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Stiff Arm

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Everything posted by Stiff Arm

  1. Plus the Tex Walker one where we were apparently in the box seat with a 2+1 contract... until he re-signed with the crows the following day, lol!
  2. Yes, many jumping at shadows yesterday. Was good for a laugh, though!
  3. Looks like Hamish and Gus were stirring the pot after all, lol! A lot of Nervous Nellie's on here last night look a bit silly now. But he's signed and we can all be happy with that. Go Dees!
  4. IMO it would be highly inappropriate and unprofessional for Hamish to reveal this level of detail about Gus without it having an element of pot stiring or perhaps with a wry smile towards the AFL media. Would be worse if Gus agreed for him to speculate seriously about his playing position or financials. Every AFL coach would cringe at that if it were totally serious One thing is certain, if Gus does leave there will be a lot of tears on this thread!
  5. Yes, indeed. Still the point remains that he could be saying it to stir the pot and plenty around here have reacted with panic
  6. And gee, his brother wouldn't possibly be stirring the pot, seeing that Freo would be one of his main suitors? Wouldnt want him to come over and play with him at Freo? Nah... wouldn't be that naive I reckon they'd both be having a laugh at it all, doubt Andrew would seriously reveal his brother's intentions Gus might stay or he might leave, none of us have a clue really. Its hilarious reading posters jumping at shadows at every turn! Maybe ask the team bus driver if he knows more, lol
  7. I think you're making that up mate. Gus didn't say that at all. In fact, he said he loves playing in the backline There are a lot of myths being thrown around this thread: only wants to play inside, doesnt want to be a defender, is greedy, doesn't want to play for us anymore, puts himself above the team, etc. Not that you have said all of these 1964_2, but they are myths that no one inside the club has come out and said #gusmyths
  8. Has he clearly said that in the last couple of years? In his SEN interview I heard him say he loves playing across the backline. I wouldn't be so sure that playing as an inside mid is his top priority
  9. Dogga checked out. Preoccupied with packing up and moving. Takes very few contested marks for a guy his size and leap
  10. Yes, Dazzle pointed that out after my post. Still don't understand why Weid spent so much time on the bench, particularly when Dogga was dreadfully quiet all game
  11. Interesting that one field umpire signalled holding the ball with arm sweeping action but failed to blow whistle, then signalled play on. I guess it was Bont, after all
  12. He spent so much time on the bench after quarter time i was wondering the same myself. They even threw May forward in the last quarter, WTF?
  13. Weid kicks 2 in Q1 and then spends most of Q2 on the pine Huh???
  14. Go get 'em Weid! Stick it up all those doubters!
  15. This must be the most repeated MFCSS cliche in Demonland history Wish I had a buck for every time it's posted
  16. This ☝ Further, I think the club already knows whether or not Dogga and Gus are going, or at least have a verbal agreement with them both to go down one path or the other. May not know for sure which clubs are involved, but Taylor, Lamb and Goody will be all over every possible scenario
  17. Fritter must've had a big beanie on to hold in that do!
  18. Thanks for the reports fellas. Much appreciated Beautiful day to watch training
  19. Really? Sparrow and Harmes amongst worst second tier mids in the comp? That's rubbish
  20. That's a big call DD36, I like it! Imagine King, BBB and Tmac vying for KPF spots... Would have to be over $1mill for at least 5 years. Do we have that cap space? Would think that Lobb and Meek as part of a Dogga deal might be closer to the mark. Lobb + Meek + '22 or '23 first rounder for Jackson (i know... wait for 'Land to explode), which perhaps leaves us to find picks or player swaps for a classy mid
  21. Finn Callaghan would cost a lot in terms of pick/player swap. Is he outside or inside? The saying goes that a team can never have enough mids, but I think our priority should be an established KPF Maybe we can do both. If, if Dogga and Gus leave we might have the picks and cap space to fill one or two of our desperate needs: a quality KPF, a classy outside mid and/or a developing ruck One thing I know for sure, we are a destination club with excellent draft and recruitment staff. We won't die wondering
  22. Hope the kid finds an independent player manager in due course
  23. Anyone know where to find info on dates they train at Gosches? TIA
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