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Everything posted by BDA

  1. But we haven’t missed the boat yet for Dusty Martin. Here’s hoping he falls out with Richmond, we convince him to join us (on a multi-million dollar deal of course) so he can stick it to his former club. He leads us to the promised land picking up another norm smith while he does so. It’s written in the stars.
  2. Ah. that would explain it. Still. quite possible no spectators would have turned up anyways.
  3. Just watching the GWS v Adelaide ALFW game. I can see 1 spectator (probably wandered in by mistake). Perhaps the crowd are located on the near side out of camera shot (but I doubt it). Makes you wonder about the sustainability of GWS??
  4. Beautiful evening out at Casey. Stiff breeze but thankfully not the gale that often blows. Top marks to the grounds staff, the deck looked immaculate. Thought it could be one of those days when Frederick marked and goaled early but after that there was really only one team in it. Out delivery inside 50 was poor in the first quarter but improved as the game went on. Ball movement was pretty good actually with one passage in the third quarter in particular where we almost went coast to coast. Bannon can play. Showed real smarts to leave her opponent sitting on her [censored] while she took a simple mark and goal. Her positioning is very good, she knows how to nudge and outbody in the marking contest. I think she’ll be a great player for us. Goldrick is a ripper. Knows only one way to play. See ball, attack ball. She beat Brennan all ends up and ran off her all day. All in all I though it was a good performance. We need to sharpen up in certain areas for sure but we’ve got 2 wins in the bag which will give us confidence and belief for the much tougher assignments which lie ahead. Go Dees.
  5. Bit of a nothing comment from Cornes. Our head coach won't allow excuses this year. Goodwin is coaching for his job so either he gets a tune out of the team or he’ll be sacked. BB injured is a disappointment, but we have depth. His injury won’t provide cover if we continue to bomb aimlessly into our forwards.
  6. Is inclusion of a player in the photo a definitive indication that they will be given a spot on the list?
  7. Who was left out of the official team photo?
  8. As long as we limit the supply into Frederick and Brennan we should be ok. Richmond don’t really have any weapons other than those two.
  9. I've been a Spargo doubter. Will be very pleasantly surprised if he develops into a Gray type.
  10. None of the track reports I read noted that he was “obviously” in discomfort. And I’m not sure what injury “forecasting” is. There’s no way to predict when a player will get injured. Do you mean ongoing monitoring of the knee given his history? We’ve got the best in the business in Burgess leading the fitness and medical team. He got our full list fit and firing last year after the shambles that was 2019 so I think he deserves a bit more faith. From all accounts BB was training well and other than the bandage on the knee was showing no ill effects at all. I think we all need to take a chill pill and let the medical team do their thing. Much better to get this treated now than after the season had started.
  11. I'm not an expert but this doesn't sound too serious. Best be conservative, get the knee right and make sure he's right for the rest of the season, including finals.
  12. Matt Rowell looks like he can become elite but how many games has he played?
  13. I don’t pay too much heed to champion data since they rated our list the best in the comp before the 2019 season. It’s just guesswork.
  14. Use our depth players 2 of Weid, TMac and M Brown as tall options Fritch as medium with Petracca rotating through. Tidy up our I50 delivery to give the forwards a better chance to mark will help I’ll be as disappointed as anymore if BB is out but this is why you have cover.
  15. It’ll be a disappointment if he’s out for a spell but injuries are a fact of life. The good teams just get on with it.
  16. Watched the Richmond game yesterday. They’re a pretty limited outfit. As long as we don’t get complacent we should beat them.
  17. The response by Eddie to this report vindicates entirely the whole thrust of the report namely: 1. Eddie has too much influence and no-one at the club is prepared to challenge him 2. Bury the report rather than show true leadership 3. Spin like crazy when the leak occurs because more interested in protecting the brand Collingwood had a golden opportunity to admit to past failings, commit to change and perhaps even forge a path that other clubs and institutes could follow. If they had done that I would have commended them. Instead, because no-one there has the gumption to stand up to Eddie they have dug a bigger hole for themselves and compounded matters. I love watching Collingwood squirm but in this instance the issue transcends tribalism. I can’t believe the board at one of the biggest sporting clubs in Australia has stuffed this up so badly. Another missed opportunity to start the process of genuine reconciliation that this country badly needs.
  18. I've no preference. whoever shows the most in pre-season should get the spot.
  19. Agree with all of that DS A good win to start the season and plenty of positives. We’ll have to play another 2-3 games to get a proper read on our form but the other negatives for me were: Same day travel. Started sluggishly and ran out gas in the last. If the Suns had more belief I reckon they could have run us closer. Zander not imposing herself and seems to be lacking in confidence. Dropped an easy mark in the 4th near the top of the square. She’s got the talent but doesn’t show it consistently enough. She reminds a little of the Weid in this regard. Shelley Scott couldn’t get going at all. Looking forward to getting along to Casey next weekend to cheer the girls along and to see a live game of footy. It’s been too long.
  20. We've run out of gas. This could get nervy.
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