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Everything posted by KLV

  1. That’s shut the cats up
  2. Cats fans suck it up
  3. Gus is composed
  4. That’s no good. Stay in bed and Panadol 4 hourly. Good luck
  5. Agree totally.Melbourne hold all the cards
  6. Her appearance???
  7. I’m sure they have. Not likely to offer a rubbish deal Sam
  8. Caroline Wilson can hardly contain her glee
  9. Quality, hard hitting journalism. Slobbering slobbo and the pontificating whately get to the heart of the story.
  10. Oh for heaven’s sake, you can hear the salivating from the media from here.
  11. While I don’t agree with much of your post, we also have had the exact same experience with the scarves. Membership services have never been good
  12. Freo peaking too early, not possible to sustain this level until last week in September
  13. Reasons to go: be part of inaugural freo premiership
  14. KLV

    Karl Amon

    Depends if he’s interested in winning a flag or not.
  15. Lever- post Covid fatigue
  16. Really? That’s yuk, we’re drinking stale beer! The catering was inadequate, and the plastic cups in the bars, not ok. but the day was so fantastic, complaining is irrelevant (of me) it was such a happy day, headed over to the London tavern after, huge fun, great to be immersed in the red and blue. 💙❤️💙
  17. I used to listen to Stan alves on the abc, never heard him say anything positive about the Dees. Happy to hear he’s got passion for the red and blue. wasn’t Crackers also on the abc for a bit?
  18. Turns out $cully should have stayed with the Dees. What an unmemorable career
  19. That’s just fantastic ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙
  20. Would have come, but been at Max’s bar for parma calzone “the clarry” and a beer ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙
  21. It’s been the longest day
  22. When did sauce become “ketchup”?
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