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Everything posted by Kick_It_To_Pickett

  1. Geez tht hit from Harmes was undisciplined. Crucial time and he does tht. Just watched the replay, dumb
  2. This! It’s all this. No sustained momentum, bar a couple of short patches
  3. The game was boring. I go every week and have done since 1987. It was an un-finals like game with defence winning for both sides. There was nothing to get enthused about. There was noise after a couple of goals, the members even joined the Melbourne chant and the place was rocking. Problem was, they automatically replied with a goal and the wind was taken out of the crowd’s sails again
  4. Sitting on members wing ground level tonight, there was nothing surer than the fact Petracca was injured. He could not run. It was a result of a tackle he put on Franklin. Whether he aggravated the calf we heard about, I have no ideas. But he was practically limping
  5. I told you earlier to hold fire. You’ve had a mare tonight
  6. I’ve gone early too. That Cameron goal keeps them in it. They need back to back
  7. Game over I reckon. Brisbane are just a junk team
  8. You must be hearing new mail on the ground there in Perth, Chook.
  9. No, I haven’t bothered to read this thread for weeks. If it has been mentioned elsewhere here, my apologies. That may suggest that the info is fairly solid then, as this source has been in the past.
  10. Heard from a reliable source the following: Luke Jackson’s family is pushing for him to move back to WA. Specifically, his mother, who wants him back in WA. Freo may not be able to get the deal done, but the family’s preference is for him to play for Freo and not West Coast. They are heavy in the ear of his manager. It seems the decision to head home is not entirely Luke’s. Take it or leave it. The source is pretty solid though
  11. Pretty lucky that he bagged one last year, despite not playing in the Grand Final
  12. He has just coughed up another kick that results in a turnover and goal.
  13. Tomlinson’s AFL career is over. His skills are so sub standard, particularly his foot skills
  14. Ladhams is gone. Been looking to snipe blokes all quarter. That was dog
  15. A goal here to Weid would cap off a very solid day
  16. I don’t really think we are hoping for blokes to push for selection at this stage. The seniors are settled. If there are injuries though, we have some depth. Guys that play our system.
  17. Put that goal down to JVR for taking body contact from 2. Huge effort. Also nice run Baker, who has been very quiet today.
  18. I’m not sure if you are at the ground or watching the Tv. His head definitely did not hit the ground and there was no dump. Chill out
  19. Adam Tomlinson is a very limited footballer. Barring injury, he is a depth player at best. Not sure whether the injury of last year has affected him, but really struggling
  20. You are joking right? He put the bloke on his back! No dump. No lift. Not sure what you saw. He was sore as he drove the shoulder into his chest
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