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Dee Dee

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Everything posted by Dee Dee

  1. A recently formed amateur woman’s team (young Gals) based down south of the city. I’m not sure what league they play in!
  2. During my 40+ years MCC membership I think most presidents have been MFC supporters. The last non MFC supporter was Paul Sheahan (Steve Smith’s predecessor) who kept his passionate support for the Cats quite well hidden. I also believe the majority of board members are rusted on Dees supporters.
  3. And Happell’s sport of choice “Real Tennis” , gee, a real down to earth pursuit and just the one to further cement the image of the MCC with non members!
  4. Of course in the “good old days” Melbourne had a couple or real champs in 3 times premiership captain and centreman Allan LaFontain and rover Percy Beames. Now they were the days, one umpire and no TV. Ya had to have eyes in the back of ya head. Today’s kids.....
  5. I enjoyed seeing him play. And if I remember correctly he hired a specialist running coach to help with his speed (which was his major deficiency). Apparently he was a very good pianist as well!
  6. I had a quick look and almost felt embarrassed for the players: what a silly concept! And made even sillier by the inanity of James Brayshaw and his infantile commentary style. What a [censored]! (Sorry Angus)?.
  7. George, I remember talking to an MCC committee member some years ago who assured me that the MCC does put money into the football club, a look through the annual accounts may reveal more (or ask Steve Smith)! I believe that years ago during the very dark days of the footy club the MCC was really propping it up, although it’s difficult to find out more.
  8. Your experience is certainly different to mine. I try to attend every MFC game at the G (home or away) and the “nexus” seems to be stronger than ever. There are certainly many MCC members who support other clubs, but go to (for instance) a Carlton vs Hawthorn game at the G and the MCC members area will not be nearly as crowded as for a Melbourne vs Carlton or Hawthorn game. And just on the joint membership question, I’m a full MCC member and each year if I’ve been good my wife advances me the money to take out an additional MFC membership. And further to Mr Gawn’s request, when he finally plays his hundredth game (I think round one?) he will be offered full MCC membership (not restricted). So, I trust he will take out a combined MCC/MFC membership as well.
  9. I reckon you’ll find Max is more figurehead than hands on in this venture, but making the odd “celebrity” appearance. It appears to be a Gawn Brothers venture underwritten by Max. So DZ how much did they charge? Good value for money?
  10. This! The filth would love to “bring him home” (or maybe kidnap him) at sometime in the future. Lock him away and throw away the key lest Eddie comes sniffing!
  11. There are quite a few ex BGS boys in the AFL system quietly going about there careers in football, as there are from other private schools. And JW isn’t the first to achieve a degree of notoriety from his of field activities.
  12. The grass at most(if not all) grounds is cut in 10 metre (light/dark) widths to help umpires gauge distances. Check it out next time you’re at the G, you’ll notice 5 widths from goal line to apex of 50 metre arc. Of course that doesn’t mean the blind so and so’s don’t get it wrong from time to time?.
  13. Ah 2009, the good old days of training the house down??!
  14. And now we have some teammates who’s brains he really can pick. Teammates who really have been there done that, teammates who really believe in themselves and teammates who realise that with hard work and dedication, the prize may not be too far away. A culture that is still building but one that Sparrow and the other “kids” will embrace as natural. A big, big turnaround from 8 - 10 years ago. I know we all thank Paul Roos but I want to thank Daniel Cross for importing a professionalism of dedication and training that shocked many at the club into changing their ways (or getting out)! How much talent was waisted a decade ago by ineptitude, amateurism, and pure stupidity, a bloody lot IMHO.
  15. Now, no one could call me a cruel or callous person but the first video was wonderful.?!
  16. To further hijack the Tom Sparrow Thread, Andy Lovell became quite ill for a time, I’m not sure what the problem was, but he missed quite a few games as I remember. I was at Princess Park for a game against Carlton when he returned, a couple of Carlton supporters near me couldn’t believe how gaunt he looked (and neither could I), he looked a different person! At his best he was excellent but his best was short lived I’m afraid. And back to the Tom Sparrow Thread: if Sparrow could become as good constantly as Lovell at his best I’m sure we will all be pleased. (Maybe buy him an axe and a few logs).
  17. That’s what I thought! Gee Haileybury get the kids don’t they - notoriously so!!!
  18. Glenn Archer used to stand and beat far taller opponents. He was (I think) 182cm tall but powerful, coordinated and beautifully balanced. On the other hand I can remember 200cm lumbering ruckman who were hopeless. Hard work and ability, hard work and ability.
  19. Any news regarding how our new CEO is going? He’s been in the job for a few weeks now so I thought we’d hear something about how he’s settling in. He has damn big shoes to fill!!!
  20. Just on young Bradtke, I understood he was being chased by a number of clubs before he chose Melbourne. I suppose recruiters saw something in him: ours certainly did?.
  21. Thank you for the excellent photographs 666. As a country lad who can’t get down to the city too often they really bring home to me the atmosphere of training. Well done.
  22. Gee, she is one very smart lady and from a very smart family. Just look at her entry in Wikipedia.
  23. ? What’s a Cheque? Is my credit card about to be replaced by new technology?
  24. And dominated by 10 drop in cricket pitches right now. Not to mention the surface grass cut to 12mm length for cricket (24mm for football) making it rather hard. I certainly wish we could but not possible any more.
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