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Posts posted by 1964_2

  1. 13 minutes ago, Swooper1987 said:

    How so?  You are basing this off stats not impact.  His impact last year was substantially better than this year. 

    This has been covered in depth. He was great pre getting covid, and has had a quiet few weeks since.

    Interestingly enough, there was also calls on demonland around this time last year for him to be dropped after a quiet month or so. 

    Not many 20 year old ruckman, that have got to this level at this same age. 

    • Like 7
  2. 4 minutes ago, Swooper1987 said:

    You are as good as your last game in this caper.  Jackson has been poor for much of the season.  He was good last year, and played a great 15 minutes in last years GF.  I hope that's not the only thing he's remembered for.  I expect he'll come good soon.  We need him to stand up as a forward.

    This comment doesn’t make sense.

    ”he was good last year”

    considering he has been better this year than last year, that also means he has been good this year 

    • Like 4
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  3. 20 hours ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    And how’s his form been this year?

    It’s a bloody tough world isn’t it :- As a 19 year old, you are a key cog in turning a grand final. Backed in to play ruck in the most critical time of the game, ahead of a multi year All Australian ruckman. Fast forward to the next year, and one small mid year form slump, and suddenly you are not valuable anymore.

    very very strange thinking. 

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  4. 6 hours ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    We won the GF easily.

    He was a contributor to a fantastic historic win. I’m sure we would’ve quite easily won the game without his services. We had 21 other excellent performers that day that would’ve got the job done without his influence in the 3rd qtr.


    This is severely off the mark. 

    He was a critical component of the momentum swing that got us back in the lead.

    We were 1 or 2 goals away from losing the game in the third quarter. 

    • Like 7
  5. 10 hours ago, Clintosaurus said:

    Ginnivan is the perfect target.

    Ok so we have landed on Ginnivan, Henry, and a Daicos preferably 2. 

    Jack V. gets first crack, and gets a license to cop a 50 metre penalty and goal, or up to 2 weeks suspension if he can’t be subtle enough. 

    Then Hibbo, Harmes, Pickett to finish off whoever is left.

    • Facepalm 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Tom Dyson said:

    Max and Goody putting on a media conference clinic this week, great performance from the coach in answering questions that had quite accusatorial insinuations which would have made me fire up if I had to face them. 

    When you consider how Chopper Read, I mean Bevo, reacted earlier in the year and in all honesty how a host of other coaches have responded to controversial events in the media, it certainly makes me grateful for Goody's straight up and down style. 

    Agree, he nailed it! 

    I reckon he was having to work pretty hard to prevent himself from laughing at some of the stupid questions! 

    • Like 4
  7. 51 minutes ago, Dee Zephyr said:

    Absolute clown Macca, sounded like he was very happy with himself after that comment, could almost hear him giggling. 

    All the events of this week are absolutely perfect. Media exaggerating and enjoying dragging us through the mud, everyone over-stating cultural problems and the like. All absolutely perfect. 

    Our biggest threat to not winning the flag is ourselves, and more specifically complacency. 

    All this week will do, is put some fire in the belly and switch the players on for the traditionally “hard slog” part of the season. 

    And then ensure we don’t get complacent when we start playing at our best again.

    Onwards and upwards. And Thankyou media for switching from the “Dees won’t lose a game” angle to the “have the wheels fallen off” theme.


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  8. 17 minutes ago, Lord Nev said:

    Goody presser about to start, should be interesting given the week it's been.

    Hope he copes ok tbh, he hates pressers at the best of times.

    He nailed it. As good as Max. 

    gave the journo’s a clip too “any questions on the game, it’s a big game this week?” 

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  9. 16 minutes ago, DemonWA said:

    I got sent a screenshot of a text that contains some ridiculous claims that suggests the May/Melksham incident is just the tip of the iceburg. Choosing not to post it because it seems like unsubstantiated BS to me, and I don't want to get banned!

    Yep, back in the brain that you were gifted with :- clearly made up fake rumour. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    The Club has suspended May. Both boys should pay costs to the restaurant, including loss of possible revenue and that should be thend of it. 
    This is the Media extracting blood for their own gains

    At the expense of MND fund raising and Neale Daniher’s legacy :-  Not that I expected them to care about that 

  11. 16 minutes ago, rpfc said:

    This is what happens when you drip feed info out with the facade of being holistic and thorough.

    You can’t fake it, the veneer wears off eventually.

    It was a scuffle. Whatever that is.

    It was banter. It was obviously more than that.

    It was May ‘having a drink’ under protocols. It was May at the boxing probably drinking all arvo…

    It was all sorted. The restaurant didn’t think so.

    What actually happened? I will tell you something different every effing day.

    No swearing please. You could get “cancelled” for that. 

  12. 26 minutes ago, binman said:


    And it is worth noting in this context that in the first quarter against the Swans, before fatigue really starts becoming a real problem, we blitzed the Swans because our system was functioning. As fatigue set in we progressively lost our capacity to maintain our system allowing the Swans back into the game.

    At the end of the first quarter we were 21 points up. We only scored four more goals for the match and only two in the second half. 

    The Freo game followed a similar pattern, though we blitzed them in the second quarter. We were 25 points up at half time.

    Again fatigue sets in, our capacity to maintain our system falls away and we can only manage one goal for the rest of the match.

    And just as the swans did, Freo run away with the game and look a million dollars (they could manage only two goals in the first half but piled on 12 in the second half). 

    We have scored three goals in total in the second half of the last two games. And given up 16.

    Sure both Freo and the Swans played great - their pressure and game plans were first class. And the players and coaching teams deserve a huge amount of credit.

    But 3 goals to 16 across four second half quarters?  That's not how we roll when we are up and about. 

    Yep, and when the button was likely pushed on a high training phase, need to remember we did not look like losing, and media talk at the time was “will the Dees lose a game all year” 

    ie it’s not hard to see that the logic behind the loading would have got strong support from various parts of the football department. 

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, gs77 said:

    I'd like to see AFL reporters be compelled to disclose which clubs they support ahead of their segments/articles (akin to finance journalism). Would put an interesting perspective on the various positions they argue for.

    Exactly. Gerard yet to get over the cats prelim Deemolition!

    • Like 2
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  14. 6 minutes ago, Lucifers Hero said:

    Sydney closed the exits from d50.  If that failed they corralled our players against the boundary b/w d50 and the middle. 

    Then we reverted to 'hot potato' handballing in circles until it was turned over straight back into their f50..  Our handball chain didn't get going. 

    Our players played as if the hand ball chain would just happen.  There were several times we handballed to a player and stepped forward to receive, instead of laying a shepherd.  Our player was tackled, ball spills free.  Turnover. 

    I get the theory being discussed in prior posts about defence and offence but lets also look at what happens in actual games.

    Good points in here. But Syd is not the first team to apply this. In the past, this method has created a struggle, but our work rate and willingness to continue running breaks things open. 

    the last 2 weeks it has been clear from about the 2nd quarter that our usual run, pressure, effort is just not there. 

    maybe they have all been having too many froffies, rather than loading. Either way, we are probably at least a month away from knowing the answer. 

    • Like 1
  15. 12 minutes ago, binman said:

    I'd add to AF's terrific post that the other two key elements connecting our defence and offence is the incredible amount of all team running we do when at our best and our transition game.

    Goody talks about the three phases.

    Defence is one, transition another and offence the third phase.

    Our mids, half forwards, wingers - hell even players like Brown - all push back deep into defence in numbers to help.

    This up and diwn the ground running, which more often than not is unrewarded (in an individual not team sense), is incredibly taxing. Watch spargo in a game when next watching live to get a sense of that.

    Of course that commitment helps our defence and increases our chances of winning ground balls.

    But it also is a key part of our offence and when fully wound up a big driver of our capacity to score quickly and heavily.

    That's is because when we win the ball in our back half and then transition that wave that has pushed back, sweeps forward.

    We run in waves and whoever has the ball usually has mutiple team mates running parallel or slightly forward.

    Freo and the swans (and the Hawks for that matter) generate one on ones up forward though quick, precision kicking  - if possible through the corridor (though freo also have elements of our swarm, which is one reason why they can be so damaging at times - they have two methods of transitioning the ball).

    We do the same, but we achieve that same  with less precision ball movement and more swarm and that wave of players sweeping forward.

    Think langdon tight on the boundary on the hb, flipping it to kozzie, who filps it back and so. Suddenly we areat the wing or our hf line and have mutiple options.

    We can kick to a lead up flanker or go deep inside our 50 and if we don't mark or crumb it, create a stoppage and a AF notes trap it inside our 50 (which also requires us to be at full fitness to work properly)

    But that wave, swarm running when on also creates lots of one on ones and often free players inside our 50. Think of our goals early this season when a player kicking inside 50 has mutiple free options to kick to.

    This happens because oppo players, particularly late in games, literraly can't go with their direct opponent and are left gased and trailing behind them.

    It looks as if we have extra players on the ground and is thrilling to watch.

    And it is all built on all team gut running and selflessnessin the sense that most of that running is unrewarded in an individual sense (eg the off side winger may not touch the ball or get a chance to score for hbig blocks of time, but has to do the running fir the sytem to work because  one he provides an option, and two his opponent has to go with him)

    Because our opposition has to go with us all game we exhaust them and as so often happens, they just hit the wall.

    And when they do, like in the grand final, our offence looks a million dollars because we sweep it forward with ease and the opposition can't get back quick enough to clog up our forward line.

    If, accross the board, we are fatigued all that wave running and swarm breaks down. It impacts every part of our game, but arguably our offence most of all.

    When we can't swarm our forward line looks stodgy and always crowded. And Brown for instance is always flying in a pack with our players and theirs (because that is our method - when in doubt kick to a pack and win the ground ball).

    Tmac is a huge out, and the main reason is he dies a huge amount of up and down the ground running and his opponent can't go with him.

    Well explained Binman.

    And the waves of defensive running, that quickly transitions to attack has mysteriously gone missing in the last 2 weeks (especially the 2nd half’s). Unlikely that the coaching group have changed such a successful game plan, or that the players have suddenly forgotten how to implement it :- so it does appear pretty obvious to me what is going on, but everyone is free to have their own opinions :) 

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  16. 14 minutes ago, Viscount Cardwell said:

    So I don’t comment much, but the divide that May is causing to the club, should position him to be gone at the end of the year, we should be relying on Lever, Petty and Turner to take the backline forward. May is someone that doesn’t take much notice of anyone.

    Joining you here Nev on the facepalm 🤦‍♂️ movement 

  17. 3 minutes ago, Redlagged said:

    Gawn doesn't get [censored] and involved in punch ups in public though. Think you've lost your bearings, pal.

    Never said he does. 

    Just said that the "Gus and Gawny" podcast regularly has little digs at players albeit mostly friendly ones. 


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