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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. He was a recruited as a Category B rookie by the Lions.
  2. Boy, you’re just a fountain of positivity aintchya Bud?! You seem to have a problem with Cat. B rookies: first KFW, now Fullarton. At least wait until they’ve played even one AFL game for us before you start sending out your usual failure vibes.
  3. So it’ll be [censored] down at 7:25pm then. 😝 #BringYourPonchos
  4. But it was suggested on here that Kozzy might be unavailable for this Wednesday’s match. If the baby was born last week or on the weekend just gone, he should be available, unless of course there’s complications or the like.
  5. That thought crossed my mind last night. I couldn’t understand why he’d have to miss Wednesday night’s match. I just hope they’re all ok.
  6. In December they announced the pregnancy but I thought the due date was in June. Maybe she was further along than we thought. 🤷‍♀️
  7. The frequency of score reviews in this quarter is ridiculous. It flies in the face of the AFL’s desire for fast, free-flowing footy. It definitely is for advertising Crypto.com, otherwise they’d send the ball back to the middle and review it in that 30 seconds, which is what they do anyways (review every goal).
  8. Other commentators do this too. But they don’t try to make Martin Luther King sound like he’s having a chin-wag with a buddy for S&Gs.
  9. Quick! Start a Sam Clohesy thread. STAT!!! 😁
  10. EXACTLY!!! I can’t believe people are still carrying on about this, especially when they clearly don’t know enough to justify passing judgement.
  11. I cannot stand him. He says every single comment like it’s the most profound thing you’re ever gonna hear. In his mind, every time he draws breath to make a comment he’s the Dalai Lama and we’re his devoted adherents.
  12. You a little obsessed about this name thing, Bingers? 😅
  13. Grundy’s 200th today. GO SUNS!!!
  14. I saw them taking a leak all over Port. 😭
  15. That was James Kelly pretending to fall asleep during the song, and iirc he was duly sch!tt-canned for doing so by the media and neutral supporters, in general. I can’t imagine a player despising a club to the point of not considering a move to that club based only on that club’s dark past. Especially when that club has been successful of late including having won a premiership recently. If Yeo despises the Dees, there must be some other reason. Maybe a personal reason. 🤷‍♀️
  16. We/Us/Our = MFC They/Them/Their = Everyone else. This makes it easy to distinguish between the two.
  17. LOL I was just saying the same thing to brother/dad cue 🎶 I’m my own grandpa 🎶
  18. At first I laughed at this but now you’ve got me thinking: maybe No. 31 is a relative of mine. 🤯
  19. “Listen to No. 31, WCW. Join us. You know you want to” — my entire family 😅
  20. Cool. Just the perfect post for a Dees forum. 😅
  21. Please Lions, please do what the Crows (and Port and the Giants) couldn’t do last night (and this afternoon), ie. beat a team we all heartily hate. Thanks in advance 👍🏽 Surely this time it’ll work 😝
  22. Hawkins though… argued his point for ages and the umpire humoured him. Spewing… I was hoping to see a 150-metre penalty.
  23. The commentators are loving this. 🤮
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