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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. WRONG!! if you are saying I started a thread specifically to criticise Toumpas well it's plain to see I included him in converstions and just calling it as I see it Let's play Devils advocate! Anyone think he was quick and had presence?? If no one CAN make that call, then I made a judgement that, On Saturday he was slow and lacked presence! I stand by those comments. That is my prerogative! Let's see if anything changes next week , Eh?
  2. Yeah well Norm Smith would say exactly the same thing!!
  3. Stand By!! Big presser Re Malthouse coming soon !! No later than Tuesday Methinks!
  4. Agree, so whatever the "Percieved" benefits of the Paleo clearly aren't working with our guys! Would love to know what Nat Fyfe eats and his weight training regime!
  5. GOOD Stretch's first kick and goal and very promising debut Mc Donald tearing "Buddy" a new one Brayshaw's continued "composure" Cross's grunt and leadership Vanderthings involvement Jesse Hogan say no more Salem ( needs to go to a wing) BAD Garlett missing "Sitters" happens too frequently Howe's Lacklustre performance ( needs to go forward) Watts indifference ( although did a few nice things when he came on Spencers inability to even get to so many ruck contests Dawes lack of Drive Toupas slowness and lack of presence UGLY Our turnovers and general lack of skill Our "One Paced" midfield who although try are all just far too slow Our lack of Run and spread. Over umpiring which cost us some critical possesions I reckon time to start playing blokes like Neal Bullen, White and blood for the future AKA Billy Stretch!
  6. Bulltish looks like he is a rabbit caught in headlights..... Not that he is Robinson Crusoe! JKH, Jeffy ?? Spencer!?? what a joke cannot even make the contest!!! Our Midfield?? sllllllllllooooooooooowwwwwww Run and spread non existent. We are as putrid as we were at Geelong all those years ago! Sheeit our skill level and inability to hit targets is Telling!! We are paying Millions for Assistant coaches that cannot teach basic Footy skills! Im outa here! Crap
  7. Swans on rebound, Hawks on Rebound next week !! A few thrashings appearing on horizon! Watts Sub?? Stretch in Good luck kid, Toumpas et all I fear a lot!!!
  8. Swans on rebound Hawks on Rebound next week !! A few thrashings appearing on horizon! Watts Sub?? Stretch in Good luck kid, Toumpas et all I fear !
  9. Agree with all Demon Andrew but I reckon Jamar "Held his own" given his one man band status. Clearly our team balance means we have no alternative go forward goal kicker who can ruck with equal efficiency.
  10. Can't play full stop. And if you like I'll put the same comment up on Saturday night! On top of the Mc Kenzie blunder last week is this one! Pig dog in the Wet against the swans should have been a "Shoe In"
  11. Don't agree with Jamar Out, Not a Spencer fan. Certainly don't think Toumpas had the form at Casey and IMV would want to perform from game 1 . If it's good enough for Jordy to be outed after 1 game well good enough for anyone else! ( not that for 1 second do I think Mc Kenzie deserved another game after last week though!) What were they thinking playing him as the sub? Anyway Grimes is done, Jordy too for that matter, Michie needs to do more, Good luck to Stretch happy for him to be given an opportunity. Finally what does Aiden Riley need to do to get a gig!??
  12. Gday Langers great that you actually have these and managed to preserve them. I. Like you have been trying unsuccessfully to get games specifically from 1976-78 without any success whatsoever. The name a game organization was not able to help and my only other suggestion is channel 7 BUT they may well have shredded these now. If you have any games from 76-78 I would be very interested in getting copies and will pay good $$ for them. Cheers Fence
  13. We are still saddled with the remnants of the Bailey and the Neeld era! Time to flick those that, although have exuded some promise, when the "Blow Torch" of reality takes hold they have been found to be... wanting, some seriously and palpably so Trengove Grimes Mc Kenzie Terlich Watts ( yep) Fitzpatrick Toumpas Spencer Gawn and probably one or two others. All have been running around Casey for what seems to be a Million Years! Showing fragments of promise, not dissimilar to that young leggy thing that shows "Just a hint of a all so white thigh, so pure so fresh" of the promise of absolute fulfilment! But alas it fails to be! And after getting games in the Ones and being disappointed yet again it all crumbles to .... Dust! Time to bring forth the Reaper and cut out the finality of a cancerous past! The Dish Lickers seem to have done , just that! I grow weary of our all too many false dawns and hopes! Time to take a grip of "Reality"
  14. Yep nailed it! ! I think his first kick slewed of the side of the boot straight into a freo player!
  15. A lot like Jones and Tyson oh wait a minute, the only reason they get caught is that they are not "Fleet of Foot" or built like the Fyfe Brick shizen! Houston we have a problem!
  16. Yep and that is where it starts and Ends! I have supported Watts for a long time... It pains me to say it but I reckon we need to call it! Time to trade Him! Jordy Sheeit why select him and keep him as a sub??? Dreadful decision We have a lot of NQR p[layers You all jknow who ! But cheeezus Freo will win the premiership on what I saw Today!!
  17. Yep definitely Carltank Putrid Gwibbs, Murphy, Judd, Jones were abysmal ! another 4 you say?? Sheeit worrying for channel 7 and the League!
  18. Of course perennial Cellar Dwellars Frankston are just a marvellous footy side as well!
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