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Everything posted by DeleteUser

  1. Heh heh heh The membership team congratulated me on our impending #2 in Oct and I said sadly I may need to avoid (being caught) singing the Grand Old Flag in the depths of the night, in order to avoid marital disharmony, but the membership team indicated they would be willing to help. Perhaps I should pop for an infant onesie and beanie. All to keep #2 warm of course!
  2. I've got a bridge in Terabithia to sell anyone who thinks Guy is not still pro development. He will say anything to get in power.
  3. On the first point, on what basis was she complaining? Virtue signalling, dog whistling. Standard politics of course. I wonder if there'd be the same uproar if it was a different club? Am watching this from afar and saw the ABC breakfast show whizz through of the front pages of the majors and saw the Sun front. Very impressive for the club anyway. I suppose it all comes down to being really clear about what is in scope and what it means for public amenity. Good point on Gosch's.
  4. Hopefully DL can post the SEN link (I never seem able to find them)
  5. Exactly. Were it to include a semi public gym, heavily branded as Demons, it might induce non-partisan attendees to consider a membership, or else, there are all sorts of cross promotional opportunities to bundle with membership, and derive revenue. It's a fantastic idea.
  6. What Sue said. [But to touch on the point: input from any sensible person, including a "greenie" (whatever that means), is to be welcomed. In fact, were it not for Greens - Franklin, Tarkine, Piliga, Bentley and on it goes. I think ProDee is confusing greens with NIMBYS which present orders of magnitude a larger problem]
  7. The maxim, at least in terms of efficiency of transport and environmental impact in a city context, is completely correct. But let's not let facts get in the way of ideology, eh?
  8. His timing may be impeccable, as opposed to his dad's (from 1985). In any case, it's better that, than the alternative - Collingwood. That would be unbearable.
  9. The Sydney stadium tear down rebuilds are not an apt comparison those are lib gerrymandering to their scg trust mates and built on shoddy business cases apparently ie tearing down apparently perfectly serviceable stadiums in NSW we view that as extremely injudicious use of $
  10. Please another game at the fortress not the G! Evidence based and data driven grounds based on wins
  11. Yikes! Corporate memory! You remember back that far or was it just an inordinately bad call and will go down in history
  12. I like the inference there - the second part sounds delightful?
  13. Who said super focussed robot footballers winning games are not happy?
  14. Will happily take a Modogon-esque team of epicly performing robots over Blankety Blanks-like funny b$ggers.
  15. I hope Goodwin/FD and players took note As with the QBW weekend, I have a terrible feeling we are going to get smoked on this
  16. Ha, I was about to seek clarification on that, Is Ethan actually saying if Gaff signs with anyone it will be with the Demons or is he taking the p!ss I so confusion
  17. Errrr rule 1 of footy tipping is always back your own club ??
  18. None of those sound like appropriate team building exercises to a football team to me
  19. Someone should bait him into swinging at them
  20. Can I get odds on that because right now I will put money on it if so.
  21. Very sound reasoning. Garlett's last stand?
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