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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Incorrect SK we win that game by about 5 goals in the opening round of 2005. Please get facts right at least when you make sweeping and general statements.
  2. This thread is a waste of time and space and is fantasy driven. Nowhere is there any shred of evidence that the King from GC will be up at the Dees its just fanciful snd a waste of space. Elliot is a sure thing in comparison to this drivel
  3. Really DD !! Well off for smalls ?? You must be the only Dees supporter of over 1/4 of a million that says we are well off for smalls. Glad they haven't got you in the room at the draft and FD meetings!
  4. Do Kelly was BOG ? great hindsight SK predictions for 2020? Band F Awards ?
  5. They spend most time on the ball Trac prob is more a forward and perhaps 40 plus goals is more realistic but 25 possessions is not unrealistic.
  6. Ridiculous overraeaction Yes he needs to build fitness or a tank and his goal technique from 35 m in is flawed but you work in these problems and improve players Trading l players out is not the answer his season was his best overall yes 30 plus goals should have been his total but his major fault was his very good first halves and not so good after half time that's partly fitness and dldonbuikding a tank not necessarily overweight . Far too much flogging players over last year snd in 2020 everyone gets a chance if retribution.
  7. Really that is a nitpicking of use of words. Challenging means contending and if you ain't doing either then you are not in the race. Committed to winning is what ALL Clubs are (saying publicly or privately) but challenging/contending is the real achievement. Yes it is only words and U believe the statement of our aims is exactly what we fans want. Be a chance each season ie contend and challenge.
  8. I am sick of the Lewis bashing. Stretchy has had ample opportunities to establish a regular place on the Dees lineup. it is no one else's fault but his snd our Coaching and Development plans. He is not a half back and really should be an outside wing/runner able to Make space and Kick expansively into our forward line in order that he can play on and deliver without pressure to our forwards.
  9. Sorry Inside 40 m for goal kicking!! Not outside 40m
  10. Spot on Too good to be just a first half tease! Needs a big tank for endurance and a revamped goal kicking procedure from 40 m out plus Over to you Mr Burgess and Trac. Result 25/30 possessions per game and 50 goals per year.
  11. Not fast enough on what I've seen to mind Gaffp
  12. So a struggling Club should also go after Elliot?
  13. No he is saying we work with Charlie to give him every chance of developing as he is contracted next year. Another pre season may well make a big difference.
  14. Plenty of players who are valuable to the Club don't always get votes for playing a role as the umps don't see them!
  15. The BOG in the WAFL kicked 6 and hit a lot of ground gets And is 186 cm so may mark well also He might need to be taken with either 13 or 15 or whatever they end up if we split 2. Elliot would be a bonus also so don't give up Langdon for run and Tomlinson for versatility defence forward or ruck (not Wing) need a faster running player Msy e turn Butler into that type as I am not sure we have any one speedy enough for Wing.
  16. Nothing to guarantee Members and songs don't win flags Culture Loyalty and Perserveerance does And if supporters have that as well as the players it's surprising what can happen. .Just ask Doggies Giants
  17. Don't agree we need the 3 in most games to mind 3 tallish forwards. Lever to play his intercept role included in the 3. To be frank I am not so sure on Hibberd Jetta and Hore Will be up for the whole season based on 2019. Hibbo erratic and loose and poorish disposal Jetta injured seems slower and under pressure more Hore Good intercept mark but not fast and do we need another tallish player in defence as he is not that strong in one on one key position duels. Hunt Salem and Sparrow or Nietshke could develop and deliver greater pace and skilhopefully.for the sixth defender (or fifth for that matter). Frosty is an X factor IMO and we need about 4 of those players 2 forward and an onballer.also. Hopefull all these injured players will have an injury free season and our defence can be our strength that it should be. Frost therefore should NOT be traded unless we get a gun player in lieu of him.
  18. Please explain with reasons? Financially ? fixture/player recovery/ development?
  19. Economically or Fixture/player/recovery? one motherhood statement after a decade does not prove the decision right without reasons!
  20. Do we know if Todd excused himself at any time when Jack's name was up for discussion ? Presumption here is that he did not.
  21. ThTs because he is a mid and also kicks goals up forward. Trac prob needs to kick about 35 goals given the time he spend on the forward line. Would do that if he corrects his ball drop for set shots within 35 metres!!
  22. Why sell at all Lets be real Ww are in no position to sell any inside Mids awe need to get rid of unskilled and ineffectual players under pressure that fail in every gsme. sadly effort and skill are two different things but AFL is based on skill as it is a given that the effort is contributed by all participants. Therefore ANB Stretchy 2 Wagners JKH Oscar and A couple of Casey boys should make way for new recruits from the PS draft,from trading and from strong and selective and audacious bartering on FA or the like. Ten new players comprised of small forwards nippy and good goal sneaks, swift and pacy outside mids snd at least ONE big forward to bolster our scoring capacity should be out targets in the FD. And his help any one who comes back on the first day of training overweight or injured (unless from pre season surgery). Get Ready Burgo your time is near to get Trac a tank that ensures his last quarter is as good as his first and if needed in the middle he is fit and able to respond. NoMore talking if trading stars let's trade out the cloggers and unskilled of our 2019 class and before!
  23. Wasn't this best exemplified in the last 2 mins vs Hawks Frosty would not relent and threw himself at the ball to save the day agreed his determination is team lifting!
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