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Everything posted by BDA

  1. Applying some Demonland logic here but if we beat the saints easily, the saints then beat West Coast doesn’t that mean….......we’ve gone past West Coast ?
  2. True but we have to have something to talk about.
  3. West Coast are just down hill skiers. Apply the pressure and they wilt Great response from the Saints after the Essendon horror show
  4. Fair comments Maybe I did let my frustration at the performance boil over a little. Skills are improving every year. Rome wasn’t built in a day. I think that’s worth bearing in mind when appraising the team. We’ll leave it at that.
  5. These women have been magnificent the last few weeks. No shame in losing today. No shortage of endeavour but lacked quality. The vagaries of the draw caught up with us. We better get a favourable draw next year or I’ll be fuming. Just too big an ask to back up week after week against the strong teams. Adelaide are a good team but we belted them on our patch. They had a softer draw racked up the percentage and that was enough to get them top spot and the or so important home finals. We’ve had a great year with some real talent emerging. The foundation is there. I think the one thing we are missing is a dominant forward. Any chance with could pinch Tayla Harris from Carlton I wonder? She’d straighten us up and give us a real presence inside 50. Bannon is too young and callow yet and needs more time to develop. I’m disappointed we didn’t give a better account of ourselves today but the future is bright. The girls can hold their heads high this evening. They’ve done us proud over the journey. Go Dees.
  6. And if our men can show half the heart of this team we'll be a long way towards a tilt at the flag
  7. Our progress this season, other than a bad mid-season wobble, has been excellent. I don't like condescending remarks comparing the women to U15's. It's out of order imv.
  8. Have you watched any of our games this year or have you waited until the prelim to stick the boot in?
  9. We're in Hail Mary territory now. We need a toby greene style flurry of quick goals to have any hope.
  10. Huge ask now. Not sure what Stinear can do. They need more than guts. Gotta kick a goal somehow
  11. Need to kick the next one. a 3 goal lead would be very hard to reel in
  12. Nothing happening in our forward 50. It's coming straight back out again.
  13. My nerves are jangling. Come on girls. Big effort required.
  14. I don’t disagree with too much of what you’ve said There is a fear of tech amongst a certain section of senior citizens. I still see older people rummage around for loose change at the supermarket check-out desk. I've been cashless for a few years now. Queuing at the checkout with 2-3 items when they would be quicker to use the self service. So there is a element of human behaviour involved and a fear of the new and resistance to change. But we are lucky. We have been immersed in technology from a young age. For those whose jobs have not required it and are retired it’s a lot different. My mother in law is working class, drove taxi’s, waited tables and worked in retail. She has no grasp or aptitude for tech. She can use a mobile, send texts and the like but the ticketek process bested her. I also had to sort out her Kayo subscription. Where I disagree with you is that anyone can pick up these skills easily. The reality is that people’s skills can become obsolete at anytime and some do not have the capacity (or inclination I admit) for continued learning especially when they reach advanced years. This is just a fact of life. There are plenty who have fallen by the way side because the world went past them. I choose to acknowledge this rather than berate. As AW has pointed out the ticketek process is not simple and straight forward. It is certainly not [censored] proof.
  15. Our intensity and tackling pressure did for the Crows when we played them a few weeks ago. A repeat does is required today. We can’t let Adelaide off the chain at all. Really looking forward to the game. Win or lose these girls have been fantastic.
  16. Melks was poor last year. Pressure has never been his strong suit but the fact is he was sub par in all facets of his game. Initially i was dead against bringing him back in but i've re-considered. There is nothing like competition to adjust attitudes. He now knows that sub-par performances and he's out of the team. Maybe that will provide the spur for him to lift. If 2018 Melks re-appears we are a better team for it. Sparrow has been solid and dependable and it'll be tough on him if he's dropped but maybe it's time to give Melks a run to see if the penny has dropped. I gave Tmac no chance this year and he proved me wrong rounds 1 and 2. Maybe Melks will do the same.
  17. I have to agree with those who were disappointed with the skill levels. Goal-kicking, happy hand-balling and poor decision-making at times. The positive for me is that our skills don’t appear to be any worse than the other teams in this league The big difference is the level of heat and intensity. We haven’t had any real pressure applied to us yet. Can’t wait to see how we hold up against Richmond on anzac eve. It’ll be a huge test of our mettle.
  18. Plenty of heat in this one now. Port need to convert though.
  19. brilliant coast to coast goal from Richmond. They're looking ominous.
  20. Even if we win the narrative will be we played Geelong at the right time, no Danger or Cameron, they are past it anyways, too slow etc.etc. And to be honest that suits me just fine. I don’t want any hype or tyre pumping. Keep the lid firmly secured please.
  21. Good for you that you can work it out so easily Praha. There are those of an older demographic less tech savvy who just can’t get the hang of it. My mother-in-law, God love her, couldn’t figure it out if her life depended on it. I’m sure our kids will have a chuckle at our expense when we reach a ripe old age but hopefully they will be a little more forgiving than your good self. Thank you AW. You’ve done a good service here.
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