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Everything posted by Kent

  1. Yep Dr been like this all year! No wonder we are out of juice at the end. We put all our energy in to I50s time and time again with low success The other sides waltz out the back and because our press is so High have an easy track to goal Our guys are out of juice and cannot chase
  2. You know you are in trouble when you continually pick the king of momentum killers,ANB,and you again recycle the Wagners. Ohhhh Woe is me!
  3. Yes Tony Reward for effort would make a big difference to the team psyche. We must fix our conversion rate. Its laughable to watch our F50 entrys . We keep passing the ball under increasing pressure commit far too many people to the ball then wonder why we are beaten on the rebound. Quite honestly is a sad, sad joke to watch the same crap every game. It must be fixed!
  4. And so it goes Mazer down the proverbial. Whats going to prevent this type of scenario? The Future Past.
  5. MFC seems to suffer periods of premature ejaculation when it comes to contract negotiations ie VDB and Goodwin
  6. Yes Rjay There is background talk (unconfirmed) that there may be a problem with the circuitry
  7. Yes I wholeheartedly agree AW Good trading! Given our poor development record.
  8. Why do we continually Bomb the ball long? Is it a part of our game plan? Is just panic stations and players don't want the reSposibility of hiTting up tragets or being creative inside 50? WHAT EVER IT IS MR GOODWIN "IT IS NOT WORFKING" FIX IT!!
  9. George That is entirely too sensible an idea for the Circus called the AFL It has worked a treat at Brisbane
  10. I dont think that is quite right.He gave plenty of second and third efforts cleared his own ball a few times. I thought he gave a creditable performance on the day. He was in our top 5 players .
  11. YEP I have been a long time supporter of ANB over the last few years mainly based on his work rate. He is now a serial misser of goals and as you say gets in the way. He collided many times with his own players on Sunday. Bring in JKH ( Cant believe I said that)
  12. Agree completely Macca. Loved the win, game almost unwatchable at the ground People around me were laughing at the poor skills on display all game so I can be a lil negative about that. So who is available to poach in he off season? I aways thought Finlayson was a chance but I believe he has resigned. Any suggestions out there?
  13. Yes he does and he does it every week Poor judgement and reading of the flight or perhaps isn't starting in the right spots Needs to address this urgently
  14. Thanks Rusty for doing all this It gives me some idea of an evidence based assessment I try to review the players and teams totals with my visual assessment in comparison and it seems to fairly accurately correlate
  15. Yes of course the existing culture is so good so solid so perfect<
  16. I am not that confident Stig I will go along as usual but Danger Danger Danger second last here we come!
  17. Kent


    Agree completely re Salem Almost perfect kicking and decision making A diamond in the S#*! pile
  18. Kent


    Reece Shaw and Teague took 1 week to get a better result so 1 week for the DEES changes except nothing changed the ship is still listing badly but the chairs are in order
  19. Been saying it all year. It is really obvious when you watch it live at the ground. Its the game plan that doesn't produce enough results for the risk the players have to take. Back to the drawing board. The other disappointing thing is that when we are beaten soundly at the midfield contest, the coach makes no changes, just sits there and watches do the same things over and over and over again. Bizzaaro really!
  20. Never has been. VFL standard with the worst disposal under pressure I have seen. You are right he runs around a lot really well.
  21. I'm with you Pates!! The coach appears to me to dumb and stubborn The worst possible traits combination. The Game plan isn't working. The players can't or won't play it at an acceptable standard. The player group appears to be frustrated at being made to play it. The team tries hard, plays on at all times, takes risks, tackles hard and runs back in defense. Come 3/4 time they are flogged and concede easy goals Change the game plan and lets see the obvious quality of our current list on display. Carlton likely to go past us next week.
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