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Everything posted by AzzKikA

  1. @SatyriconhomeGood question Abe.
  2. Bugger, miss the Rodeo too!
  3. Going to be a great day for it Today, 20C, light southerly wind and plenty of sunshine.
  4. Roller Derby on from the 12-13th of November, when are you going? This may help you too. http://www.toowoombashow.com.au/events/
  5. Any idea if they will do a 3k in the first week?
  6. Prosecuting with concrete evidence.
  7. Guess you can call him what you will
  8. Have to be careful where you insert the microchip as many gnaw it out, dogs have been know to do this too.
  9. yeah as I said it looked very pretty, wouldn't mind seeing the difference between the PS3 & Ps4. Just the game lacked depth to me and had no replayability.
  10. That's exactly what I was talking about lol.
  11. http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2016-11-07/simon-good-to-go-for-preseason
  12. A new player profile photo, the old one screams "deer in headlights" Got to be this one:
  13. Insert gif..... I am staying out of this one, way too dangerous.
  14. What do you like? FPS, Open World, Adventure? I tend to go for open world games as they last a lot longer than most FPS games. There is always the classics, GTA V is a great solo game with 1 of the best video game characters around, Trevor. An older one, Fallout 3 was fantastic, but may look a little aged compared to the newer ones. Then there is also the FarCry Series too. For FPS Dead Space is a great thriller along with the BioShocks aswell. Action/Adventure games, you can't go past the Uncharted Series, fantastic stuff, problem is the last one is on PS4 only. Last Of Us was raved about, while it found it very pretty (for the time) to me it was quite dull, and the lack of choice annoyed me, but many thought it was one of the best games ever. If you are a multiplayer person, the CODs (Call of Duty) and Battlefields are the way to go, although as i mentioned earlier in the thread GTA is fun if you know some others who play it. Most of these you should be able to pick up second hand at EB or Jb, much cheaper than buying new, and whatever you do, DO NOT EVER buy games on the PS store unless they are hugely discounted, they rip you off even more than EB does lol. If you have a little spare cash, $70 a year, join Playstation Plus, they give away free games every month and store save game data so if you lose you HDD it is easy to get them back. You also get discounts galore on the PS Store. At the moment they have Dirt 3 for free on the PS3, the PS4 games they are mostly doing this year have been indie stuff, mostly not my cup of tea.
  15. I am eager to hear/read how Milkshake & Hibbo (60's crime show!?) will go coming to a new club with different training practises after a year of sub-standard training.
  16. I created a Hunter, played it for a while then my Cousin came online and said he forgot to tell me what Realm he was in, so I had to start again, this time I picked a Druid, as healers are always needed and he was in the Horde.
  17. Mark Hamill as the Joker was awesomeness.
  18. Yeah I think it is really starting to swing that way now, with netflix and such, people are wanting more than 2 hrs of entertainment from 1 stroy line.
  19. Was the first thing out of your mouth along the lines of "I'm a Dees fan"? Of course he will say he loves everyone, would be foolish to do otherwise. Thank you for sharing your conversation, I liked it but when such words are spoken by players, it feels hollow. Did he say anything about where he would be playing?
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