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Fritta and Turner

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Posts posted by Fritta and Turner

  1. 43 minutes ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    The news coming out of overseas is that Son of Omicron aka BA2 is more virulent than Omicron and will fast become the dominant strain. The more concerning element is that having had the initial Omicron offers little if any immunity to BA2.

    If that holds true the opening round should see us deep in the covid mist.

    I dont live in the COVID news cycle but nothing I have read concerning BA2 has said that it is more virulent than Omicron, though it does seem to be more contagious.

    Then again, as BA2 is now the dominant strain in Denmark time will tell...

  2. 27 minutes ago, John Demonic said:

    And as for the Dogs, if Libba decides to not mentally turn up (again), then they're already gone.

    Disagree.  The dogs should be better as E Wood has retired, with hindsight at the end of the prelim. Worst defensive performance in a GF since Ray Boyanich.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Macca said:

    Best thing that ever happened was the formation of the Commission and then the intriduction of the draft & the salary cap (and therefore, the abolition of transfer fees)

    Totally agree on that.  And paying players out of a brown paper bag.  And after 20 years of misery the Dees finally had a modicum of success.

    (TBH I thought this thread, melbourne Kangaroos, was going to be about BBB or Steven Icke etc).

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Macca said:

    And then there's the advantage the forward can have with regards to free kicks (playing in front) Arms chopped, push in the back, high contact etc etc

    Awfully difficult to win a free kick playing from behind.  Not a good percentage play

    And if a defender is allowed the front position they can kill the play (or the forward foray)

    They can double fist or punch the ball away towards the boundary line or simply mark the ball

    A good forward knows how to feed the front & centre blokes too.  If he can't mark it, his hands can dictate where the ball might end up.  But that's reserved for the class forward

    Playing from behind, all that is a much harder assignment.  Clangers will eventuate but again, who's fault?

    Maybe the Dogs defence needs to read this.  3 of Frittas 6 goals came from playing behind.

    (Now putting on my original K Tel Tin Foil Hat, if one considers the space time continuum, does the classification of playing from behind be contingent on which way you are running?  Anyway dogs were swallowed in a black hole).

    Fwd line needs space to run into,  and delivery needs to be to your advantage.

    • Like 1
  5. 18 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    If there are no trackwatchers can we be sure that training happened?

    This is a deep philosophical question that has come down the seasons in many forms.  (If you make a prediction for the flag/b&f/ norm etc to your wife and she doesnt hear you, are you still wrong?)

    I think we should go back to the earliest answer recorded; Yes, God saw it.  (Snr or Jnr).

    • Haha 3
  6. 4 hours ago, leave it to deever said:

    Re player number 45....another hyphenated player name.

    What a classy club this is turning out to be.

    You won't get this sort of thing at Collingwood.

    How about will hoskin - elliott....

    And remember when they had a Rupert (Betheras?)

  7. I know the humidity has steamed my brain and the ash from the volcano has created a strange light but....

    "a player who ducks their head prior to being legally tackled"

    Prior means before so as after you are legally tackled, drop one shoulder and get it around the neck and a free kick


    duck your head, get it around the neck which is not a legal tackle and get a free kick

    And what is the definition of Duck ( no quacking please).  What about squatting or falling like Hunter did to Spargo in the GF.

    Ah the English language...

    What time does the bar open.....




    • Haha 4
  8. My dvd player is getting an absolute flogging (like  vs GCS).

    And did you know that the Ch 7 commentators never say Dees have hit the front?  What an opportunity wasted.

    And how is this for BT nonsense - The reason why the crowd has so many Dees/Dogs supporters is because they followed these teams b4 the Eagles entered the comp. (Um that was 35 years ago)

    Nothing to do with memberships been shared across the country or handouts of team colours.


    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, Deeoldfart said:

    Of course, it was a male only domain.

    To a certain extent.  My cousin used to regularly take his younger sister into the rooms after a game. Dressed in footy gear and with her long locks hidden under a beanie in they would go.....never stopped....

    • Haha 3
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