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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Your brave inanunda, like waving the red flag at a demon, divisive. Takes all kinds to make a community. Half glass full, half glass empty, no glass at all, overflowing, empty, and swingers from one to another. I think the current situation dictates the main emphasis of threads. When MFC is up, the positivity is up, and when MFC is down, the threads are pessimistic. Of course the moment is reflected. Are you saying those who have been pessimistic in the past have no right to celebrate if the MFC become successful? What problem do you have with the 'tweeds'? You have tones of bigotry, class and thought. The MFC has tweaked a few things. Though it seems to be on the same trajectory as usual. Buying it's way out. Would much rather have a club that is known for developing from its draft selections. We lose so many of our young selections after 3 to 5 years. These are individuals wanting a sporting career, and we really throw them away easily. Hoping for a good draft period and making the most of our young players. By the way, I am in a camp of no glass. Really arn't too concerned about the win/loss position, prefer the journey. Found us being in a final series quite stressful anyway. The home and away games not as much invested. I like uncrowded games and enjoy watching the opponents game as well.
  2. Yes, didn't see it. I wonder where he was 'sitting'. I'll have a look at him tomorrow if he is there. As training is scheduled from 10.30 am.
  3. I think we will find out tomorrow morning, as an open training has been scheduled by the club.
  4. I don't quite understand those calling out the derailment of the training thread. Did I do that to too much of an extent? Most of my replies had some associated training opinions in them. How about making a statement about some issues mentioned instead of saying you don't want to read some stuff? For example : Mental and physical health issue associated with being all about maintaining high physical conditions in the off season? Taking pot shots at our younger players, is it OK? What gets the best out of players in training methods? The problems associated with fans being critical or negative on social networks? Goody's method of encouragement and praise, with keeping the negative to himself? The words to Tom about his shoulders and positioning, I enjoyed that. Don't be like Saty and dribble at my opinions with bollocks, [censored] and others with 'derailment'. Play the subject and not the person. This is the last response I will make about defending myself. I hope to your relief and apologise for boring you.
  5. I don't believe I am overly negative. Both were as responses to other people and not from my direct report. First with Angus. Many have come back to training in ripper condition. Mostly those who have, had an interrupted season. What's so bad about being a bit under done at the start of preseason. He will get the boxes ticked, as they say. Also, means he has a bit of a life out of sport, which gives him a clear advantage in his mental health. As well as giving his body a break from peak hormones and pushing the physical edge. I expect and hope most of them to come back under done, for their sanity and a better physical state. So I don't get your overreaction at it being a negative when I suggest that he is underdone. Have you done much training in your life? I am nearly 60 and playing some modified AFL and soccer. Also, overweight but that comes from not being able to enjoy physicality as regularly as I wish due to body pains and that I enjoy food. Will give any sport a go, have had heavy training schedules and have constantly played all of my life. So I have a fair understanding of my own body and it's needs. With Toby, I was chatting to DeeSpencer about the need for technique and repetitions in training, and he used him as an example. So I jumped on Tobys boat as I saw him struggling with the pressures that heavy scrutiny brings. To suggest that I'm falling into 'negativity' because I respond to others in an open forum! What's wrong with criticism anyhow, you do it. I f you're such a positive human why use accusation towards me, bollocks, par for the course on this site and calling me negative. Practice what you preach and be a ray of sunshine not only to MFC insiders but to the wider community. If you can't walk the walk, past your selectivity then mate please don't throw your testicles about. Unless, you are trying to offend. Then well done. We are what we perceive in others, because if we didn't experience it is hard to recognise it.
  6. I thought he was just going through the motions, even half a step behind at the moment. Also looked a little 'heavier' than usual. It is an opinion! I can be wrong and often am but that's how I formed it. You see it that he was out there for 3 hrs and minimal exhaustion at the end. I was looking at it from a higher standard the perspective of a professional athlete. I think he has even more upside. However, I believe it is a positive thing for him. Hope he had some enjoyable time away from sport and is ready to recreate his 2018 season and work into a good pre-season. What's my opinion got to do with this 'site'? I am completely independent as everyone is and the site acts only as a facilitator.
  7. Though how many infront of the coach as he supervised the drill. Tom Mcdonald, hits the bag holds position and straight lines the ball. Goody's response, 'nobody will be able to get around those shoulders' Jake Melksham slammed the bag and made separation. Goody's response, 'good body work' . Toby timed well off the bag but missed the mark and leap completely. Nearly took it with his elbows. Goody just looked at me. Needs to repeat and repeat, and get rid of any anxiety if that is his concern.
  8. I was making a comment about Goody and Toby. Also I believe is is not quite ready for the big stage. Again preseason, and who knows.
  9. Gee, Saty getting a bit worked up over my opinion. You reckon he is ready to play, I reckon he could do with some training.
  10. I agree about Toby. At one stage he dropped and easy drill mark infront of Goody. The coach didn't look very impressed. Right technique, repeat and continually repeat, adjust to the situation and keep improving.
  11. He is a hard worker and will be right to go when needed, it is preseason.
  12. DeeS, give him some advice from the sidelines when and if he mucks up an easy mark. He doesn't have to take your advice but as most professional are about continual improvements it could give him some options. Or he could just ignore and no harm done. They all get harder feedback at times from within the club. Pretty sure it won't upset or unsettle him so long as it is done in a positive, respectful manner.
  13. There was a little bit of joviality between drills, but my impression is that they are down to business. The volume and numbers of calls, voice and instructions seems to have increased. Body language looks like they missed the place and are ready to go. Even on a hot day like this morning they remained positive and disciplined. Yes, they appear united. Gus look bulked up a bit, I would say he has come back a little under done. He hangs out a lot with Oliver and seems to have great relationships with numerous others. So I'd say he is invested emotionally.
  14. Yes, pre-incident. It happened about 15 to 20 minutes before the end of the full session. I think he will be ok as he wasn't making much of it. He also waited around for his mates to finish up. PS. They all went off to eat lunch together at a buffet.
  15. Training for 3 hrs from 9 am. In rehab, Harrison Petty, Kade Chandler, Aaron Vandenberg and Austin Bradke. On lighter duties, Sam Wiedeman, Josh Wagner, Jake Lever, Aaron Nietschke, Neville Jetta. No Bailey Fritsch, Charlie Spargo, Mitch Hannan or Joel Smith. Oskar Baker walking laps. Adam Tomlinson and Jack Viney walking and running laps. Bernie Vince out there helping them. The warm up was different to last year. It went longer, slower and appeared more inventive and varied. Great to see them working all the muscle groups. They used GT (thick yellow down the middle) stripped balls for the warm up kicks. Helps see the rotation and flight of the ball. They were into drills with 3 stations. The simulation game was handball only disposals with the teams broken into three and the group not competing are wrestling on the side lines. Then they split into the line teams and rotated around three more stations. Forwards included Nathan Jones, Alex Neal-Bullen Jayden Hunt and Toby Bedford. Backs included James Harmes, Jay Lockhart and Kade Kolodjashnij. Mids included James Jordan, Tom Sparrow, Christian Pettraca, Kyle Dunkley and Ed Langdon. Last on the field Braydon Preuss, Christian Petracca, James Harmes and Corey Wagner kicking goals together, and Christian Salem, James Jordan and Toby Bedford craft work. Thought Langdon showed good speed and decision-making in the simulations. Impressed with Christian Petracca, Tom Mcdonald, Nathan Jones and Michael Hibberd. Clayton Oliver left the track early. A punter talked to him and the punter told me he said 'he was good, just wanted to leave early'. Noticed he was favouring his left arm.
  16. I think Saty spoke directly to him, mentioning that it was a sprained ankle and indicating it was not too serious. Hopefully that means the boot is purely to stop the ankle moving, quicken the healing and on for only a short time.
  17. He has dropped some weight, looks ready to go (fittness) and I also think he glides. May appears surprisingly quick over 10 meters, good closing speed. He is very determined to get to a contest and I can see him putting some fear into the oppositions forwards with his physicality.
  18. I think Saty or others would have a better idea than me. I was following somewhere in the middle of the pack, so only noticed a few of them. The others may have watched from the home stretch. In the recovery period, most were struggling for relief. Indicating they pushed hard.
  19. Whatever his motivation I hope he helps drag us into the finals. I am sure his more motivated by success and improvement. You can see his anxiety rise when he doesn't live up to his and others expectations. I believe that part of his psyche is more important to him than dollars.
  20. I didn't see the head of the group so can't comment on their running efforts, nor the stick carrying part. Normally Gus would out-run Trac. Trac has begun his training earlier than Gus and appears to have lost weight. He has definitely put more pace and endurance on. Where as, Gus being very professional, I expect him to build into his pre-season and be primed ready for gameday. Trac is doing everything right so as to set himself for his biggest year.
  21. He is always there. Placed himself about 700 meters from the finish. Encouraging his players and I assume evaluating for strained, effortless or relaxed running.
  22. I was at the back of the first pack. Sparrow and Lockart both struggled from the start but kept in contact, Jake Lever out ran the second group by 40 meters.
  23. Sorry didn't see much of him. What I did notice was he glides elegantly across the field and has not bulked up.
  24. They were only split into two groups.
  25. It was the stab pass, grass cutters. Oh, but without the old fashion drop.
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