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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. With a interim CEO 13 days into his Act of Salvation... Do we want to make that decision with his help? Or just do it anyway? Would it be something he can determine in 2 weeks? Is it so pressing, or is it just the pure embarrassment of being beaten by the Gold Coast? Is that a good reason for things 'to come to a head'? Do we want to be a well-run club before we make a decision on the coach? Or do we want to make one last shortly thought out decision with out the input of a new CEO and then start to run things properly? Can I continue to ask a myriad of rhetorical questions?
  2. Usually I would go straight to my copy of the CBA but they haven't released the latest one. I honestly thought it was a mandatory two year if you were selected in the NAB Draft. Perhaps '1st year players' get 2 and delisted players can stipulate terms... The CBA would answer it...
  3. I am with AoB here - nothing I have read on here these past few weeks has convinced me that letting Neeld have until at least July/August of this season is such a disaster. Caretaker is beyond worthless. If you worry about playing under a 'lame duck' then a caretaker only confirms it. He isn't half way through his contract and we have a 5 day old CEO on an interim basis. It's a big decision and one that looks like a fait accompli right now but that we don't need to happen tomorrow. I am sorry, but this just does not need to happen tomorrow.
  4. Yeah, but we don't need it tomorrow.
  5. You two can be as dismissive as you want but the bulk of our improvement will come from those listed. There is no Superhero out there to wait for. Gradual improvement by many of the players we have on the list is how we will improve.
  6. Yeah, mandatory two-year contracts. I still don't mind the Byrnes and Rodan recruitment because we are bereft of older players and getting more youth in only adds to the amount of youth we need to develop. I understand the desire to see more young talent come in when you are at the bottom but the fact remains - our talent is young. We are not one of those teams that needs to cycle in youth to replace aging pros - our 'pros' are kids.
  7. Don't be ridiculous. The AFL would like us to be half-decent and that is it. They have two expensive clubs to manage and do not want to worry about any other relocation and they want to keep the money generated from the 9th game every week. We are not going anywhere. ...in more ways than one.
  8. Why is this argument still going? If this continues we will make a change. The end. Move on, and come back to this when one of two things happen: 1. Neeld manages to save his job. 2. We continue the way we have been and he is removed in July/August. There are ostensible facts that are hard to refute: We have shown little. Our effort is non-existent. 4 months of caretaker is worthless. He will get at least half of his contract to turn it around. Can we just leave it alone for a while?
  9. Let's see what the wash-up is from the Dank story before we figure out what to do with the coach and the FD. Craig and Misson I would love to keep but if we end up with a Co-Captain banned for a year I am taking names and kicking arse. We all want an experienced coach but that may mean Ratten or Williams. The latter excites more than the former but that is where the industry is at. A new President that has some heft would be good but may not be out there. A industry 'gold standard' CEO would be good. Young mids entering their prime would be good - they don't have to be stars but a fierce attack on the footy and decent skills would be desirable. Experienced mids to help out would be an option too. Less desirable, but necessary should we go into 2014 with the same list. All of this will occur in September and October so we have time to listen to Jackson and see where he thinks we should head.
  10. Please take this the best way possible: You are talking out of your arse. There is no impending move, there is no desire from the AFL, there is no way the Hawks are giving up $3m so easily. There is nothing but you trying to scare folk.
  11. Spot on. Roost It - why is this 'crap'? There is so little desire to do anything in Tassie. The AFL have the Hawks and now the Kangas milking that cow. There is no market left to tap - there is no advertising to sell - it's already sold, there is no sponsorship money - the Hawks have it. It's not happening.
  12. I am not going anywhere, but you can '[censored] off' for about the tenth time if you want to. You keep coming back so your love of this community is obvious. Maybe you should show this place the respect you obviously have for it otherwise I hope you soon reach your much talked about 'tipping point' for support of this club and leave.
  13. How would giving him another 12 games or so endanger our ability to attract a new coach? What value is there in having 16 weeks of caretaker coaching? I do not believe that confidence in oneself and teammates is an irredeemable commodity. If constant failure for 6 years doesn't snuff it out than another three months isn't going to extinguish it. And our club has a new interim CEO, should have a new President by October, and looks on the road to have a new coach for 2014. Can we not allow our new interim CEO to have some input over what we do with the coach? Wouldn't that be a sign that we are comitted to excellent administration?
  14. Why are you back here? What has allowed you to sidle back on here - a place you deride, with members and moderators you not only do not care for, but have no respect for? Is it because this community is on fire and this is the only time that your brand of arrogant dismissiveness and spirited dislike of this community is swallowed up by the constant calls for Neeld's sacking, McLardy's removal, and the forlorn need to make Peter Jackson the latest harbinger of salvation?
  15. I wouldn't get so excited about whether I am using a possessive adjective or a pronoun - I am just stipulating that the glee with which wyl talks about Neeld's Thrashings are occuring at wyl's club, and my club, and your club, and our club. Understand? And don't call me a sniper.
  16. Excellent sentiment. We will be showing the door to some players ourselves. And you specifically mentioned FA as THE exit. You were using it to frighten people into believing that only immediate sackings will save the oh-so-awesome list as it stands today. Some see Peter Jackson as the saviour - the panacea - to all our ills. When do you think he will have had enough time to help us make the decision on the coach? Or the FD as a whole? Should we commit to any decision while the Dank controversy has yet to play out? While so many scream at their computers and demand an action they haven't thought out and will not happen - ask yourselves where reality comes into the equation.
  17. I am going to be harsher than I usually am on this: Don't read opinion peices of no value and throw them on here and expect kind things and a nice 'conversation.' This is heart/sleeve stuff here and this is a nobody at a nothing site saying things backed up by his own arse. I have said this before and I will say it again: I KNOW THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PR FOR THE TASSIE BID!! They think it is dead in the water, and has been since Hawthorn re-signed their deal with the Tassie Govt. There is your relocated team, mouth breathers! They already play 5 games there and have TASMANIA on the f___ing jumper! So, no, I am not worried, and nor do I want to read the arrogant BS of a half-eloquent, self embued expert from the internets. rpfc out.
  18. ...and the players, and your club.
  19. Do you worry do you? Do you know that it takes 8 years to qualify for Restricted FA and 10 years to qualify for Unrestricted FA? And that the only players eligible are Davey and Sylvia? Are you still worried? Oh, you are? Because you are grandstanding?
  20. God, I wish we would shut the F___ up about Neeld. This is nothing more than dancing on graves unless you are stupid enough to think that if this form keeps up we will not make a change. He has a family and is a person and we are 47 pages into a storyline that has been written since the Bombers game and hasn't chaged since. We are gaining nothing but losing something with this constant vitriol.
  21. Dial it down and read my posts. I have no idea why you jumped on what I said - you and I both do not know why the players are bereft of confidence in themselves and each other. It is Neeld's burden to bear no matter what the reason - I just do not think it is as simple as a collective group 'not playing for him.' I think it is a little deeper than that. That is what I am saying and have said. As for whether the coach has 'gotta go' - I agree and have said as much since the Bombers game. I do not think the answer to our current predicament is as easy as 'Neeld gone = players confident.'
  22. As deluded pointed out, and you have deflected, half of the group is not out of contract. There was no mass exodus of players the FD wanted to keep and there won't be one this season. Whether we move Neeld now or in August makes little difference to who will coach us next year. And please keep our personal mental disintegration off of here by saying we will be extinct. That is utter BS.
  23. Do you think that a strong club - AND WE ALL WANT TO BE A STRONG CLUB AT SOME POINT DON'T WE? - would allow such an act? For the head coach to be threatened enough by correspondence from lapsed members to stand aside so that 'these happy few, these band of brothers' will re-sign with the club they love?
  24. I don't think that is very deep pool of posters. At this stage, I don't think he will get past August but I don't want to fire him in May. Does that make me a supporter of Neeld? I don't think he would see it that way.
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