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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Ah yes if true then .............................................................. We are cooked! Can this be verified??
  2. Yep!! My main beef is how Salem if managed correctly, can injure his opposite Hamstring!??
  3. Would be an inspired move, but look, he uses the footy very very well, knows how to get a kick, is disciplined, courageous, can kick a goal and has some X Factor! Given our season is Shiiizzenhuisen! Why the hell not!?? Let's blood for the future of MFC!
  4. T Mac was good until two games ago. In that time Cloke Towelled him up and on the weekend for much of the game an aging Riewoldt did the same. Still makes the same mistakes and does not get enough body on body in contests! Needs to learn and quickly!
  6. Nup not covering any of my arse! Even though kids on the beach stop and stare "Mummy why isn't that whale wearing a bikini!'? Just paying due credit for what I said was his best game yet! Could easily have said nothing but since I bagged him for previous efforts, you do need to acknowledge a bloke when he plays well! Shhesh damned if I do and clearly damned if I don't! Typical Demonland!
  7. Our leaders remind me of Joh Bjelke Peterson! "Don't you worry about that , I have that covered!" Only they didn't!
  8. So did you predict that I would start a post Dazzle ?? Nup? You are the predictable one! Mate clearly, you bag all of my posts, then when I actually give some praise to a bloke who I have bagged, you turn it into your own pusillanimous crusade! You, my friend must have a sad life! Sad !
  9. Ok been a long time critic and so even though this is one of the worst loses I can remember I must make mention of his effort today! I thought he was terrific today, won outside and more importantly for me, inside ball and made mostly some good decisions! I hope he can go on from here because if what he provided today can be continued, then his place in the draft and promise to be lived up to will be vindicated. 1 great game in three years ! Lets see what he offers next week! And before you start gloating Dazzle man, get stuffed!!
  10. Could?? Could? mate we will be absolutely flogged make no mistake!
  11. Worse loss of the season! Easily!! Catastrophic stuff!
  12. You must be joking! I am predicting at least a 10-15 goal loss! How the hell can you say we can go down the highway with a positive mindset! Can I have some of what you are smoking my friend!?
  13. Actually no, stating facts!! Fact Ollie Wines wanted to come to MFC Fact Dylan Shiel was just a figment of a lot of peoples Pipe dream ( A bit like thinking gee I'm gunna win Tattslotto tonight!!) show me where there was any any facts he was entertaining coming to us! ?? Nup The reality bus has just hit the delusional posters on this site! I couldn't give a stuff!
  14. Totally different case. 3 Years ago Ollie Wines was available and wanting yes Wanting to get to the MFC! Dylan Shiel already a GWS Player and clearly see's his team going places! Time to wise up to the reality! One we could /should have got , the other was just smoke and mirrors! Moving on!!
  15. Just in case we field a tunnel ball team? I don't think Fitzy will be around next year! Like this team a lot really looking forward to the "Hyphen" playing. I have had this fellow in my teams for a few weeks now! Good on him!
  16. ??? Why is Toumpas being mentioned in this convo re Bench!!?? Can't recall mentioning him in this convo!!??
  17. Terlich goes very hard at the agate! Good grunt players are my cup of Tea! Nuf said! Really very happy with inclusions! Probably Stretch to start as Sub??
  18. Mods Close this thread, Dylan Shiel is now persona "Non Gratis" Why let pain continue!!?
  19. Watts new nickname "Weapon 2" Coming to an oval near you!
  20. Salem doing a "Double" hamstring upon recovery??? Hnmm something is amiss here! That plus a few other "Hammies" would leave me to question training loads and preparation! And the man that oversees this is Dave Misson I think! Hnmm I'm sure some questions might and should be asked?! Eh?
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