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Everything posted by Grr-owl

  1. Just quoted so you'd get a notification. Interesting battle going on in the US now. Biden is pushing a less-than neo-liberal agenda... Was surprised and a little pleased to see this BBC article referring to Reagan and Thatcher. Seems its gradually becoming newsworthy to understand neo-liberalism as an approach that is not necessarily inevitable. I can't remember the words Thatcher used, but it was along the lines of "there's no other choice....." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56903805 Now we'll see the soul of the Republican party, if there is one. They want to make America great? Make the investment....
  2. No amnesia. Just not convinced that a civilization is defined by its worst face. There's positive and negative, no matter what, and for me the positive outweighs the negative.
  3. How does the sponsorship come into it?
  4. Got to think what happens if the opposition get him too... Imagine Brisb, Tiges, Dogs or Port, with him added.
  5. We can do polls here can't we? Let's work on the question. First draft: Q: Would you prefer 'fan activation' such as lights, music and qtr time shenanigans to bugger off so we can enjoy the footy?
  6. Perhaps just adjusting to being in unfamiliar territory..... positive.
  7. You mean that the lights and music increase the atmosphere??? Bollocks. Everyone just turns away wondering who likes it.
  8. Excuse me what is your point here? Sandringham Footy Club is still in the Blood Celebrated at least 3 Flags down there at The Beach Oval before the AFL killed the Comp Port Melbourne were the serious enemy Point was I was making a not-very-funny joke...... 60's+70's+80's being a max of 30 years throughout which you said you "grew up," and then on turning that back on myself having had an extended adolescence..... No offence.... ?
  9. Is that what it's called...? Wow. Turn it off. All of it. No music, no lights no boundary sprints, no flying on the tackle pad thingies..... Australians want an entertaining game of footy. It's not baseball... For any Aussie who hasn't been to a pro baseball game, don't. It's all signing and chanting and cheerleaders. The game barely comes into it.
  10. My 2c is that HPM's come with a 2-3 year plan. So he's in the 2nd year of that. If he sees a flag coming, he'll probably see it through. If not, ....
  11. Dear Sir, It seemed to take a long time for you too grow up. Extended adolescence? Took me 30-odd years to mature as well.....
  12. That's what I saw. In the past we would eventually be caught with the ball, closed down for space. This what happened during the opening burst. But then, yes, we adapted, and instead of resorting to a long-down-the-line-game, which (though we have the talls to be good at it) is a defensive reaction that means a side is being dictated to, we simply got enough troops around the ball and worked it into space for a smarter kick. This is a minor strategic masterpiece; rethinking an accepted part of the game and making it work. It will differentiate us and work to our advantage as long as others fail to recognize it, as have Hardwick and King...
  13. Would think that after last night, if Merrett is going anywhere, it's the Dogs, the Tiges or us. If the Dogs, they'll be even stronger, so we better make a play for him. On that, feel a bit uncomfortable saying it but Weid out if comes to a trade?
  14. Yes indeed Talented Family Produced AC/DC early stuff, too....
  15. But with more bounce, like a springbok.
  16. Short bloke with strong shoulders = low centre of gravity. Tackle master. Still the apprentice... but one more preseason will see him become one of those little c$#%s that frustrate the soul out of the oppo, like Libba......
  17. A little bell is ringing in my head.... Weid out, Merrett in?
  18. I reckon he'll cop a week.
  19. Nah, better not to reinforce stereotypes. Just button up and point to the scoreboard.
  20. In any case, if we agreed to move in there after they moved out, they would either reneg at the last second or double the price, saying something like, "Youze are all rich c#$&s."
  21. I have this feeling that all is right with the world..... Is it "serenity"?
  22. Spargo was hot.
  23. Pissing down in Yarra Park.
  24. That's his body-double. Gotta keep 'em guessin'...
  25. Yeah, don't mess with him. Not where golf balls are concerned.... Oh, now i get it. ?‍♂️
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