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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Part of the forward improvement from all players was the placement of Benny Brown at full forward and his competitiveness at marking and running around and leading. He made it much easier for all as he took the first defender. Fritta then got either the third or fourth defender depending upon whether Maxy or Dogga were resting or not. Maxy snd Dogga's total of goals scored improved also as the season progressed. What an inspired price of recruiting BBB was and he will be better in 2022 as he will be even fitter.
  2. Agree Dieter. Also it is interesting how ANB has in virtually in ONE season of excellence and leadership forced himself IMHO into this list. Also proves the point how culture is so important in that he ( and others) from our current list ( and youngsters recently coming into the system) are going to be able to be judged having that advantage.. Graeme Osborne, Russell Richards, Jack Trengove Jack Grimes Colin Sylvia and many others did not have the advantage of the elite culture our Club has created in 2021, that Nibbler helped create and quite rightly should be so proud of his efforts and improvement this season. Really the question is who would you pick in the team in 1972 ( and now) in your team ? Barry Bourke, Frank Davis or Graeme Osborne in defence ? Or Osborne or Bourke in attack?. The requirement of say 80 to 100 games from 1972 on is logical but ultimately ability etc. should be the final determinant for selection. Incidentally Jonesy and Lord Nev are favoured in this selection process by length of service and sustained excellence over nearly a decade or much more. Is Nev more worthy of selection or going to be judged higher than Christian Salem? That's why the rest of this post is going to be so interesting and maybe polarising.. Perhaps a Team of the last 50 years (1972-2021) should be chosen once the 100 players have been listed. It will inevitably make a huge comparison with our team of the Century which is loaded quite rightly with players mostly from the Glory Years of the 50's and 60's and our 1939-41 and 1948 premiership teams. We await the next 80 players with interest and excitement. Over to you Deespicable.
  3. "Saw him " Dstone ! eonder you don't like that in view of your cryptic background!!!
  4. Hunty will never displace Bowey. Bowey has him covered in all footy skills and smarts. I like Hunty but he Hibberd and possibly Joel Smith are HB flankers or Back Pocket along with Tommo who is really a key position player a la Petty and Daniel Turner. But all are in the mix plus our new recruit Judd McVee for HB. Some are interchangeable but we really need only 3 talls as we don't get the ball on the ground from some sides. Bowey, Salo and Rivers are our best 3 HB flankers at the moment. IMO they are the 3 best footballers ie have more ability than the others. Same as Maysie, Rick ( Lever) are a step ahead of the others like Tommo Petty and Joel Smith as key defenders but gee not by that much on this year. Hibbo has the ability but is nearing his career end but his spot in the best 23 is still his to lose IMO. Gee it's hard to pick our best 23 and as one poster said our Casey team might well beat some AFL teams!! One small point , reckon Baker should start on wing as he is a winger with Taj on bench as he will rotate with JJ, Laurie and any other midfielders. Realise Taj has played other roles in WA like HB but see him as his best spot to develop is on the ball. Lets give these new players plenty of time to develop as thats the right they and the Club have early with our best 23 plus our extremely specific targeting of players for all positions. Can't wait for 2022.
  5. Reckon both is the answer. JVR highlights package looks ver y promising in his one on one duals etc and his goals record up forward in the Colts. Dawvhim kick the winning goal for WA vs SA in the U 19 championship game at Optus as pre game entertainment but of course he meant nothing then to us. Since he had received good reports from JT etc and some WA footy people.
  6. On last Thursday I contacted Membership Dept about Demon Shop Opening Hours and Answering the phone And in a quick discussion with the rep in the Membership Dept I asked re numbers and was told in the 38,000's. On George in the Outer figures under Membership Tally the best at this time of the year is 30,000 plus in 2019. We made 52,000 plus that year a record but this year I would assume we should/could attract between 25,000 and 35,000 more members depending upon early results. I would estimate ( on previous seasons numbers) that we could definitely get between 65,000 and 70,000, not far off Perty's 75,000 he has spoken of do often. I would also be especially interested in our Junior Membership total which gives an inside into future potential growth if we do attain a dynasty (ie. sustained success) over the next decade.
  7. Weid should not be played as full forward. He should be a second ruck and resting forward. Really if we lose either Maxy or Jacko through injury. He plays better running around and the 2018 Finals and his Carlton game this year proves that. Or send him back to CHB at Casey and use Harry as a forward now Tommo is back. We have options let's make the best of them all for each player and the team!
  8. Is Jacko too small? We can always get good rucks from the Trade period .
  9. Well the Saints weren't happy with what they got and you'd have to be a very FICKLE Dees fan to drop Tom Sparrow on his GF form. Everything clean fudnt fumble and his disposals were great plus his kicking to our boys brilliant. Tackled well also.Developing nicely don't harm him mentally after his best game ever. Not sure Tommo will walk in. Has done very strong competition and we don't want to go too tall. 3 talls are fine for Dogs and it's a good 3or 4 inc. Hibbo Hunty Joel Smith and if Tommo is recovered he might be a chance but not the fourth tall for is not needed. Let Tommo get used to match play agsin and he will have his time. Same with Dunstan great pick up but wait for his time also.
  10. That's ridiculous to drop Jack Viney after one of his best games ever for the Dees. ANd for Dunstan who will get opportunities. Also Tommo if fit can start off in the Casey team and ease his way back. Hibbo did nothing wrong in the Granny and we need some ground level skills to mind the Dog smalls and not be too top heavy. 3 Talls is fine as Tmac can always go back if necessary. Jordon is still a good player and may just get the nod over Hunt No change from me as all players deserve their spot after delivering our 13 th Flag in such a spectacular and crushing way.
  11. Bloody Special They have with the coaches etc. changed the outlook of our Club and really given us a chance to get back to where we were 57 years ago. One of the powerhouses of the AFL. Thank you every one Thank you one and all. Let's make this a dynasty of a classic kind which we maintain for a decade or more. Top of the Heap!!! Go Dees you might Demons.
  12. Band F bites are only H and Away NOT FINALS as far as the count on Friday night are concerned
  13. Dr D has drowned in his own cesspool of negativity His Mandatory apology to Dogga is the least this outrageous critic should post on this forum before resigning forthwith! PS Another apology to Kossie is also required!!!
  14. Finals are not included in BandF counts.
  15. Well put Desp. we will be great if we can keep up the standard of 2021 and win another or 2 more flags.
  16. He didn't struggle to perform offensively, His role was to support the backline and link up with the forward line which he did in a calm and efficient role playing manner. He was never going to be in the top 10 after he relinquished his on ball position for the team. Will always be able to stand tall for his play all season and magnificent best game ever ( for impact and team play) in the Grand Final. Angus like Tmac is a total team player !
  17. I respect your training notes and assessment but let's cool the jets a bit. NEither Tom nor Hibbo were poor in fact Sparrow I believe had what I would call a break out game ( his best and most impactful) and Hibbo really did not make any costly errors resulting in goals. The team balance would be better also with a more agile player than Tommo if Hibbo was considered to be dropped. Hunt and Smith are indeed more like for like. If Tommo was picked I thought that Petty was out marked more than any one in the GF and that is like for like. Dunstan I have no doubt will be a great pickup by the Club but no need to rush him if all our contributors to the Flag are fit and resting to go! Its a great position the Club have placed themselves in and a great credit to the players and Coaches that intensity is a given to make our chosen 23 each Match day.
  18. Knowing Goodie I reckon he will go in unchanged. Reason is Sparrow and Hibbo both played good games and earned their spot. Both Tommo and Dunstan can wait to show form in practice matches and maybe even early Casey rounds to displace Tom and Michael. Actually Hunt and Joel Smith come into the frame for a back spot also and Jordon for a mid position if any injuries occur. There would be something special about the "Same Great Special 23" repeating the dose in Round 1 again over the Dogs in our history and AFL tales. Its only a feeling but Goody won't make changes for changes sake. Tommo for one may be better off in the Ressies to ease back into top condition.
  19. Correctly is no mean FEAT Jontee or am I missing another point?
  20. I have friends in your town and are hard core Dees.
  21. Both were at the G for the Premiership celebrations and figured in the Congo line delivery of the Cup to Neiter and The Rev for the handover.
  22. The mixed emotion should really be tempered with the priceless journey you and thousands of others have been on (or through). I was led to following the Dees in 1958 by my state school buddies family and my family appreciated the immediate success of 7 successive finals appearances and 3 flags, 1959,1960 and 1964. Didn't get to witness any by the way but saw the Cats salute in 1963 and still remember the heartache of that actor and rogue Roger Dean being influential in Barass ( my childhood heroand jumper no wearer.) being suspended for 4 matches including our semi and prelim finals. Then the rot started in 1965 and until that wonderful Saturday late in August in 1987 no joy! The 90's team under Balme teased us and our defence was never up to it under The Rev including the 2000 smashing by a champion team. Ah the rock bottom 07 to 2014 years when in 2015 you could see the development of a team and list coveted by PJ, Roosy and released to Goody in reasonably good shape. As usual 2017 2018 and 2019 tested us again and Covid intervened plus Cains ruined our hopes in 2020. 2021 IMO promised a lot providing about 7/8 things happened. Fortunately they did plus a couple more and voila a stirring and brilliantly executed raid on the AFL silverware was achieved. The Club has been reborn and indeed reshaped from top to bottom thanks to the excellent follow up work of many and on and off the field a dynasty is not out of the equation. Now that journey beats a "Johnny come lately " fan from say 2015 and so will the next few years be when we value our success achieved the hard way.
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