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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. We just don’t look dangerous going into our forward line and there is no structure that the forwards seem to fall back on. Teams can then easily bottle us up and the slingshot at the end was magnified by the players having little faith in the forward craft of the players to get it done. Overcommitted, crowding in, and bang - out the back and we’re done. Our saving grace is the evenness of this season. But yeah, there is no hiding our issues atm. Don’t talk to me about ‘kicking straight at goal’ - we are getting terrible entries and shallow looks and that leads to more points than goals.
  2. Mitch Cleary just tweeted that we won tonight’s game by 6 goals and then deleted it two minutes later…
  3. Dees, PA and Coll are not good enough to go 28 wins from 30 games.
  4. Would you retire if you were a chance to play in this team?
  5. I would do all this and get Ben King or whoever, but lots of ifs and buts to get there. I just don’t think we have the cap space without doing the above.
  6. Wayyyyy ahead of you, legendarily troubled and deceased movie star actor Steve McQueen…
  7. Horses for courses so to speak and I think that’s right. My main worry is that doesn’t allow the forwards to have continuity and build trust with play and performance. I hope that matchups issues like this is the exception to the rule - and that whatever we go with, it is given time to gel.
  8. It is from where I sit. Especially considering how good a backman he is.
  9. I agree that the experiment should continue but it is far from crazy to move him back. He is an elite backman and Smith did more than enough last week to get the FD thinking about a smaller forward line that can compete in the air but make our team defence even more potent.
  10. Once again, you’re missing the set up of they would need internet to be on a footy forum…
  11. I was just about to remark about the lack of internet in the Geelong area, but I think they got a govt grant for that…
  12. I find this reasoning quite specious. What decisions turned the game against the Lions when we were trash until the lights went out? What goals came from decisions against Freo and Port? Or in the reverse against GC or Coll? Expected accuracy at goal from player would dwarf the above number. This is just needless umpire bashing with no quantification - it really is a ‘damned lie.’
  13. If you are referring to his words on SEN, he said we were among the best teams and ‘taking on the best is something players and the club should run toward’… it’s hardly hubris. How can it be? We have won the last two important games against them and humbled them in a Prelim.
  15. I think that the season is wide open, all teams have issues to address, some bigger than others. Coll are moths to the turnover flame by design and contested possession teams that trust each other can get through that. Port rely heavily on having the ball to defend, teams have run up scores on them as DemonWA alluded. We have our known issues with our forward mix and if teams slow our movement we can be pushed wide and shallow. That said - I think we are the best chance if we can get top 2. Top 4 with an interstate final evens things out a bit. The Lions have a scent of implosion and are inconsistent in application and desire. Won’t go through the rest but this year has a clear path for a Bulldogs-style run through August and September to a flag from anywhere in the 8 IMO. Who is most connected and healthy in the last two months?
  16. You can look, but NOT FROM YOUR EYES
  17. Don’t mind Carlton having a revival. They have Freo soon and also Pies and Bombers fans hate seeing Carlton play well.
  18. We didn’t. Although I don’t think we had 3 ten day breaks.
  19. We are Melbourne supporters, BDA - If that is your real name - bloodletting and hand wringing is our love language.
  20. ‘One’ player, no. But we have chased specific players and given up capital to get them. Oliver cost us to get up to ND4, and we gave up our future first round pick at the end of 2019 which most people thought could be a top 6 pick to get Kozzie at ND12. So if Lamb and Richardson manoeuvre it’s because there is one player we wish to acquire.
  21. Maybe, but both those fall through? You’re looking at a list spot crunch. I agree on Harmes, no idea on Brown. Then there is the trade up and consolidate picks issue which might deplete our number of draft picks considerably. But really- it just comes down to I think JJ is good enough to play AFL midfield minutes but just not for us.
  22. They should honestly film this stuff and show it every Christmas So good
  23. Why are the cats giving us a top 10 pick? Slide down 9 places for a pick in the 20s is not a deal I would do if I was them.
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