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Posts posted by 1964_2

  1. 2 minutes ago, Demon Dynasty said:

    Not dissapointed to the point of 'chicken little' syndrome 64.  That's just your (incorrect) assumption.

    I don't need to watch anything i watched /went and most of those weeks we had Macca up forward.   May out the last two has also hurt us but May doesn't kick goals to give us a defendable score.  But he (and Salem back) will make us harder to score against for sure

    Remember that Tomo was the preferred option last season prior to going down.  So with Tomo back we have an option to use Petty forward.

    Your view is different and you believe we'll just return to winning form.  I would like to think so to but not with the present KTF line up of the two Browns.  One of them hasn't fired a shot in four weeks.  And while im happy to give Mitch a decent go before making any judgements, he didnt hit the scoreboard once either in first game this season.  He'll need help and at this point, aside from Maxy, all other talls that play forward are badly out of form.

    So....Forward line needs a bit of help.  You have said yourself we have the luxury of a 10-0 start to kick in with training loads.  Now 10-2.  If we can throw Macca behind the ball for a while im not sure what the fuss is about throwing a tall defender up forward for a bit who has already been played there on occasions prior.  And in a few of those i thought he showed something even as a wet behind the ears 19yo rookie.  Might handle it alot better now he's matured?

    There's no harm in looking for ways to improve as a team.  Goodwin preaches that philosophy all the time.  This may or may not be one of them. Being versatile as a team is also handy and part of that is some players being able to be switched into diff roles (if/when times call for it...even in game if someons goes down) 

    Do i expect it will happen.... nup.   Is it worth a short trial run (assuming Tomo stays in).  Why not!

    You know all DD :- I think you should be coach, maybe give goody a call and offer to take over? 

    • Facepalm 3
  2. 5 minutes ago, Demon Dynasty said:

    Fritsch & Maxy our only multiple goal scorers the last two weeks.

    Bedford the other but not playing.

    Averaging 8 goals a match agaisnt top 4 sides without Macca.

    Good luck defending that sort of score line for the win against anyone other than Norf & the Eagles.

    This team's in  fair degree of pooh right now without Macca and a badly out of form Benny.

    Can't see Mitch being a match winner or getting it to ground often enough on his own for the smalls.  Maxy ...well yeh but he's already playing there and kicking multiples but we're still losing.  Jackson badly out of form as well.

    Gonna have to try something.  Agree with the Op.  Keep Tomo in (i reckon he stays in this week anyway) and trial Petty forward for a few weeks (assuming he's right to go).  If we don't you can kiss this week goodbye as well me thinks.  Doubt we'll be capable of posting a defendable / winning score against the Pies with the current forward set up.

    Go back and watch our first 10 weeks, then watch our last 2 weeks and spot the differences. 

    Do you actually believe that a majority of our team has suddenly forgotten how to play, run, pressure? 

    step back from the disappointment of 2 losses and see the bigger picture! PLEASE! 


    we won a flag last year,  with an intensive mid season training load being a key part of that success (despite it resulting in a couple of losses) :- why is it a surprise to people, that we would be doing the same thing again. Especially with a dominant 10-0 start ???! 



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  3. 7 minutes ago, praha said:

    Even despite our forward woes we still outscore the filth over 12 rounds. They also defend poorly. Statistically and on paper there's no way we lose this. Should be another regulation win just like against Richmond and Essendon. On current form and coaching though Collingwood could win its 4th in a row. Would be a huge scalp for them. But if we lose to this Collingwood team after how we've played the last two weeks I'd hazard a guess to say we might be in trouble.

    I would hazard a guess, to say if we lose this week it won’t matter in the slightest regarding our chances of back to back.

    We plan to peak in Sept not June :- appears to be some very slow learners on demonland.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, FearTheBeard said:

    We tried that in 2019, it didn't work.

    He's also badly banged up and may not play this week anyway.

    Also don't need Tomlinson in defence, he was awful.

    Ease up FTB:-  in 2019 he was 19 y.o playing in an average team, and actually did very well all things considered.

    He hasn’t been tried as a forward since breaking out as a player. Needs to happen if/when he is fit.

    Try it for a week or 2, if it doesn’t work at least we know. If nothing else, need to know if it’s an option for a mid game swing, if a key forward goes down in a final 



    • Like 5
  5. 1 hour ago, Tarax Club said:

    Congratulations a voice of reason has emerged from the wilderness.

    Easily missed amongst the sheer deluge of comment post ‘The Titanic’ striking an iceberg off Sydney Harbour.

    Accompanied by a crescendo of gnashing of teeth, hand wringing, wrist slashing and lemmings jumping off a cliff complete with a matching band.

    It’s not about messianic deliverance by inclusion of player ‘X’ or of player ‘Y’ returning from injury or protocols.

    Its a team game, the talent and determination are there in spades. As the man says KISS applies.

    Exactly. So many easy fixes. 

    When we regain our form, and the media talk diverts back to “will the Dees lose another game this year” the demonland posters who have [censored] the bed in the last 2 weeks, should be banned from jumping back on board the train that is destined for back to back. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Maldonboy38 said:

    OK, I have an evening, brekkie and lunch behind me during which I was able to reflect and ponder our 12 point loss to the Swans. And now I sit to read the torrent of opinion, hyperbole and ranting otherwise known as the Demonland postgame thread. I think many of us (including myself last night) need to take valium, take rectal valium, medicinal cannabis, non-medicinal cannabis or some such other, and calm the &*$# down.

    We played poorly and have 3 main areas to fix - 1) decision making with ball in hand 2)basic skills under pressure but  most importantly 3) forward 50 cohesion. 

    We are coming towards the bye and it appears we have a few tired, sore players.

    The sky hasn't fallen.

    And please, for the love of everything Melbourne supporters consider sacred STOP BLAMING THE UMPIRES!!!! Yes, they make lots of mistakes every week but we rarely lose games because of them. Yes, there were some howlers last night but they are not against us, they didn't plan for the Swans to win, and no we don't always get the wort of it.

    We lost by playing poorly and the Swans played well.

    A nice summary.

    Swans played their absolute best, we played not even close to our best, yet we only lost by 12 points. 

    Who wins a final between the 2 teams, with the assumption that we set ourselves for Sept not June :- Dees by 40 points.

    • Like 4
  7. 15 hours ago, ElDiablo14 said:

    Enough is enough, bring Van Rooyen.

    Don't know who goes out, don't care.

    Also please stop using Hunt as full back he is clueless.

    May makes all backline players better. With May in the team, he knows when to hang back, and be last line of defence, so we don’t expose players like Hunt. 

    Hunt is an important cog in a well functioning backline (with May in), due to his ability to tie down a small fwd. he clearly got exposed, partly due to the lack of backline cohesion last night. 

    Having said all that, if an oppo doesn’t have a quality small fwd, maybe Hibbo or Rivers are better options 

  8. The media has trained supporters very well, to over-react to poor weeks, form slumps and the like (&vice versa) 

    Relax people, we are a game clear on top, and the club has form setting us up to be peaking in September not June. 

    Or alternatively keep up with the wrist-cutting, end of the world type commentary:- if nothing else, it is certainly entertaining. 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, Engorged Onion said:

    Just so we are clear. In your opinion, if he 'walks' ie: secures a head coach position at another club. It is because he is under-appreciated. The only way to retain him and thus show appreciation is by sacking Goodwin, to ensure there is a role for him?

    ps... can you bullet point explicitly what he has done for 'us'? Because I thought I had appreciated him, but perhaps there are lots of responsibilities I do not know he does, and I would like to savor and appreciate him some more,.

    Looking past your bs, and taking part of your post seriously. 

    No, not in any way am I suggesting the way to show appreciation is by sacking Goodwin (if you read the original post, I thought that was pretty clear). 

    re what he has done for the club, I am compiling a consistent message from multiple people within the club, that a large part of our defensive structure, and ability for midfielders to buy into team defence, as well as leveraging their offensive strength is due to Yze's work. 

    If we don't care/value that, and are happy to watch him walk, then so be it. Question answered. 

    A touchy group here, who are easily offended obviously. 




    • Facepalm 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, DubDee said:

    what makes you think he is under-appreciated?  he is massively rated within the club and by supporters

    you don't start a succession plan after you win your first flag in 57 years

    in the words of Forrest Gump - I am not a smart man but I do know that (not sure I got the quote right)

    We will see that he is under-appreciated when he walks, and we suddenly have to replace his skillset


    • Facepalm 1
  11. I want to be really clear in stating from the outset, that there is no dis-respect or dis-credit intended towards Goody from this post/thread.

    Simon is a premiership coach, and a likely multi-premiership coach - his achievements speak for themselves. 

    I more raise the topic, out of fear that we may loose Yze end of year, partly because we haven’t appreciated what he has done for us since coming back to the club.

    Shoot it down all you like, I am of the view that it would be a dangerous position for us as a club to watch him walk out, rather than be part of a potential 3-peat next year. Is there not a way we can make him part of the furniture / succession planning?




  12. 20 hours ago, Wizard of Koz said:

    Pull your head in. You have made your point. These are the footy times of our lives. If you want to ram half a doz posts down everyones throat, in a post match thread,  with diatribe about the club, well thats not only draining but annoying. Once and you made your point.

    Pull your head in Wizard, and work out what is important for the club.

    you will get more than half a dozen posts rammed down your throat every time our supporter base doesn’t turn up to watch this great team!

    • Like 2
  13. 4 hours ago, Kit Walker said:

    I don't agree we are getting lower crowds.

    As far as I can tell, the dogs game had the highest ever H&A attendance between the two clubs, Essendon games tend to get between high-30k and low 50k so 44k is well within the range.

    As for GWS, 2016 and 2018 were higher but yesterday's attendance beats every other game (just) including 2019. Given it's a night game during Easter, I don't think that's a bad result.

    Kit:-  the expectations on crowds is relative to us having a generational team. Ie the expectation is that crowds to watch our games would be up significantly, not flat or declining. 

    • Like 1
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  14. 11 hours ago, Jaded No More said:

    Haven’t missed a match and not planning to unless I get Covid or am a close contact. 
    Have waited my whole life to watch this team be good. I can do other things any time but I may never get to watch a dominant Melbourne again 

    Fools are those who are not bothering to turn up. You’re missing out on pure joy. 
    I get that many people are away this weekend, but every week this season I’ve heard lame excuses. The footy is no more a Covid risk than flying interstate, going to a restaurant or a club. If you don’t want to deal with buying tickets online GET A MEMBERSHIP. 

    Well said Jaded. Hit the nail on the head. 

    Players and club have worked their backsides off to get us to this amazing position. Not a big effort for supporters to try and get to a few extra games for the season. 

    • Like 4
  15. 1 minute ago, Colm said:

    Agree that one must go and BBB will come in. But the thing is that we still need another tall to be playing well( better than Tmac or Weid currently are). 
    I think this is where our biggest improvement has still to be made. Very confident BBB will come in and play at a very high level but we will go to another level if Tmac could regain his early season form from last year. Or if not him Weid/JVR or M. Brown. 
    If we can do that and keep a healthy list we will go back to back

    Jacko/Gawn have both stepped up when resting fwd vs last year. So there is less reliance on the TMac role, as much as it would be nice to see him or Weid step up. 

    • Like 3
  16. Just now, CYB said:

    And let’s not forget the pandemic and school holidays. probably everyone’s last chance to enjoy some warm weather and get away before winter sets in.

    No worries. If that’s what we stand for as a club, then so be it :- we will never be a dominant club unfortunately 

    • Like 2
    • Vomit 2
  17. 59 minutes ago, titan_uranus said:

    On the crowd: yep, barely 20k sucks. But it is Easter, which doesn’t help. I also reckon that our supporters just generally aren’t used to night games. We’ve barely had them in the last 20 years. For some, I suspect the routine of football feels better in the day but doesn’t suit at night. 

    Pathetic. Embarrassing. No excuses. We won’t gain respect as a club, when 20k turn up to support our top of the ladder team. 

    The snow jokes and fair weathered supporter banter will be out in force :- and is deserved. 


    • Like 3
  18. 22 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

    Completely agree. I don’t want this thread to be detailed, but 20,000 people was a pathetic attendance on a perfect weather night while we are 4-0. We can’t demand prime time slots and then have 20k turn up. It’s not profitable for anyone. Really disappointing. 

    What is not disappointing is the poetry in motion that is our team. When they flick a switch they are a joy. 

    Completely agree. Couldn’t be happier with the win, and where our season is at.

    but 20k is a real hit, when we are at the peak of our powers :- A Richmond, Hawthorn, bombers, Coll etc simply don’t produce a crowd of 20k when they are at the top of ladder. EVER. No matter what the excuse


    • Like 5
  19. 38 minutes ago, Roger Mellie said:

    I agree with you but find it curious the number of AFL players whom have re-signed in spite of this (and I'm excluding the fringe players)

    Probably because they know they are not potential “best player in the game” types, and that a higher CBA, wouldn’t motivate a club to find an extra couple of hundred grand for them. 

    and regarding Brayshaw, both sides would know we can’t table our best offer, until LJ has been locked away. 

    • Like 1
  20. On 3/29/2022 at 6:21 PM, Steamin Demon said:

    Two games in and I'm seeing a few concerning signs from our Premiership Captain. 

    - Dropping marks he'd normally swallow

    - Continued bewilderment at ruck infringements

    - The misjudging of flight. The Doggies game especially. 

    - He's smiling/carefree attitude towards his mistakes. Dogs game again.

    I accept it's early but the early signs from Max this year aren't great. Is the rise of Jackson affecting his game? 

    Lets hope he has a blinder this week and gets some of his aerial confidence back. 


    Well this hasn’t aged well.

    a good lesson for all of us. We are no longer a horrible club. When the next gun player has 2 poor weeks, don’t jump off them. 

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