scored a goal), but you bagged him for messing up one of our rare inside 50s. It's not his fault the entire team has barely been able to get it into our forwards this entire quarter.
  3. It's a shame we'll come up short, but it would be an understatement to say I've liked the intensity from the dees this game.
  4. You really are a muppet, aren't you. Why be so negative towards one of our own players?
  5. Unbelievable work from Lenny Hayes. What a champion. I know he's from the other side, but he's just so awesome.
  6. If he wasn't there, that quick handball out would have gone to a saint and we would never have got the inside 50 or the goal. I guarantee you that's what Morton's in the side for. Did you love that Bartram goal? Well it wouldn't have happened without the input from everyone in that chain. Magner for the handball, Morton for the kick to the contest, Sellar for providing the contest, and the relentless pressure of about 4 or 5 Dees. Like it or not, Morton was a big part of that goal.
  7. Bartram obviously kicked that goal by aiming to miss. That's the only conceivably way his "poor" skills could have got the result.
  8. Morton hanging out the back of the stoppage, gets the quick handpass and kicks it into the forward 50, where intense defensive pressure gives us a goal. Barty!
  9. I unreservedly take back the crap I said about Tom McDonald. Showed me a thing or two, that's for sure.
  10. For a "talentless hack" who only knows how to mouth off to his opponents, Dunn sure knows how to kick a long goal.
  11. I've barely seen Jones in the last 45 minutes. Where the heck is he?
  12. I mean where he applied physical pressure to his opponent and caused an ineffective disposal.
  13. Turns Turns out its a knee, not an ankle.
  14. I saw it. It certainly doesn't look too good.
  15. Another Morton tackle causes a turnover in the Dees favour.
  16. I have a feeling the Saints are just going to run away with it. 10 points up now, but they're way fitter and stronger than us. We won't be able to keep up the effort for 4 quarters, I don't think. Hopefully I'm wrong.
  17. Magner has some weird thing with his ankle where a minor knock can really sting. Hopefully it's nothing more than that.
  18. Well I suppose you are worthy of making comments then? How many games have you played?
  19. To be honest, he has adapted well as the game has gone on. If he keeps this up for the rest of the game, he'll have done a great job.
  20. Layed a ripper tackle on Goddard which I'm sure all the haters missed.
  21. Not sure how to kick goals without the quick give to a loose player from a stoppage. Morton is an outside player, sure. But that doesn't mean he's useless. Far from it.
  22. McKenzie holding Goddard really well. To think we still have Sylvia still to come into the game. If we decide to keep applying pressure in the crucial third quarter, we could really give this a shake.
  23. Harsh. Followed it up 2 seconds later by putting his body on the line.
  24. Doesn't Milne's 500th goal just fill you with happiness?
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