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Posts posted by 1964_2

  1. 24 minutes ago, MT64 said:

    Having just got out of hospital this week, so unable to go, I watched the game on TV. The commentators in the main were pretty good (no BT or Brayshaw) BUT if I had to hear from "Gill the Dill's brother" one more time about Dogga moving back to W.A. I was ready to throw something at the TV. 

    Only to be replicated on SEN today by DerrrWayne.  Give me strength. Oh and to just prove he knows footy he stated from the top of his show that there are 9 teams capable of beating Melbourne in the grand final. The amount of calls and text's calling him out on that had him backtracking furiously. Was driving around with a smile listening to him being called out.

    Ashamed to admit I had DerrWayne on in the background today as well! 

    concur with what you said. And further towards the end of his show, he had a whinge towards all the negative texts he copped today:- referencing the “[censored] file” that Gary Lyon goes on about. 

    Seriously Derwayne what do you expect?? You have spent the last couple of weeks, talking about all the doubts about Melb, and how we have come back to the pack etc etc :- As a highly paid media performer would expect even just a consideration that maybe it was a meaningless mid season form slump 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Meggs said:

    Hmmm, Meggs was watching 7 news too.

    He also read this in the Mongrel Punt report on our game yesterday:

    Angus Brayshaw will be the recruit of the year in 2023. Mark it down now. He has not signed with the Dees and likely won’t, but whoever gets him is getting something special – a bloke who can play anywhere and do it well.

    Mongrel Punt needs to get off the meth 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, The heart beats true said:

    I find the Scott comments fascinating. Selwood went out of his way to mention it. He’s a very experienced player. There’s just no way this got on the agenda by accident.

    I think they wanted other clubs to know, arguably because they’ve been late to the party. It never had to be mentioned in any way, but it was - by their long term captain whose spent 15 years toeing the line with the media.

    Maybe I’m cynical but it’s out there for a reason. 

    Agree. For whatever reason, the release of intel was strategic rather than an accident. 

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  4. 12 minutes ago, layzie said:

    Couldn't agree more and I do think we'll have the challenge ahead of us but like you said if we can just get it done then we'll be past the worst of it and ready for a tilt. 

    I don't want to go too hard on the people who were losing faith. Yeah they probably shouldn't have but it's natural I guess when you go on a losing streak I guess. I certainly had my frustrations (even though I feel I've got a decent understanding of our condition)

    We're in this together!

    Re “we’re in this together” completely agree. I guess in my mind “together” includes with the players, coaches and club, rather than turning on them whenever things get tough. 

    But understand my view is potentially idealistic and not realistic, re the typical nature of supporter groups. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, binman said:

    As for this point, it really interests me too why the 'experts' (many of whom have coached and played at the highest level) would be giving loading and its impact a lot more air time through the media.

    I have a theory, but i know you don't like my theories so much, so if keen to know my response, you can read one of my previous posts that address that very question.

    BM, apparently JG was a “high level player”, maybe you need to be an “elite level player” to understand what is going on? Who knows, but either way I wouldn’t waste your time arguing with him.

    if he is waiting for Lewis, Riewoldt, Montagna, Hodge and Watson to provide him confirmation of what has been going on, he will probably catch on after this current group win their 3rd or 4th flag.

    Thanks for your recent accurate analysis of what has been happening. “Elite” level content. 


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  6. 31 minutes ago, layzie said:

    I felt a bit like last night we were back to our manic pressure and hard running because we really had heart and that overcame any tiredness we had from loading. 

    Hopefully someone buys that. But seriously this is where I don't buy into the theory that it is 100% about loading and results/every kick, mark and handball being directly affected by it. Getting a run on with momentum, getting the heads of steam up from that and piling more pressure on as a result, being able to play a regular intercept game because the big man is back allowing Lever and Petty to do what they do, winning back the footy and scoring on turnover, entering 50 in a less one dimensional way and having the nerve to lower the eyes. All these things contribute to getting a team through even if they are still slightly off due to loading (which I do believe is a factor).

    People also may not want to admit it but at one point this game could have gone either way too and were were slightly fortuitous at times. We know that we were extremely inaccurate but there were moments where the game was in the balance that Bris had some key set shots and let us off multiple times with bad misses. Had they kicked those it could have been a different game. 

    So for me it's what is happening with mentality during these periods of loading. A nice run on with a few goals in a row and the heads are up and willing to run that extra 5% harder which we saw in spades last night. Smashed them in contested and uncontested possessions, you do a lot less running with the ball than without the ball.

    So many factors involved, loading exists but it's how you get through and nothing is an exact mathematical equation as to how a game will turn out because of it. 

    Another point you have in-directly touched on. Coaching groups are aware that 4 qtr’s of high intensity effort is unlikely in most home and away games. This fact impacts strategy with regards to game style, rotations and match ups.

    in our 3 loading effected losses, we started strongly, and mostly had good first half’s. Potentially was some strategy of attempting to get a lead and then defend it.

    Last night we didn’t really hit our straps until the second qtr. Maybe this was due to the confidence that we were fresh and would be able to run out the game! 

    either way, both sides of this argument, and other commentators really need to acknowledge that us outsiders are missing so many of the key details/elements to enable us to make strong statements about why certain things happen within a game. 

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  7. 9 minutes ago, binman said:

    A fascinating thing about those comments is one of his responses when asked about them on 360 the following night.

    At the end of his anwer, he said that he was only discussing the topic becuase a reporter asked him about Selwood's comments about a heavy block of training straight after the game. He said it was Selwood's 'prerogative' to make those comments, but he (ie Scott) wouldn't otherwise discuss or raise the topic out of respect to their opponent.

    Picked up on this also, and found it fascinating! 

    Scott found an angle to shift blame to not only sports science for any short term losses, but then also his captain! 

    Goody just wouldn’t do this, no matter what Max had said in a prior interview 

  8. 16 minutes ago, layzie said:

    I felt a bit like last night we were back to our manic pressure and hard running because we really had heart and that overcame any tiredness we had from loading. 

    Hopefully someone buys that. But seriously this is where I don't buy into the theory that it is 100% about loading and results/every kick, mark and handball being directly affected by it. Getting a run on with momentum, getting the heads of steam up from that and piling more pressure on as a result, being able to play a regular intercept game because the big man is back allowing Lever and Petty to do what they do, winning back the footy and scoring on turnover, entering 50 in a less one dimensional way and having the nerve to lower the eyes. All these things contribute to getting a team through even if they are still slightly off due to loading (which I do believe is a factor).

    People also may not want to admit it but at one point this game could have gone either way too and were were slightly fortuitous at times. We know that we were extremely inaccurate but there were moments where the game was in the balance that Bris had some key set shots and let us off multiple times with bad misses. Had they kicked those it could have been a different game. 

    So for me it's what is happening with mentality during these periods of loading. A nice run on with a few goals in a row and the heads are up and willing to run that extra 5% harder which we saw in spades last night. Smashed them in contested and uncontested possessions, you do a lot less running with the ball than without the ball.

    So many factors involved, loading exists but it's how you get through and nothing is an exact mathematical equation as to how a game will turn out because of it. 

    Without a doubt there is always many key factors that decide the outcome of a game.

    For last night though, given there was a 4 day forced break, it meant we had only 5 days lead up to the game :- So it is very likely that last night we went into the game with a freshen up vs the last month of going into games fatigued.

    A similar freshen up to what we did against Port last year.

    Brisbane had an extra 2 days break over the bye, so potentially they didn’t have the same freshen up that we likely did. 

    More than likely we will have 3-4 more loading effected games to come :- If we can win a minimum of 2 of these, then our back-back campaign is well and truly on track. 

    whether anyone agrees with the above, I really couldn’t care. Above all else, when we went through a flat spot, I didn’t throw the toys out, like many on this site did. Some really embarrassing commentary when you look back over the past couple of weeks, in context of what we delivered last night! 

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  9. 1 hour ago, djr said:

    I can't believe no so-called media expert has considered loading as a possible cause of "form" loss. They talk about attitude and lack of effort as if a team's playbook is from the 1970s or 1980s. All of the top clubs' gameplans are so systematic that the two most likely reasons for a loss of "form" are injuries or loading. It's so 1970s to believe that a lack of effort is the primary cause of team failure. I understand that there may be times when a player's mind is not on the job, but the entire team? In-game, you see players address these issues.

    I'm not sure why retired players like Nick Riewoldt, Jordan Lewis, and even Kane Cornes don't bring it up as a possible explanation for why leading teams struggle at certain times of the season. I understand why the "older experts" constantly talk about discipline and effort because that's how the game was played back then. Garry Lyon is a classic example.

    To me it's lazy commentary. The only bright light in the media that I've seen this season is Nathan Buckley. But even he has not revealed much.

    In my mind it runs deeper than "lazy commentary" djr. 

    Today more than ever, all media participants are under huge pressure to manipulate their content in a manner that generates the most interest/clicks/viewers/listeners. Typically this means exaggerating both the bad and good:- ie take a view and then go as hard as possible to push that view. Sitting on the fence, or having a rational balanced view is a sackable offense for media participants these days. 

    When we were 10-0 there was a risk for the media that the season would get boring knowing who the premiers would be so early in the season. 1000% it suited the media agenda to have everyone thinking and doubting whether we are still the real deal. The media exploited our weak period to maximum effect, at the expense of truthful understanding for the content consumer. 



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  10. 12 minutes ago, whatwhat say what said:

    i never want to hear any sentence lloyd or kornes say...usually cos each new uttering contradicts what they've said previously...


    Yep, complete BS all of it.

    Gee it makes me laugh when they ask the victims of their repetitive attacks “so how are you coping with the pressure (that us media have created)”

    often the answer will be some generic response such as “it has been tough, but the boys are just banding together and focusing our energy on the weekend”    

    (You can see their minds ticking over, and thinking/wanting to say, “we don’t listen to any of your BS, and actually couldn’t give a stuff, as we know it’s all fabricated drama designed to generate greater clicks/listeners/viewers/ratings”)

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  11. 8 hours ago, Garbo said:

    Elite for a ruck below average for a mid and that’s the issue how valuable is an elite ground ball ruck when a mid does a better job every day of the week

    This makes no sense. Doesn’t need to be elite for a mid. Just needs to have a ground ball advantage vs oppo ruckman, which effectively creates an out-numbering of mids (particularly for centre bounces).

    No chance he is “below average” as a mid either. 

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  12. 5 minutes ago, ding said:

     9 days or so  isnt exactly a huge freshen-up but im hoping its enough. We have been slammed in the media until good ol' Jordy helped give us some respite from the front pages (bless his cotton socks)

    Tipping us to win by 3 or 4 goals.

    Go Dees!

    Maysie owes Jordy a couple of froffies!  What could go wrong?! :) 


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