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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Sorry BAMF I meant disregard Dazxles KK assessment as you indicated.
  2. Disregard Bamf's assessment of KK. A 2 game sample is not relevant snd IMO he is the one that has played overall the best football in his career of the two. In fact KK would play a traditional wingman's role better then Tommo and Zi still can't believe That Tommo has the pace. Expect him to be at Half Beck at some stage or 3rd talking in the Forward line for versatility. Upbeat about both if both are fit and well.
  3. Really MS does that add anything to the post? Old news Irrelevant really Are we going to recover? Yes but it needs all parts of the Club on the same page and little bit of fortune. At worst 8 wins best 15 and dare to dream!!
  4. Ridiculous call You need at least 3/4 years like Maxand Clarry. Here is a great opp for all our players bar Jonesy Hibbo and prob AVB yo get The next decade honours Maybe even a top 20 if we win a flag or two.
  5. Best summary. Kyle far too young to write off Could easily be a big developer over this and next season. Trent Rivers looks a likely type and I expect him to get opportunity early subject to form and fitness.
  6. Yes would normally agree DP but Jacko looks more like an athletic freak ego has skills of a mid snd therefore I believe he will thrive Early in AFL because of this and his very very competitive nature. My take us very few Casey games as he builds a stellar career while learning in the big time and we are the winners. Ruck ruck rover CHF FF or flanker even mid as Goody has said. Just let him loose and he will leap onto stardom!!!
  7. A recent parcel to WA was sent on the 14 th and due to reach a WA friend last Mon on the 23rd Steve. So really MFC can't control the post and I Live in Brisbane and allow extra for mail unless it is EXPRESS Would u be willing to pay the extra ? I might but it's not a present or anything urgent. I can give my friend the Members ticket if arrives before I visit Melb at Cmas OR can give it betw Dec and March if down or post it down otherwise. I then get RecRights tickets for the home games I come down for on the day or pre book Anzac Eve, QB and prob the Carlton game. Perhaps the MFC can say that no guarantees interstate and offer person to pay for express if want too to remove doubt or order on special delivery.
  8. Very strange comment as all our expert track watchers are singing his praises esp fir last 7 rounds in 2019 and now in match sim and all drills at pre season. Why your suspicion about his ability ? who else will Line up at Full forward or hf flank?
  9. No evidence to even suspect Fritsch will drop as a player Far more likely to improve 40/50 goals as a forward
  10. Asking questions is one thing but presuming all sorts of negative and weird circumstances is another. Virtually assuming malpractice and complete incompetence by officials of the Club bordering on pure conjecture is not in the best interests of anyone.let alone the Club desperately trying to lift itself after the hell of this season. Of course the Club (and indeed most Clubs) have made errors some about as ludicrous as the assumptions why Harley didn't go on this "camp" Some supporters have a siege mentality and are constantly critical of just about everything just baying for blood. About time the half glass emptiers showed some faith and confidence in the recent decisions resulting from the disappointment of 2019. Judgement can then be made at the end of the season depending upon results!
  11. Yes agree a rash generalisation !!
  12. What about Vanders? should be according to most Dees fans Tommo might be a certain starter in Round 1 but training over the period, team balance and injuries and form will also be crucial. The more fit the more available I reckon and plenty of competition is great for depth and future of Club and 2020.
  13. Absolutely agree DW Far too many scribes who don't understand situations call our Club to be doing a half glass empty action. The decision to give Harley the opportunity to achieve his well stated and longed for ambition ( suffering to be fair a number of injuries during the process at Freo snd also straying from the AFL standards on 3or 4 occasions ) is one of the biggest snd most exciting acts from our normally conservative hierarchy. Why upon g..s earth would we jeopardise this wonderful opportunity to get a potential A grader into our forward line as another X factor in our most lack lustre part of our team in 2019 with either neglective practises or perhaps potentially dodgy rules practices or have carried out all matters according to the Hoyles rules of the AFL. From the outside all is going As planned except for s number of negative and mischevious comments completely unfounded and unwarranted. As RossLyon says Let the Cobblers Cobble And we perhaps should place our trust in The FD and Coaches snd Fitness experts who are a great deal closer than us to what's appropriate instead of second ( or more like Fifth) guessing. This could no one of Footy's great stories and lead to MFC greatest moves as we attempt to reach the top standard in the best National Sporting Competition in the Southern Hemisphere.
  14. Federation is just the date at the time a year later than the start of the milinium.
  15. Why was all the fuss for Jan 1 , 2000? srart of a new miliniumpp as I recall. r2dK etc (not in technology ) all over us !!!
  16. No obviously 2020 starts the 20's !!! 2000 strayed the new millennium ! Its not like leap year or anything else simple and uncomplicated!
  17. Not too late for Oscar to show his mongrel side. Has put on muscle which is a good start. How about we give all players on the list our unqualified support (no matter the past) and see where this year of fitness and change takes us. I have a feeling the List is as motivated and challenging and fit as we have ever seen them. It's like making a whole new start and there are no limitations on any one so don't be surprised if we team together like 2018 but even better. The Coaches snd fitness staff appear right onto every thing and I can't think of too many decisions since the end of 2019 season that haven been for the benefit of the Club. Its early days yet but genuine belief and excitement is growing with a lot of D/L pundits and only the negative nellies can't see better times ahead in 2020.
  18. Good go a laugh and thanks Jaguar for the fun !!0
  19. No I don't officially know anything RL. But AFL have rules and procedures and he is not under a contract to Dees yet, also which prevents some freedom to Harley. Harleys main role is now to convince while with the Dees that he is worthwhile for us to give him an opportunity and offer him a contract some time up to March via the SSP method.
  20. Limitation of spots on list would be one reason and the change in type of player needed resulted in Brown getting the nod as a KP player not a running type. Rivers has also filled that vacancy as a half/back /mid and running type and is 4 years younger taller and stronger in the long run.
  21. No the reason is he is not officially a Demon as he has permission to train and then the Club can offer Harley a rookie list spot. Really to think that the Club wouldn't ask him if they could shows how negative and unrealistic some fans can get!
  22. We kicked some games away also viz Adelaide and WCE twice !!!
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