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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Bails was a scrubber good honest player better in heavy going as pace was his Achilles heal! Goodie would have loved him For his inside work in the packs.
  2. Absolutely Dee.eee OX was great especially in the games in 1994 prior and During finals We're Wayne Careyesque. Have no doubt we might have snagged a flag betw 1994 -2000 if Ox had been without injury. Yes he would have been a candidate to be in Our best 5 ever players up with RDB Robbie Ivor Warne Smith Don Cordner Smithy Beames Mueller Jimmy and Maxy and Clarry after they retire.
  3. Well it's already a fait accompli I reckon Brown and Harley have been offered list places for 2020. The injury rule for long term is another avenue which we will have to consider very soon I would think. A ruckman or Ben Sokol perhaps.
  4. Really this is a no brainer if all AFL players were to have 1% off their salary then it would be easily possible to run the AFLW at present and the next 2/3 expansion years for all 18 Clubs yes even Kennets Koalas and Swannies Snakes and Bombers Babies plus Kochies Kuties join and survive. In that time semi professionalism should have developed with SAlary Caps and budgets firmly regulated. None of the Clubs so far seem to have any problems getting sponsorship and the AFL should be prepared to put some coin in and reduce Gills toddlers in Gold Coasters and GWS easy handout packages. And any suggestions in future about the AFL and AFLW for Shanghai or Stewart Island (Sorry Kiwiland) or India pass on to Kevin Sheedy to put back his coinage from 50 years of accepting revenue from AFL and his 3 Clubs.!!! Easy fix isn't it Gil and Shocking !!!
  5. Finals with at least a win
  6. Would have nothing to do with it It's more relevant what OUR prices were last year if you wish to make Price comparison but this is nothing really. Numbers are best except for last season and if we start well I believe will spike quite well during early rounds.
  7. THats underestimating medical personal and cultural Procedures at the Club snd Pruess determination to succeed.
  8. Look forward not backwards Trust Jackson or Weid to second ruck If I hear another Pedersen or Garlett memory let's go back to Ivor Warne Smith or Don Cordner for the very best !!! In 2017 we survived and we will again!
  9. I have a feeling if we get off to a good start our membership no's will rise above North and nearer Or past Saints by season tally. That is some new and returning others from last season. watch this space !!!
  10. Will be a back pocket by seasons end or small HB flanker with the run and line break we need
  11. You obviously missed his game vs Kangas (North) when he kicked at least 3 I think with a couple in the last quarter to help us win. Sorry D Trump but your posts are very much like your namesake Either "fake news", inaccurate, very personal or don't add Humour to the debate
  12. Yes X factor plus s Kossy and Harley
  13. Sorry DD not you but Deementia
  14. Move on over Frosty Let's see st seasons end !!!
  15. Wrong wrong wrong Without the fans there is no Club really We are the reason for the players.
  16. Let's just ask K.Sheedy he will know all the details!!!!
  17. It's got Marlion Pickett Written all over it Let's hope Lady Luck smiles on Harley and the Dees. Great upside if It comes off for our forward line, as the skill level is obviously there. That's precisely why we should see it through and give it the best chance of success. July and August Are a long time for all the pieces to fall into place. Cant wait for Harleys opportunity to give him a real chance if AFL career again.
  18. Really why did we picture him? Loser fit or otherwise and one if the worst players to ever play On Rod Laver Arena. Only got near Roger because Rog had an injury crop up. Resembled some of our games In 2019, looked winner in last quarter teased and lost.
  19. Training session for supporters is on the Sunday 2nd Feb At Mooroochydore Sports Complex at 9.30 am I think. Go to our website "melbournefc.com.au"and check Yherr is s notice from about 7-10 days ago if not ring Club snd AFL details.
  20. Great insight Thsnks DW Now can you spy on the other 10 Melb/Cats teams snd see how they are preparing
  21. Basically agree DS but signs are really promising from PS training reports of greater body strength involvement and skills. Taking marks is the most important towards skill snd subsequently kicking goals BUT competing all the time and bringing the ball to ground should not be underestimated. I am bullish about Sam so here's hoping all out forwards take a step forward as a group but individually as well as we sorely need to forget the calamitous edition of 2019 which constantly shot itself in its proverbial foot. 35 goals an aim for the Weide.
  22. M5 Surely you can name the issues as individual topics without detail ( if some exists) to give D/L ers the opportunity of being aware of the problems that you perceive are with our off field culture. Otherwise I think you run the risk of criticising individual personnel or unfairly creating suspicion of some hard working and loyal efficient employees or unpaid volunteers who al believe have acted very professionally to our problems if 2019. Over to you M5.
  23. I suspect Lockhart will be part of Melbourne's future defence with breaknet speed and drive from half back/pocket. Similar to Andy McGrath of Bombers or Chris Johnson of the 3 peat flag winning Lions.
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