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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. G C are an irrelevant football club, until they potentially beat us next week. Would rather AFL put rime into Tassy I
  2. Its actually a lyric from DEEP PURPLE " Pictures of Home" from the Excellent "Machine Head"album
  3. "With emptiness eagles and snow, unfriendliness chilling my body and whispering pictures of home" Its gonna be torrential rainfall, if BB fires tonight it will go down as one of the great efforts of the season
  4. Did you have Spaghetti Marinara or Spaghetti Marijuana last night for Tea?
  5. Not neccesarily but certainly puts a dint in a top 4 finish and if so I reckon we will struggle. Games vs Brisvegas and Moggies are going to be tough
  6. Umpire no 22.... 5 goal advantage to Dishlickers before the first bounce
  7. Dont worry, ive got my four'n'twenty outfit currently getting dry cleaned Oi !!
  8. Ok got it, really would expect both to continue at Dees next year ?
  9. What this says to me is both wont be at the club next year! If so this is a serious concern as I attribute our excellent season mainly on Choco with some serious input from Yze. If we dont suceed this year I would move heaven and earth to get Choco to stay even it means Goodwin is no longer senior coach. Thats my spin on that radio report
  10. Give me a confidence boosting Brown over a Weeds anyday
  11. Norm Smith was heart and soul of our club as well, look what happened to him! Just Sayin!
  12. Saw that and also they brought up the Clayton Oliver incident where Spargo marked in front of him. I didnt think anything if it at the time and still say the same
  13. BOWEY has played some excellent footy this year at Casey. He has pace,courage, footy smarts AND he uses the ball very well with hand and foot. Plays a lot like Caleb Daniels
  14. I played with a similar bloke who used to get it enough but was the worst kick in the side. I used to lead and the ball would land everywhere but to me. So frustrating, in the end I stopped leading when he had it. One day I wasnt even in the scene of play and yet his kick was so bad it ended up with me on an accute angle about 50 out on the boundary. Of course I converted coz I was a magnificent kick. He jogged over to me with a big grin on his face, You know what this bloke said? Great pass eh, spotted you out the corner if my eye and knew you were the best option to kick the goal. Yeah right
  16. So if any team can get 60% of shots in and have plenty of ball then a win comes automatically! Who would have thought eh?? Agree this around the body madness for anything other than accute angle is mindboggling! Peter Mc Kenna had a magnificent goal to pionts average and I never ever saw him kick around the corner. MAGNIFICENT drop punts from 60 with unnering accuracy was his go. Peter Hudson, Doug Wade , Diamond Jim Tillbrook, just magnificent kicks for goal.
  17. Anyone who pulls on the jumper should be unconditional and if they are not and still getting games,therin is the problem
  18. Hnmm anyone else unhappy with that conversion rate? Here above are the stats. Now can I reference this by saying that goal kicking IS a specialised art, and one that requires not only plenty of practice but a firm set shot routine. Shots on the run are more problematic, but set shots from anywhere in a 45 degree ark from 45 or so out should be absolute "Gimmes". Missing from 35 out almost directly in front is just dreadful goalkicking. Putting on my Sports Science and Phys Ed teachers hat, quality practice and set shot routines start from Junior footy, but can still be coached at Senior footy providing the technique is kept relatively simple and is Biomechanically correct. I have seen plenty of players practicing at the end of training but that is not what I would call, specific, discrete, open or cloze skill model! Years ago I worked with some A grade Ammos clubs specifically on goal kicking drills and skills to improve set shot routines. I wont go into the method but it worked well enough for me and others as well. I suspect that AFL and other clubs probably dont have the resources to afford a specific goal kicking coach but should as given that it is a professional sport with professional level salaries, players missing easy goals just should be an aberration more than the norm.
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