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Everything posted by Chook

  1. I think there's a third group there. The bunch that think sporting figures are just there for our entertainment and shouldn't hold any opinions or be given any wider plaudits within the community. Those who do must be mercilessly shown their place, for they have deigned to rise up from the colosseum and tangle with forces beyond their ken…or something.
  2. The worst part about this whole thing is that it started the whole "You can't boo a 'champion'" movement. I used to boo whoever I damn well liked. But nuffies boo people because of the colour of their skin, which has kind of ruined the whole thing for me. Now I can't boo anyone! BOOO!!!!!
  3. Nah Richmond just drank their own bathwater. The minute they had a halfway decent season everyone at the whole club celebrated and thought they'd made it. Oh wait no that's Melbourne (the team with the biggest injury list in the AFL this year by the way).
  4. And on top of that, he has IMO the biggest out for a player missing a shot to win the game. In my book, if you take a contested mark to win the game but miss the shot, it's all good. He gave himself the opportunity. I thought the same about Max in Round 1 last year, even though that shot was even easier. He took the mark that no one else could. If it weren't for Wiedeman's great contested mark, we wouldn't have had a chance anyway.
  5. I hear the tennis is good tonight.
  6. I'd rather do that and have a hope of finishing 8th in a tough year than find out all our players suck and finishing 10th-17th (because lets be real no one's gonna out-tank Carlton).
  7. I say they just leave it as a rolling logo of the current rule-of-the-week written out in Comic sans, preceded by the words "A game where…" and followed by the words "I'd like to see that!" Example provided for effect (you can imagine the font): A game where… players entering the protected zone must teleport fifteen (15) metres away instantaneously or be shot at dawn. I'd like to see that!
  8. He's the type of player we need, but there are way better options out there for that type of player. If he wants to play for us, and he's the brother of our captain, and he's the type of player we need, then that tips the scales somewhat. Other than that…meh.
  9. Preuss is our backup 1st ruck (as opposed to our 2nd ruckman). We have the best 1st ruck in the competition. Question answered I'd say. On a completely unrelated note, man our forward line sucks. I wish we had some more tall timber on our list.
  10. Dang the witch trials got nothin on the Demons.
  11. In his weekly review of the ongoing tipping competition at my work, the bloke who runs it had this to say this morning: Round 11 is done. Annoyingly Norf kept the tradition of Interim coaches winning their first game against a poor Richmond BUT it’s always darkest before dawn, as the next day Fremantle beat Collingwood by a “goal” with 30 seconds left. And Goodbye Brendan Bolton, maybe you can now pursue your true calling of being a jockey. Bit harsh I thought, but hey at least its not us!
  12. This sucks to write because I was born in the NT and grew up in Darwin, and to have Darwin/the NT be a part of the team I love is just another reason to love my team…but if it's gonna cost us on-field success then we have to get rid of this deal. You know the old saying: "You'll never never know if you never ever go." Well we'll never never know if we can win a flag if we never ever get to have a proper season untainted by (what should be) unnecessary trips to the Top End.
  13. See ya later Oscar. It's been real but with reinforcements finally coming, your service will no longer be required.
  14. Ridiculous penalty for something every footy fan has said.
  15. We can't get Lever, May, Hore into this team quick enough. Our defence is deplorable. Turnover, goal, turnover, goal, turnover, goal. Ad nauseum.
  16. I'm excited to finally see the real 2019 Melbourne for the first time on QB. Although tbh it won't be be the real Melbourne until Vanders and Melksham are back. Vanders is the reason we were such a beast in those 2 finals we won last year, and Melksham is the reason we even got there to begin with.
  17. Won us the semi final last year but ok…done nothing.
  18. Well that censored says it all doesn't it.
  19. Beveridge won a flag, so that validates my opinion of Isaac Smith. The bloke is an absolute jet, and exactly what we need to go to the "next level" (assuming our next level is a Grand Final and not, y'know, 14th instead of 15th).
  20. I give him about a month before we coach it out of him. I remember Jeremy Howe's first year with us. He used to shepherd before we knocked that right out of him as well.
  21. 3 (4 if you count the fact that he is 18 years old).
  22. And I remind you that at some point between the team that made the prelim last year and the kooweerup 2nds plus Max Gawn, performance drops off. Has it dropped off more than it should have taking into account the players we have out? Well that's a question every demons fan (and coach and player) has to ask themselves, for sure.
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