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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Quote " Cera chose Carlton over Melbourne because he felt it was a better fit for his football progression "They were my no 1 priority" he said The Hun pg 82 today Went for the cash over career progression is my take. Anyway not to waste any more words on this matter The bigger question must be.. How can Carlton fit all these high salaried players into the Cap?? Of course we all know the answer to that!
  2. Basket Case club and I hope they implode more than what they have so far.
  3. [censored] gratuitous garbage! MONEY HUNGRY Good luck son ur gunna need it at Carltank
  4. In a rich vein of form it would seem!🤩
  5. Yes but lets face it ..... He will Enhance what is already a fiercely formidable unit!
  6. Should have got 10 weeks! Needs anger management counselling, what a fool, and an arrogant one at that!
  7. It wont be Daz, because we AINT JEELONG!!! They are and thats why they choke, year after year after year!
  8. My Gawd he is Stephen Powell mrk2 * Penetrating and accurate left footer * Clearance juggernaut * Creative playmaker * Can kick a goal * He can and has got a right side * Built like a brick shizzen WOW and best of all... HE WAS FREE!
  9. Ah yes heard the same thing! Look, I have had some meetings/dealings with Stan and he is a magnificent human being and passionate Dee. Just a great bloke!!
  10. Yerrrrr like a lot Daz can see a lota Didak in him and silky smooooooooth delivery!!
  11. Wash ur mouth out Bush Dee, I have it on EXCELLENT authority from another player of the era that these two and Stan in particular were absolutely WRAPPED in the GF! Take that to the bank!!
  12. 🍗Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner is my take!!🍗🍗
  13. Whats the bet we may even try to package picks 37 and 49 into something like pick 25??? or even 17 and 37 into ??? or 37 and 49????? my head is spinning and I never was any good at Maths!!
  14. Yeah try..................after another 57 of them!!!!!!!! which by then will see us net in the vicinity of say 10-15 Premierships!!😍
  15. Well if he plays anything like Stephen Powell then in my book he will already go down as the Heist of the year.... If not the decade!😁
  16. LURVE IT JUST LUUURVE IT WELL DONE GOODWINDEES. I'll look forward to introducing myself to him next year whilst doing Casey Training reports!!😁
  17. That's all I need to know! A BIG YES from me! Has it been made "official"yet?
  18. Mitch Brown is an underated player. Is clever, puts himself in dangerous positions,he finds space, can mark and kick.I am not surprised at all with his retention.
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