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Everything posted by KLV

  1. Well done umpires, but it would help if we took a frigging mark
  2. That’s cheerful
  3. So stressful
  4. Melk!
  5. Thanks for the memory jog, I remember reading him and thinking it was great
  6. Agree 100%
  7. Mean but funny
  8. Ha, yes chook these are common themes from goody. Seem to be working though
  9. Wow, west coast!
  10. Oh that is the best news! It’ll shut all that media speculation up...comparing him to Tom lynch as a huge bargain for a club to swoop. Good on you Tommy!
  11. well the media certainly is not holding back, we are the flavour of the Monday night footy programs. Praise is wildly enthusiastic. It would be just like the mfc of the last heartbreaking 10 years, to be set up now for one big massive fail. it won’t happen , we are past that. This is the new beginning
  12. Lever excellent
  13. Hi, I became a member years ago with suggested $100 contribution, which removed the ads and all was good. But recently after one of the crashes, I was unable to access the site for a week or more, long story short, I had to create a new account with a different email address. And of course the ads returned. So Andy let me know the account details and I’ll forward funds over. It’s worthwhile reminding us every now and again of those recurring costs that have to be paid and the free expertise provided by Nasher. You all do an amazing job! What would I do with all those hours in my week without Demonland!
  14. I’ve listened and watched him for years on the abc, started as a big fan; he knows sport, articulates well, and commentated without ego. However, over the years, I believe ego has become more prominent, he has become nauseatingly sanctimonious to the extent, I can’t listen to him on SEN (or the podcasts). Added to this, let me tell you, (those unfamiliar with him), he has a real bias against Melbourne, I know this for a fact. Chip on the shoulder perhaps
  15. We would only be news if we had lost. Just watch this week, there will be plenty of positive media talk about Collingwood & Richmond et al, and negatives about Essendon, saints, Carlton, but not a word about us.
  16. Out if town, listened to abc , biased coverage, special comments guys are sounding extremely disappointed
  17. Fritsch winded, back on
  18. Both captain and coach took full responsibility, even though it seems the key offender was Warner. But as leaders they recognise that with the prestige of their positions and the big bucks, comes ultimate responsibility for both good and bad. Yes what a stark contrast to Hird. Steve Smith (and Bancroft) will be welcomed back, in large, by the Australian public with open arms after serving suspension. Redemption and forgiveness will be theirs. I wonder through hird’s iron clad ego, if he reflects on how things could have been.
  19. Garry? Is Garry Lyon on On the Couch?
  20. No not all, just an innocent Demonland life member who has wandered over, because it was at the top of the list of those unread. Don’t worry, I won’t come back, I’ll leave you to it
  21. What a profound shame
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