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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Exactly my thoughts on the same game! Get him in !!
  2. Yes thanks for the correction 3 out of 4 seasons?? Shheeeeit his price just went up!
  3. Passed away tragically and unexpectedly. He would have been 65 Today. For those who haven't seen it I posted my Ode to a great player and even better Bloke 6 years ago !! RIP Mate PF Rob loved days like today. He probably would have thought it a tad hot for footy, but would have played and dominated, anyway. His greatest pastime on days like to day would be cooking a BBQ for family and friends, playing golf, or on his boat catching a few "Flatties" and maybe the odd "Snapper" in Port Phillip bay, or just shooting the breeze on his sundeck at Sorrento. Rob was at his happiest when you were happy, it seemed as if by some magical formula he had the "knack" of making you feel as if you were the most important person at that moment he was speaking to you. He loved his family and he loved and valued his friends! Charismatic people have this gift. Some use it for gain, and power, Rob used his charisma because he was genuinely interested in you and your family. Yes Rob was a "Superstar" footballer Bernie Quinlan so rightly said yesterday. But Above and Beyond he was a "Mega Superstar" person! Is this not a better, more substantially satisfying legacy to leave?In private life he was a generous with his time and expertise, as he appeared in public life. I have seen and been lucky enough to witness the way he gently and compassionately met people who at the conclusion of an interaction walked away much happier for the experience. Floating on air is as real as an experience I have seen and been a part of, and just as euphoric! Just ask any who met him and knew him. I count myself extremely lucky and enriched by knowing him as a friend and mentor! The Euphoria stayed with you and lingered on and on. Over the 35 odd years I have known the man, I have been extremely fortunate to have been welcomed into part of the fabric of his life. He had many "Brothers" in arms and his own two brothers, Tom and Jim must have thought that they had won tattslotto every day of their lives having him as a brother. I can tell you he felt the same way about them! A more gentle, humble, empathic, generous, self effacing, humorous, genuine person you could not find than Rob Flower. I was at his funeral yesterday, and I will be at his public funeral tomorrow. Each time I look up at the sky on a clear night I will seek out the brightest star. If all stars represent great people, then Rob's star will surely be the brightest! With more people like Rob Flower in the world, it would be a more sensational place to be! Vale Rob Flower, a shining light in my life, never forgotten, always remembered "No Regrets" Thanks mate
  4. Ah you sure?? Can I just ask a question???? Re " Not sure we can change the game plan to suit. " Are you sure our CURRENT GAME PLAN IS ANY GOOD?? I think it shambolic!!! We need to get 2 things A A coach who can coach B Players who deliver better than they have been coached to do! Who is the last player we have had to kick 60 plus goals in 2 out of 3 seasons???? We need EXACTLY this type of player and get our game style right and COACH players to a much better standard than has been in the last million years!! GO GET BEN BROWN!
  5. Who SHOULD be played FORWARD. Until he is given a fair go up Forward.... lets reserve judgement re "Whipping Boy" just yet!
  6. How pizx weak are Dalhus and Rohan when real pressure is on so Soft! Abwtt looks overweight! Gawd I hate Gerlong?
  7. To get back to the thread. I would love to see Polec on the opposite wing to Langdon, bot not dissimilar players and would solve a glaring outside run issue!
  8. Thanks IMV Just another player development that has not occured. I still maintain that SMITH is a Forward.
  9. Yeah well the club seems incapable of making the so called "Ruthless" decisions it claims! I would advocate a Norf style cleanout. I could name about 10 who just should not be on the list next year!
  10. Agree with you and as Dazzle has pointed out 7th May not be a super result from a bottom 4 team but given he never got anywhere near that at Melbourne it does display some development. On that basis he is still , as you say a massive upgrade on Oscar!
  11. In my view this result vindicates the "Blunder" of letting him go when we did. I saw enough of him in HAWKS games to say that his "Percieved" deficiencies have been eradicated to a greater degree and he played some good solid football. Its interesting to see what coaches that know how to get the best out of players do so. I reckon though, that Sam Frost will continue to improve not dissimilar to Bachar Houli when he went from Essendon to Richmond. If that happens then the blunder in letting him go will be even more pronounced and damning. I Was disappointed to see him leave Melbourne and even more so now!
  12. Sad situation for Harley, Family, MFC and footy in general.
  13. BANG! Correct with all comments re JV! however I would be happier if we negotiate hard an offload him and do a good deal!
  14. This then comes down to coaching..... Something we aint good at. Having said that that's why JARED POLEC would be ideal as a winger for his run at least and getting the footy of an inside mid.
  15. I keep saying this For God sake PLAY SMITH FORWARD!! Agree, that Oscar can go! Anywhere!
  16. On too much coin, haven't got funds for a pay out! Highly capable, passionate, can kick super goals on occasions, though erratic at times. Keeper for sure! Entertainment factor high!
  17. Gee sounds more complicated than me making poached eggs for breakfast!
  18. I thought this was a thread about Clayton Oliver?
  19. A HUGE NO. His next head knock could be VERY DANGEROUS. For that reason alone the answer is NO!
  20. On 9/24/2020 at 3:53 PM, Rocky said: Brown, Mihocek and Jackson/Weid.. with a combo of Kosi and Spargo/Hunt crumbing..? Ah not Spargo!
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