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Everything posted by BDA

  1. His wasn't a bad kick in a time when we weren't over endowed in that area....but let's not go there ?
  2. I’d argue trading in a future bnf winner for pick 23 beats is a better bargain than the watts for pick 31 Fritsch deal. Of course with time the Fritsch could prove better.
  3. I'd throw Bernie Vince in there as a very good trade. He was a BNF after all. We’ve traded pretty well over the journey. I mean, those busts aren’t exactly Fev to Brisbane or Lovett to St Kilda Our drafting (and probably development) is what let us down for many years.
  4. Brown will likely cost a second rounder and Smith was a FA. I would say that’s very inexpensive business. TMac gets a lot of love and justifiably so. He’s a good sort and we all wish things could have turned out differently but he’s no longer best 22. The FD have moved on from Tmac in a defensive role a long time ago. With Brown joining the forward set-up he’ll play a bit part role at best. It doesn’t suit us to have a high earning back-up. I don’t think its fair on Tom to keep him as back-up. I don’t think he wants to be back-up. We should work with his manager to ensure a trade gets done. If we have to pay a chunk of his salary so be it. It's the right time for TMac to seek pastures new. If he moves and shows good form next year I’ll be very happy for him.
  5. I'd like to know what @Dr evil take on this is? What's your intel telling you?
  6. To summarise: We’ll back in a number of our players: “We’ll back in a number of players we have on our list currently, and give more opportunities to the likes of Oskar Baker, James Harmes, Jayden Hunt and Adam Tomlinson who can all play a similar type of role” But consider opportunities should they present themselves - “Like every Trade/Draft Period, we are looking to improve our list, we are looking at completing some trades during this period, but you never quite know how active you will be until Trade Period starts. There are going to be a lot of scenarios thrown up on the whiteboard, and as we do every Trade Period, we’ll try to walk out at the end knowing our list is stronger and that we’ve given ourselves a good opportunity to be better as a team again next year” I think he’s just joshing. He's given himself plenty of latitude to chase any targets that emerge without sign posting our intentions to other clubs.
  7. What do you think is the right price AF?
  8. Typically I only to see Melbourne games but this year, with the boredom of lockdown, I’ve watched pretty much every game in the league. As such, my perception is heavily biased towards this year.
  9. For this deal to be worthwhile there needs to be some non-negotiables for mine Phillips (or another specialist wingman) is the preference. He fills a greater need so wouldn’t prioritise Treloar over Tom. $450-$550k salary. Term 3-4 years Must not compromise our TPP. We have to be able to re-sign Clarry et all. I’m not against trading out Brayshaw if needs be for a game changer but not to accommodate this deal. Thorough medical. Those hammy’s are a concern. His family situation doesn’t impact his football. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that last year was an aberration and his output will return to pre-covid levels. Way way too much hassle imv.
  10. Sorry Hannibal. I was being a smart [censored]. I should have used a smiley emoji or similar But seriously his kicking is average. If we're to invest precious cap it needs to be elite imv. He may spread well but if he doesn't use it well then i don;t think it makes much difference. Even if he's average and we somehow agree reasonable contract terms (big if) we shouldn't take him on. Find someone elite who can make a real difference if we're going to go through all the hassle.
  11. Butchering his kicks?
  12. Fair points particularly bnf placings. Last year was so weird and unnatural, hub life and all the rest of it so perhaps you could argue its just an outlier. But it was a big drop-off! You’d want to be pretty sure it won’t repeat considering the outlay involved and all the other factors to be resolved to make this happen. I just don’t think he adds a whole more than we already have. We have greater needs. I'd rather we focus on those than get distracted by the Treloar circus.
  13. what names are being bandied about LN
  14. I think this is spot on and my initial reaction as well. A review that leaves all the same senior people in place (albeit in different roles) isn’t much of a review imo.
  15. Just heard a snippet from Jon Ralph on fox sports news. He said “of the 234 players in the AFL who had over 100 kicks this year Treloar had the 3rd worst kick rating. The stat takes into account degree of difficulty. He also kicked just the one goal. Collingwood believe he just does not hurt opposition enough” This is why Collingwood want rid. For the money he commands that’s a horrible stat. We need to bring in midfielders that elevate our kicking efficiency not drag it down further. It’s a big NO from me.
  16. I don’t think the timing of the announcement is a coincidence given the Brown news. Underwhelming. I know the pandemic is a massive factor but jeez a lot depends on Yze. He has to get that midfield firing and delivering half decent supply to BB.
  17. I'd advise him to have a word with Adam Treloar before committing.
  18. True but my post was more about the lack of interest. It is a good salary but not enough to put clubs off I would have thought. He’s contracted but the pies have cap issues so shouldn’t cost much trade wise. $400-500k 3 years and a third rounder could get this done. He fills an obvious need for us.
  19. Fair point. The fact is though the pies haves completely stuffed up their TPP. They want shot of his salary and are coming out with all sorts of justifications. For that reason I’m inclined to believe Treloar.
  20. Collingwood are a disgrace the way they are handling this. Treloar did them a favor back-ending his contract and this is the way they treat him. I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them. Wouldn’t all these selfishness issues have been known in 2019 when he extended his deal? Didn’t seem to be an issue then. Senior players saying they don’t want him. Talk about lunatics running the asylum! The pies are disintegrating and its a beautiful thing to behold.
  21. I reckon with a good pre season as well you could be right ?
  22. I’m delighted. If we do land that elusive flag we will look back on this moment as pivotal. It sounds like Burgess was key to the deal so I would love to get confirmation that he is staying. Next on my wish list - Tom Phillips
  23. Noted. I'll add the proviso, subject to the passing his medical. In Burgess I trust.
  24. He's gone to the wrong club again. Who is advising him, seriously. Sydney has a great culture and track record of rehabilitating players. Richmond would have been another good option. If he gets his act together and focuses then he'll be a great addition for them. I really hope it works out for him.
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