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Fritta and Turner

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Posts posted by Fritta and Turner

  1. I took my son to see Warnies 700th wicket -'you probably wont see another like this in the rest of your life'.

    We should count our blessings and be grateful for small mercies - one of the greatest players ever never saw his footy team win the flag.



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  2. 11 minutes ago, Dante said:

    Unless you've been living under a rock you would know there was more than one Board member up for re election.

    I like my rock....bloody humid though


    11 minutes ago, Dante said:

    There was a member from WA who hasn't attended on Board meeting in at least the last 12 months.

    and how did they go in the election?


    12 minutes ago, Dante said:

    You would say that to be elected, regardless of your talents, you have to have the support of substantial elements (sponsors, coteries, past players assoc etc) of the club.

    But A) You don't know that for a fact and B) You have no idea what sort of relationship the other candidates have with the sponsors coteries etc.

    TBH no, after all it is a secret ballot.  I am just trying to make the point that  you or me sitting down, reading candidate statements etc, picking the best person for the job etc is a very minor part of the electoral process.  Remember the old days when a 'sponsor' would buy 500 memberships, signup his staff and get voted onto the board?

    I still think it is all about connections and Roffey connects best with me.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Dante said:

    How naive 

    R u serious?

    If you think that the Pres/Board will source a person to fill a casual vacancy and then not support them at the next election then I question your judgement, to put it mildly.

    I would say though that to be elected, regardless of your talents, you have to have the support of substantial elements (sponsors, coteries, past players assoc etc) of the club.

    If you can't beat them, join them.

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  4. 29 minutes ago, Skuit said:

    The people who have been complaining about the costs involved in a postal vote seem to forget the investment it will take to switch to a digital one. It's not small fry - we're among the largest sporting clubs in Australia competing in a multi-billion dollar competition. The cost of lawyers to rewrite our constitution and have it signed off would probably outstrip the cost of a single postal election, let alone the expense of building or licensing a secure online voting platform. I understand that each election is a sunken cost, but we are in a period of budgetary squeeze and it's simply not a priority - rather than a lack of haste as some would like to frame it. 

    Tend to agree that the cost is dead money but sooner or later it has to be updated.  And we do have $9 mill in cash.  I dont think we would build our own voting platform just ask like one of the share registry's to conduct it.

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  5. 6 hours ago, Mach5 said:

    clearly I have information that I’m not willing to divulge

    You do not cover your self with glory with a statement like that, as you can never be proved wrong.

    If something did come out we will never know if it was what you are alluding too and if it stays quiet then it just hasnt come out yet.

    Just a tease really

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  6. 14 minutes ago, Lord Nev said:

    So, you're suggesting that perhaps less than 6 months, before a ball has even been bounced, is a little too early to judge then?

    Well I never.

    Definitely.  I think it was Chou En Lai, when asked of the success of the French Revolution said it was too early to tell*....so 6 months is way to early.

    Now going back to the 5 Year Rule, any success of the MFC cannot be attributed to eg G Pert because he did not join the club until um June 2018.  Seems harsh so perhaps we should go on a proportional basis, and we rate him at 50%.  The question is then who do we allocate the other 50% to.

    * Obviously misheard the French revolution for the Cultural Rev but the translators liked the quote so much they never corrected it.


  7. 12 minutes ago, Lord Nev said:

    AFL Premiers the Melbourne Demons have advised that they increase sponsorship and corporate hospitality revenue by more than 40% ($2.4 million) during the 2021 season, with sponsorship revenue ending the year at $7.9 million.

    AFL Premiers Melbourne welcome $2.4 million sponsorship increase



    Now Lord Nev, the essential issue which this thread is trying to address is the worry that we are not capitalizing on winning the flag.  Quoting a magnificent effort by the sponsorship department before we won the flag is not admissible.  Very impressive though.

    Now if we go on the premise of the 5 year success rule, any success takes 5 years to fruition then we need to set some targets for um 2027 ( to prove we have capitalised on winning the flag)

    Obviously increase in Sponsorship

    and for me

    Substantial increase in Baby, Little and Young Demon memberships

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  8. 21 minutes ago, Mach5 said:

    They made minimal money on the flag

    I suppose it depends on what you define as minimal.  Going from a projected loss to $2mill + profit is not minimal to me.  The club did say that the cup had brought wealthy supporters out of the woodwork offering donations and they were directed to the Red and Blue foundation.  Not sure where that sits on the books.

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