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Everything posted by DeleteUser

  1. Demonland has become a bit too self-congratulatory with an overweening sense of bonhomie. Not a controversy to be spotted, unlike the End of Days stuff parlayed about after the cats and bird triple failure when one could variously encounter a call for heads to be put on pikes followed by the spotting of some readying a firing squad. Nope, a loss this week might bring about some welcome respite from the friendliness and joie de football which is very un-MFC like. I joke, I joke. Dees by 26.
  2. Agree Is that the reworked version coz I don't remember the song having a banjo (?)
  3. Coz the red snakes were gone from the lollie box maybe stewie dew snuck in and pillaged them
  4. Hahah "doodie" - sounds like a bit of male anatomy
  5. Honestly was pretty comfy at half time but Chris Sullivan line = happy days
  6. There's a few ex Melbourne baristas doing apparently good coffee (confirmed by a coffee nerd mate when he was there) just look for Tatts a massive beard beanie half falling off back of head and skin tight calf length jeans
  7. How likely is it to snow? If snow , mt Buller will need car parking attendants and room cleaners so that'll dint Collingwood attendemce plus I'd better get my evoque tires rotated in case for the bye weekend
  8. I have a feeling we'll lose by 8 goals sorry
  9. Game commencing at 2.50 Central. Latitude, time of year, should see heat come off day early.
  10. Mootwingee. Pink Lakes @ Walpeup. Play 18 holes at Manangatang on the scrapes: watch the (I think the) 16th par 3 wedge over the mallee scrub!
  11. A football player is paid more - twice as much - as a CE of a NSW Local Health District with 7000+ employees, multi-multi hundred million dollar budget providing health services to a million people. Mind boggles.
  12. Good point, if not a little extreme. If he's got a dodgy toe that is going to keep causing this, he is not going to be worth the amounts slung about here.
  13. That's a poverty stricken attitude Jesus "no we don't want to make more money and keep our supporters happy" heads must roll
  14. Did he call before he cuts loose on the boutique dance floor
  15. You could ask someone he dispatched to the emergency department after getting it wrong.
  16. champagne comedy real late show stuff bravo sir I am glad for Demonland's existence, with a family of inlaws full of Collingwood, one must maintain a pretense of civility (for marital harmony if nothing else) politely remarking on a CFC win or commiserating for a loss. Meanwhile, one can come to Demonland to revel in the Carringbush bashing we all know deep down is just the right thing to do
  17. Spalding = epic Mo. ANd whaddaya know, they're back in fashion.
  18. Wasn't it DV8 who said we all need to be more positive and less negative? Maybe the borderline veil of negativity/nervousness is a self protection measure. I've already conceded we'll lose so I can be all frowny face "I KNEW IT" (grumble grumble) rather than actually disappointed. (Note to DV8, post made in jest do not take seriously)
  19. My wish for this game is, if Lever gets manhandled, for his MFC team mates to come barrelling in and ante up. Jones to come in with some rolled gold champagne jumper punching. Maybe a cheeky nipple tweak for good measure.
  20. What connections? His old man still looks in great shape. Do they still live in Hampton?
  21. Dad took me to that game. Was 10.
  22. Interesting, lots here saying he is too old and Gaff a better prospect, arguably the Weagles are just as threatening dynastically?
  23. If we lose it will be a justified questioning of our bona fides My view, for what little it's worth, is we have not proven ourselves yet. A strong showing against Radelaide will be a step in right direction. A loss means need to smash pies and dogs. And to dispel any ambiguity I mean proving to the players not the meeja.
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