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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Frost has more upside than Joel Smith IMV! Hunt has pace and not much more!
  2. My dog has worked us out... leaves the room when the Dees are on TV!!
  3. A lot to like about Sam Frost .. Not just today but, in his continued development as a very very good tall running Key defensive back. I thought his very very good today vs Buddy and I believe he will team well with Jake Lever next year to provide running rebound from the backline I hope coaches see this and nurture and encourage. A very positive in the games he has played. Yep knows he needs to work on his game, but Big Tall running athletic defenders are hard to find! Bravo young man! Believe!
  4. Yep probably right Jeffy would want to have a "Day Out" next week!
  5. When I played against Ashy it was kernuckle dusters at 10 paces they were a tough unit!
  6. Inns HIBBO MILKSHAKE KENT Outs Spargo JKH ANB (Jeffy last chance absolutely putrid today!)
  7. Seeriously 40 meters … try 30 not ready and as I have said elsewhere has NO PACE!
  8. Ashy haven't got a thirds Fourths will have to suffice!
  9. I've known people who have had "Bad days" in offices to have been sacked!!
  11. Coz we 1 Draft wrong types who will give you the world when up but are shizen when pressure is on 2 We develop them into "The MFC Way".... Say no more!
  12. LOL Camps naaaar players would veto just tooooooooooooooo hard Time for Goodwin to call club from players to bootstudder to account A La Norm Smith! Any bloke who wont do it … see ya later saaaaaaarnn
  13. Ah another who agrees with my pre season opinion that we would finish 10th! Come all ye faithful!
  14. Hearing whispers of a late OUT! Hope if true its not Gawn!
  15. If that is the case then this also says plenty. Surely this can't be the case??
  16. He is not fast ! This observation was also made by a mate who played at the highest level!
  17. YEP and with a heavy heart! Oh and one other thing.. Anyone who doesn't realise what Sam Frost gives to our defense doesn't appreciate the modern footballer and game! Sure he will make the Odd mistake but height and pace are two pretty good attributes. He well and truly STAYS In fact put him on a three year deal. We let him go and watch another club swoop and reap the benefits!
  18. Ok lets put a line through Viney, I don't care what the coaching staff HOPE He wont play again this year. That leaves JFK and Spargo as most vulnerable Vanders gives some serious X Factor to our team and will only get better I would not have Hunt out of this side again PACE and Grunt! He stays SO in reality it will be Melksham and Hibberd for Spargo and JFK! The rest stay including PEDO versatility and Vanders for X Factor Looks a bloody good side with this scenario Pity about Bernie because I rate him as a Bloke and player but unfortunately father time has caught up and you cannot play Lewis and Bernie in the same side!
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