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Everything posted by Grr-owl

  1. Though I know not your name, lone Demon, nor from whence you come, I salute thee....
  2. Got me.
  3. I was quoting Binman... 😉
  4. Melbourne to Adelaide - 725.8kms Wuddina to Adelaide - 567kms 158.8kms the difference. No real practical difference as that's long trip either way... Would he feel more 'at home' in any case? See attached pic of the long long grass of Wuddina. Adelaide is just as different as Melbourne in that regard.
  5. Dunno about all this. Lots of other SA people at MFC atmo, including Goodie, one of their greatest, Swallow, Chin, ANB and others (???).... The only reason I would go if I was Petty would be the cash, and surely there's enough of that where he is right now, plus a decent list and all the cheeseboards he can wolf, as well as snow access. Dunno, with his next contract at MFC he could probably afford a Range Rover and really live the dream..... Seriously, though, what is the reason to leave?
  6. If Bevo is there, don't sign, mate. Just don't sign...
  7. Being a politician, it changes depending on the majority within company at any given moment. If you watch him closely as he enters a room, he does quick calculations based on the appearance of the folks therein. If they have teeth, it's not Collingwood. If they're stoned, West Coast. If they've got their snouts in the buffet, the Cats. Etc...
  8. I live in Caulfield South and the local member [no censorship, please] has been calling for comment, claiming that the move of the MFC to Caulfield would reduce green space in the area and shut the community out by putting the land in the hands of private clubs. Us locals need more green space, apparently, than Glenhuntly Park, EE Gunn Reserve, Packer Park, Princes Park, Caulfield Park and Lord Reserve/Koornang park, with Elsternwick Park, Duncan McKinnon Reserve and Yalukit William Nature Reserve plus a few others not much further away. I let David know - as he seemed not to realize - that the facilities the MFC would use would bring more of the community in than the few dog walkers, joggers and snake hunters using it presently by providing more of the very green sporting and leisure facilities he seems to think we lack. Next time I might let him know that I didn't vote for him because there was a candidate on the ticket who had luscious long red locks, for which I am a sucker. In other words, he needs to do something positive to get my vote, and being another NIMBY ain't going to get him over the line against a smiling redhead. Note: Had no idea of her politics. Just dug her hair.
  9. After the disbelief and the anger and the visualizations of revenge on Maynard, I want to say cheers to Gus for all the guts and effort. Wish him all the best.
  10. I say if we kick straight enough, we win.
  11. That's the mane goal....
  12. They've tried to turn cricket into a sensationalist game. The same is happening to golf and tennis too.... They're not. Lipstick on a pig. Once found myself at a rugby tournament in a sports facility in Dubai. Looked up and there was the ICC, another dusty steel and glass box exponentially decaying in the brutal climate. Sad.
  13. Not big on it cause the kids can't go. I'm one of those old fashioned roll out of bed on a Saturday and wonder what are we going to do today, how 'bout the footy? type of blokes. Can live with the staggered start times over multiple days, but 7:55PM starts mean a late night, so on a Thursday we're out. Keep footy a family thing, I reckon...
  14. Who matches up against McAdam at training?
  15. I think they're orange-bellied yabbies, or something like that....😉
  16. As I understand it, there's yabbies in that pond...
  17. Oh, ye of the small screens, my 100" projector screen is the screen to rule them all!
  18. I hope this applies for the Digital Memberships through the club....
  19. Oh, let it be so. My kids go to that school and it is sadly lacking in facilities.
  20. Right on. And according to the club there is no better option. If there is one, someone should lay it out here. Do a comparison using the criteria Perty discussed at the AGM. Space, accessibility, availability et al., and (I suspect) the biggest issue of all: willingness to cooperate with MFC...
  21. I'm another one in the area. Belly all a-flutter atmo. Great idea. Get it done....
  22. Even Gawn can't afford Malvern.... had to settle for Malvern the Lesser.
  23. Good point. I work in said windswept soulless high-rise wasteland these days with said overseas students. Have made it standard practice to tell them that all overseas students are obliged to support the Melbourne Football Club. I explain that it is a law, and say that they ticked the MFC box on the landing card as they flew in and now must follow through. Doesn't seem to be having the effect I assumed it would, but you never know...
  24. Nah, there's nothing in that...
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